That hospital food
May I suggest the long pig?
One with a hard on
by Anonymous Poet
Darth is not kitten
by Anonymous Poet
On the other hand (the hairy one we beat off with) my ooops chute shall never be silenced! Oops shouldn't have had Smartfood. At first the farts wouldn't make an exit. After a few days we hit pay dirt.
by #2
Mute Porcine poop chutes
Becept for the crunch of munch
Pig Ass Anus Meat
by Watcher of Pigfuckers
You gents are funny
Mooning you both. Toot Pa Toot!
cuntfart cuntfart cunt
by Starkitten of Pacific Northwest
When you eat cracklins
Your undies get a spacklin
Is it like bacon?
by Need2know
They're the same poet.
VHS, Darth Figpucker,
and Starkitten's balls.
by It's a fact!
Dear Darth Figpucker
When I stand by dishwasher
by Starkitten of Dishwasher. Had a random thought about monkeys being raped. Thought of Peter Gabriel and then came directly to iPad to read your
A fig pucker is
a dimple on a ripe fig.
Right size for my dick.
Worms do not enter
by way of the urethra.
But haiku sure can.
The tricky nose is
in my head via tainted
pork taint consumption.
Shit hole country food.
Shitlin chitlin pork anus.
Safer to fuck pigs.
Cracklin crunchy treats.
Sphincter stinked her movie snacks.
Deep fried fecal chutes.
Pork skin and "innards".
Saturated palm oil.
MSG, of course.
Heart doctors love it.
Keeps them in the green, you know.
And on the golf green.
Humans write haiku.
Chimps have been known to rape frogs.
The chimps are smarter.
Them frogs been croaking
Patient in Isolation
Beat off. sleeping now
by Haiku General Hospital of Wait til he eats his words at mealtime
Increase the dosage
Page Bertha from Obstetrics
Sit her on his face
Hi Mom, just got home
from the Haiku Wars. I made
purse from Darth's nut-sack.
by when you Puck Figs you can get bad case of Tricky-Gnosis
Dr. Starkitten
Wonderful bedside manner
Insert Catheter
by Owwwwwwwwwwewwwweeeeeeeeeeeeee
Resting comfortably
No details other than this:
His dink's in traction
by Haiku General of Corner of Piss and Moan
He's seeing double
Thinks Figpucker's Starkitten
Please.. can you help hm?
by To be continued
Right ths way, doctor
He's slumped over his haiku
Went bat shit crazy
by Unseen Marcus Welby of The Madness of Haiku
Satori ! It's true.
Pigfucker is Starkitten.
by VHS less insane than most of them in here (haiku asylum)
I think someone's been watching too much CNN. (Counterfeit New Network) and FOX (Fake Orgasm Xenophobes). You liberal right wing nazi hippies acid smoking boy rapers all the same.
Impregnate Donald's hair.
Cheetos overrun the earth.
Fistfuck the polar bears.
Reach deep inside.
Pull out a seal carcass.
It's still warm, so fuck it.
Dayglow fluorescent orange semen.
A beacon of hope for kid fuckers.
A warning to hippie junkie crackheads
and dark skinned Losers.
by Pres. Donald Trump, pussy grabber extraordanaire.
You pathetic bitch
Your funt is so clogged with filth
You need a Funt-Shunt
by Your cardiologist is a gynecologist of mediocre haiku!
Your body fluids
Leave a tell-tale crusty stain
On Donald's necktie
by prejaculate of post-immaculate
politico kid fister
raping his nephew's tight ass
'cause wife won't do anal
and his son fight's back.
Right wing Deliverance Nazi drinks his newphew's tears, wrung out from the pillow case.
How's the wall going? Mexico got out the check book yet?
by Bernie Sander's pet bobbit worm.
Bow down and worship
Kneel before your Lord Cheeto.
Plead orange mercy.
by burning holy mountain of cheeto purifying flames
When poets jerk off
And release prejaculate
That is your haiku
by Anonymous Poet
Putin? Is princess.
TRUMP: Czar of all the Russias.
You will please shut up.
by Ivan the Terrible of terrible Haiku
Funtcart funtcart funt
Used that line too many times
Put FUNT back in CART !
by Funt Cart support unit #57D of Old Albanian widow's exposed funt
Putin is the king
Trump is his fat prison bitch
....That is the real news
by Concerned American
Quit yer goose stepping
Clean your liverwurst cum stains
Perhaps a shower?
by Anonymous Poet
Char-B-Q'd Trump Roast
Pigfucked fat orange ass pit
Lord shriveled cheeto
by Anonymous Poet
Barack Clinton Bush
Used to be your prezident.
TRUMP is now your king
by sorry about the will of the American people, thweetie
Twenty four, seven
Sixty nine, poontang, BLOWJOB
cuntfart cuntfart cunt
by G. Whiz
Farth Digpucker's lines:
Gentle breeze caresses grass
Milk-white lambs bleat, shit...
by by by by by of baaa baaaa baaaaaaaaaaaa
Giddy, hovering
Defecating in the mouth
Of your "president"
by Good Citizen
Love you, leftist scum
Love your culture and values
Love you till you die
by loving our enemies we get tired of not hating them
Twenty-four, thirteen
Eleven, seventy-five
Seventeen -- HAIK(U) !
by the 40-yard line of taking the knee for D.J. Trump Mein Fuhrer
Submerged in foul shit,
Dry-heaving graphic sex-terms:
Your brain on Haiku
by lon ba by lon ba by lon of Chaldea
Another quick one
To remind you of the fact
That Trump is your lord
by Anonymous Poet
Tadpoles are silent.
And yet frogs make so much noise.
Humans are the same.
This site averages
seven and a half haiku
per day, that's not bad.
by DARTH FIGPUCKER of I hate statistics.
How futile life is.
It is here an then it's not.
And there's no meaning.
Well, there is one thing.
And that's killing mosquitoes.
Kill every last one.
by DARTH FIGPUCKER of I can feel your anger. It gives you focus!
Portable penis
No baculum..the dink bone
Just David Crosby
by Exception to the rule since he is a walrus
Balls, huge and hairy.
Goats, pigs, bulls, and porpoises.
Why are men's so small?
Mork was amazing.
More convincing than ET.
More cunning linguist.
But did Mork ever watch LOTR trilogy?
What would he have thought of orcs?
Mork was amazing.
More convincing than ET.
Truly alien.
by DARTH FIGPUCKER of Mourning a great comedian.
As if by magic
The haikus flowed sweet and clean
Trickled down your leg
by Joker of Holding pan of warm water . Your hand is soaking
Shazbot mork ork
Midterm erection so yuge
Bad poop bad bad poop
by Anonymous Poet
I look down my nose
At lowly poetasters..BAH
Wait, that's not my nose
by Not my nose of But it's running like a faucet
Waited so long for this
My fifteen minutes of fame
I'm a real POET
One family member
Is not constipated now
Praised be the Lord
by Praised 2 syllables