Just saw vhs
Crawl across the trunk of car
In a chic pink dress
by CumbStaines of Cleaners
Zap ruder footage
Hot cream pie trajectory
Pow in the kisser
by Wank Zappage of All over the place
Go ahead, try it
Wank with non dominant hand
See how it cums out
by Rural Guido of Oooorah J Klloofs
Total juzzwuzard
The diarrhea shithouse
Wadsworth Darthfellow
by Rural Guido
My cum ricocheted
Off the wall,through the kitchen,
then into my face
by Reflection of You
Give me a reason
Heavenly Shenanigans
We don
by Poetry byproduct
Old Darth Figpucker
Stars as Ebenezer Scrooge
Ghosts give up, walk off
by Charles Dickens
Look into my eyes
I am seventeen feet tall
With a three inch dink
by Poetry Robot of Junkyard
They say Uranus
Smells like rotten eggs. True facts.
Praise be to Jesus
by Hillbilly Pastor of dirty overalls of Church of Grime
An end to Satan.
The rapture will come one day.
Praise be to Jesus!
Children are blessings.
Each child is our future.
Praise be to Jesus!
by Twinkle Toes Glitter Fairy of Ronald McDonald House
Spring time is joyous!
Grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.
Praise be to Jesus!
by Twinkly Toes Glitter Fairy of The hotdogs are Kosher for my 7th day Adventist friends.
Life's an adventure.
I once rode an elephant.
Praise be to Jesus!
by Noah's Ark of Creation Museum, Cincinatti
Ice cream and puppies.
Disney films are works of art.
Praise be to Jesus.
by Twinkle Toes Glitter Fairy of Oral Roberts' Prayer Tower
Happiness and peace.
May your life be filled with smiles.
Praise be to Jesus!
by Twinkle Toes Glitter Fairy of Couples for Christ Headquarters
My spooge permeates
your pores and orifices,
impregnates your brain.
Now your write of poo.
There is nothing else to do.
Just go with the flow.
Your friends might like it.
But I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll stay gone two weeks.
Bring them on over.
Write enlightening poems.
And be a hippie.
If there is no poo
when I reinspect this site.
I will disappear.
by df
Can't bring friends over...
Darth always pops up, dripping
with body fluids
by Wipe the Darth off me then Dispose of Properly
Coffee kicking in.
Approaching normality.
Dusts off rusty brain.
Time to be a whore.
One plus one is fucking two.
That'll be ten bucks.
by df
On that note,
I once saw a soft comedy porn spoof on Arnold where a guy would steal women's underwear and jack off looking at himself in a mirror. At the end when he blows his load, he had the craziest look on his face and says "I did it!"
I saw that back in high school and my and my friends would often say that... "I did it!" ... Ah, good laughs.
Wish I could have seen Floyd complete before they broke up, but I was a bit young then. Life.
by df
Ah, there's a big cock.
*gets on knees and fondles balls.
Tickles the tonsils.
by Plucks one pube for a souvenir
You insult me, Darth.
I know of your "strange hobby"
because old Floyd rocks.
by Distorted view of See through baby blue
I scanned my asshole.
Printed it on photo stock.
Jacked off onto it.
Folded it neatly.
Mailed it to Donald Trump.
Hope he enjoys it.
by df
Would you like to try?
I've got some cum left for you.
Don't try to resist.
by Deliverance banjo theme plays in background.
There are no other
dicks around here wroth sucking.
*wipes off chin with grin.
by df of Nantucket
Call me Arnold Layne.
You wouldn't understand that.
Not without Google.
by df
He came in his mouth
But that didn't make him gay
Sucking his dick did
by Evidence of Foul play
Verdant spring flowers,
fertilized by Darth's feces.
Smell like rotten cum.
by My name is Darth Figpucker of and I approve this message.
Well, I guess there's farts.
But farts area kind of like poop.
Butt-related stuff.
by Darth Figpucker.
Bleeding brain, mosquitoes,
poop, jacking off, Asian porn,
drugs and blasphemy.
by What else is there?!
Hi, my name is Darth
and I am a Pig Fucker.
Been two weeks without.
by Darth Figpucker of Pig Fuckers Anonymous Meeting, Nashville Chapter
Oh verdant spring life
ye gentle flowers and rills
where's my freaking phone?
by Phoney Baloney of Macaroni
I came in my mouth
But it didn't taste like mine
It tasted like yours
by Archbishop of Canterbury
Wouldn't it be nice
By visiting this website
Be cured of sickness
by Anonymous Poet
Look at me right now.
Right now in my eyes. Good. Breathe...
Listen to my thoughts!
by Your friendly local satanic psychopath with a black hood on
some psychedelic furs right there
if you recognise me, look my way
by vhs
Lets gang up on Darth
boycott poop and jerk-off verse
(but it's all he knows!)
by Anonymous Poet
by John Bender of my dad gave me cigarettes for my birthday
This world is hard-cruel
Don't expect to get a chance.
No disappointment.
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
I will keep my sins.
Thank you very fucking much.
My ticket to hell.
by Darth Figpucker of Goddamn I hate selecting crosswalks.
This website is weird
Kinda like the Breakfast Club
But we re all poets
by Starkitten of Dandruff Snowstorm
O, moist holy slit
Pardon Figpucker his sins
Cleanse him with tuna
by Demon of Steeple
Growing a moustache
Wish it would grow all over
In stripes, like a cat
by Wanda B.
I want / need coffee.
Is it want or is it need?
Only the Holy Cunt of Zargoth know that!
Go ask it!
I looked in your eyes
I saw your disappointment
And then I punched you
by Pow of Kisser
Be more tolerant!
I can't help that my brain has
a menstrual cycle.
Think I should use pads?
Big question, wing or no wings?
Red Bull cunt rocket.
The Minstrel Menstrual Motor Cycle In The Gallery.
He once owned a Harley Davidson, and a Triumph Bonneville.
Counted his friend in, used up tampons.
Prays that he always will.
by Darth Figpucker of Feeling Tully today.
They won t stop talking
I told the psychiatrist
Who won t?
My farts, silly!
by Beanie of Toilet bowl
They won t stop talking
I told the psychiatrist
Who won
by Beanie of Toilet bowl
Atomic Fireballs
Dump the whole box in my mouth
Look at my red tongue
by SK of pNW
"look into my eyes"
That's just so fucking creepy
Worst one on here yet
by Look between my thighs