Throughout this horrible ordeal,
I must say that it's not as bad as
poison ivy on the genitals.
The blistering ooze that
sticks to your undies and
you have to soak it in water
just to get it to let go....
It's like an octopus monster
in Japanese animation.
Swollen face continuous
itching. Imagine Jack the
Pumpkin King from Nightmare
Before Christmas masturbating
for 5 days straight b/c his
dick itches, but it feels like
Edward Scissorhands giving
you a happy ending with
steroidal anti-inflamatory
The question remains
Just who is Darth Figpucker?
And what is that bulge?
by Bad Haiku Enquirer of Behind binoculars
Sweet! I'll be right over.
Ummm, what's your address?
Might have to wait until quarantine is done. :-(
by The Fartist Formerly Known As Figpucker of Or something like that.
Hey Darth Figpucker
An engraved invitation
Party in my pants
by Your secret admirer of Under old willow
So last week I moved out
of the shithole of the universe.
Transfered to the taint.
Still smells like shit.
But closer to what I need.
And there are some pizza
places close by.
Praise be to Jesus!
So how is quarantine in the US?
Jesus... Here is like you can only go out if
21 or older, but no one obeys that.
Can't travel from one town to the next w/o
government approval and medical certificate.
Just to go shopping you have to hang
a laminated pass around your neck.
It's such a fucking scam of shit here.
The rich get richer, the poor fucking starve.
by DW of We need a good world war to set things right.
You mean you don't want to hook up?
All this remote control penis control is soooo 1990s.
Do it manually, like a stick shift.
Keep the transmission lubricated.
And never buy a Ford Fiesta.
Nor marry a Filippina whore.
Gold-digging, cheating, back-stabbing,
baby-killing sluts.
We should have let Japan have it.
by DW
After all these years
Feels like I hardly know ya
Let's keep it like that
by Person of Looking in mirror
When your only friend
Is the poop stain in your pants
You're shit out of luck
by Just a bum of Where the sun don't shine
Just trust my witchcraft
That pimple on your scrotum
Is yesterday's news
My Magickal Herbs
Will heal your tender vittles
But it will cost you
My witch disclaimer
I now control your penis
'Til further notice
by Witch of Witchypoo Park
No! Nobody asked!
Stop, or I'll go on about.....
Rectal hernias
by Dr. Phil
by dw of *I think I got all the pus out, thanks for asking.
Is it wrong to eat dog?
If so, please don't tell me about it.
It just tastes so damn gooood!
In a spicy stew or roasted.
Maybe I'll try deep fried next.
by Darth Whorendous of Going out whoring again as soon as my ingrown hair nut zit shrinks down all the way. I'll keep you posted. I think I got all t
The Mackerel of the Cornflake.
It sounds like a good read.
Lots pictures of naked tarts.
by of
Melted cow poop on
whole wheat toast,
with mushroom/onion
scrambled eggs. My
nut zit is shrinking,
praise be to Jesus.
I can't take much more
of it singing The Ode
to Joy at 3 am.
by I mean, I like Beethoven, but enough is enough. of Real butter for a real breakfast.
Terrance and Phillip
or the lovely Queef Sisters;
which one is your fave?
by Those silly Canadians of With their beady eyes and flappy heads.
When you milked the cows
The buckets filled with ice cream
They shit butter sticks
by Louis Pasteurized of Just up to my chin
The best part of it
When you took me doggie style
Out in the driveway
by Confessions of of a satisfied Postal customer
Paintball! It's paintball.
Evil fascists use paintball.
Blame Trump for paintball.
by Passive-aggressive Soyboy of AK 47
My pussy tastes sweet
Wilfred Brimley ate me out
Got diabetes
by Sugar Pie Honeycunt of Undisclosed
Ordering long handled spoons
Taste buds in my arse
by Headstander of Empty restaurant (more poutine for me)
Cereal can help with that
Tear you a new one
by Ass Tiger of Canada
You ever wonder if Tony
The Tiger is one of those
Cat's are not suppoed
to be able to taste "sweet",
So what's up with that?!
by A non-e-mouse poet
Huffing Glade air freshener,
the emergency room staff
complimented me on how
good I smell. And then my
nut zit exploded again.
by Don't you hate that.
Go shunt a stunt truck
De-funk the cunting runts NOW!
Your stank asses stunk.
by Factory of Olfactory Factors
infected ingrown hair.
just don't ask where.
pus flew through the air.
now it itches.
by Jack Karowacky
I visited
Strangely satisfying to the ear drums.
Next time I will download to play at work.
by Thomas shunts trucks. of That almost sounds nasty.
That female train Rebecca in Thomas the Train is fucking sexy.
I'd pull a train on her.
by Know what I mean?
Those are my footsteps
Actually those are bootprints
I walked on your face
Dear God, get me through this shitty day, and if not, then thanks for nothing (as I expect b/c that's usually the way it is).
by What a half-assed prayer is that? of Ha ha ha.
Almost like cunnilingus
without the fish taste
by James Caan of Under old willow
Biological barricades bounce beautifully but bats bore bumble bees.
French fries booger.
You might think that's an attempt at humor, but such a profound statement has never been made.
Garbage truck backhoe school bus.
Bigfoot, we need you
Bring sense to these troubled time's
Give us beef jerky
by Anonymous Poet
That's when you jumped out
The second story window
Or did I push you?
by Forgetful of Lawn
I'm not a robot
But my penis is moving
Like a jackhammer
by The Unexplained of Hard to say where
Velour penis sheath
Relax and put your feet up
Enjoy the high life
by Dee Luxx of Haiku Central
Experience this:
Life reduced to syllables.
True distillation.
by Distillation of Desolation
You wasted your wish
And it's too late to change it
You wasted your wish
by Grimace of Undisclosed
Received transmission
Standing by the dishwasher
I got the signal
by Starkitten of Law offices of Cuntfart Cuntfart and Cunt
Makes a good doorstop
Neck cradling travel pillow
Pretend pet serpent
by Peniszon Prime of Warehouse
I miss cuntfart.
Let's all send him a psychic message.
Maybe he'll get back on.
Maybe he has tinfoil around his head.
You know, to block us out because he wants some peace and quiet.
We'll have to concentrate really really hard to break through.
Coordinate at 7:42 am EST, Thursday morning.
Send him this message:
Cuntfart cuntfart cunt.
Cuntfart cuntfart cuntfart cunt.
Cuntfart cuntfart cunt.
by The weavil in vhs' breakfast cereal
My enormous penis
does not know how to count syllables.
What a dick!
by But it can use an iphone of and enter things here... and there, if you know what I mean. wink wink nudge nudge
We offer flat rate
We use anal weed whacker
For bush like you got
by That Guy of Kiosk
A good specialty !
How much for a b-hole trim?
Hate dingleberries
by Spazzzzzz
Now specializing
In the trimming/removal
Of your pubic hair
by ch ch ch chia of Kiosk
Down in the bunker
I thought it looked pretty good
This toothbrush moustache
by That Guy of Bunker
social distancing ?
then get the fuck outta here
i'll catch you later
by ash
mostly there's haiku
but far too often there's not
and it's bad, haiku
by ash
You're a parasite.
You will die by your own hate.
Sucking rancid blood.
by Ticks & Leeches
Heil Shitler!
The Turd Reich rises!
(Much like a floater.)