Manhattan Project.
Edward Teller. Big deal.
Blew up two cities...
by Sale of Two Titties of Nippon
Nagasaki: TWICE !
I missed that one the first time.
Double entendre?
by Fat Man of Enola Gay
Let's get this straight, Darth:
You are Starkitten, Moxie,
AND "Betty LeBomb"?
by Not Janis of Not Toronto
Why Reading PA?
The others I agree with...
But Reading . . . really?
by Reading is Good for Children of William Penn
I never take baths.
And seldom even shower.
The dogs lick me clean.
by Twat waffles anonymous. of Cunt biscuits unanimous..
If you could make 10 nukes go off in cities around the world, which cities would you pick?
by Detroit, Orlando, Mogadishu, Manila, Dallas, Jerusalem, Beijing, Kolkata, Nagasaki, Reading(PA)..
by sarms for bulking of laurice arce
Is this Darth Bathwater?
I noticed your gurgling drain
See my plumber's butt?
by Noticer of Mineral deposits
A helluva bath
You must have looked like a prune
by the end of it
by Bomb of Bath
Horizontal pube
Wavy high-water mark from
last night's bubble bath
by Betty LeBomb
Back again Haiku?
I have been so clean! Or, just
deep into the shakes
by Betty LeBomb
To previous course
we can no longer return--
history bends right
A correction to my previous Haiku:
To previous course
we can no longer return--
history bends left
Haiku # 13622, September 12, 2001 11:34 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
by Betty LeBomb of 20 Years in the Future
I came here back then
Nineteen ninety nine, I think
but didn't write one
by Anonymous Poet
A dumb boomerang
These bad haiku keep hitting
me twenty years in
by Betty LeBomb
Dry-docked champagne cork
The discarded cruise ship from
Last night’s bubble bath
by Betty LeBomb
This time of year sucks
when all your family members
die and leave you here
by stray cat
Профессиональный монтаж напольных покрытий.Обращайтесь всегда рады вам помочь.
Мы делаем следующие работы
Монтаж напольного плинтуса из массива
Монтаж напольного плинтуса МДФ
Монтаж напольного плинтуса дюрополимер
Монтаж напольного плинтуса ПВХ
Монтаж напольного плинтуса ЛДФ
Монтаж потолочного плинтуса.
Монтаж напольного плинтуса из металла и т.д кроме камня.
Покраска плинтуса.
Монтаж напольных покрытий
Монтаж паркетной доски на подложку.
Монтаж ламината.
Монтаж винилового ламината
Монтаж инжинерной доски
Монтаж моссивной доски (с готовым покрытием)
Монтаж фанеры.
Монтаж галтелий и наличников.
По другим работам уточняйте!
гарантия на все виды работ.
by of Russia
Back to Haiku, kids.
"Fuck this ridiculous shit".
There. That's my haiku.
by Grace Hot Pepper Sauce of Very Hot, Jamaica
The Empress Feng Ming
ponders a great mystery:
haiku prophecy.
by But She Still Has 300 Courtiers To Bury Alive of Shang Dyasty TOMB
This is so crazy...
Moxie wrote this hours before
the planes hit towers.
(pasted below, from 2001):
the cloven hoof was
about power, jackboots and
such was Hitler kids...
so the stones came up
the tower built up on blood
and iron and so
the thunder came down
and the swastika fell
the falling tower
Haiku # 13554, September 10, 2001 11:29 am ET
by Moxie
by Time Traveler of Haiku Machine
I have some catnip
that will make it all better
even the poetry
by Sk
What is life about?
Accomplishment? Owning stuff?
And is it worth it?
I don't think it is.
It's dull entertaining God.
So let's never write.
by I think best idea ever!
Wait... you're taking your time and scrolling through old haiku? Why the hell is that? You looking for something? Maybe something your client can use in divorce court? LOL.
Well, the FBI didn't arrest me for trying to buy nukes on here. Though I'm still in the market if anyone has one. Just call or email me. You know how.
Aliens are going psychically manipulate Biden into a stand off against China when he discovers they purposely released corona. Of course China has a billion people to spare. They're happy to kill a few off by releasing viruses. And they haven't released their worst yet. They are weakening us through economic/bio-warfare first. Then they will release the really bad virus. Will Biden stand down. Will he push the big red button? Will he have a secret weapon? Something like... my poetry read to them through loud speakers. That could work.
by Just stinking out loud.
Jeez, did I say that?
Leaning toward asteroid
more and more these days.
Sift through the trash dump
You might find a gold necklace.
Then is it worth it?
by I still want a refund for visiting this site. of Can I have my money back? Janis? Hmmmm?
A major virus
is needed to cleanse the world.
More so in China.
(Darth, like Janis is prophetic.
He scribed this immortal verse in 2016)
Haiku #53311, by df of Chinese hotdogs made from zika babies. Criminal sapitalism hiding under a red flag
by Time Machine of Haiku Traveler
Haiku's from JAPAN?
Oh man did I mess that up . . .
next to the carp pool.
by Your Turn to Drive Kids to School of Car Pool
The Five Spices Mix.
The Four Harmonies resound.
The Empress breaks wind.
by Fart Jokes for Darth of Late Qin Dynasty
Upper right old man
is really Chinese trans-girl
and boy, she need shave!
by Gong Li of Bang a Gong, King Kong.
Gong Hee Fat Choy. Wang.
Tales of the Yellow River
by I.P. Daily
by 5th Grade Jokes of Han Dynasty
You! Ming Feng! Slave girl:
Get back to your work chop-chop.
You no stand around.
by Ming Feng the Duck Farming Maiden of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Old Man would not eat
the rotten verse of Ming Feng
but he eat her dog.
by Dog Was Dead of Thousand Year Dog Egg
Feng Ming lifts her skirt:
Greater Mongolia sighs.
Horseman invade West.
by Sui Tang Liao Song of Chingiz Khan's Mother
Ming Feng killed her dog
because it refused to lick
the white off her face.
by Golden Opera of Guanxi Detention Unit #458
Courtesan Ming Feng
Dug up her rotten Shih Tzu.
The old man ate it.
by Splendid Tales of Shang Dynasty
Old Mandarin man:
Yes, you sir in upper right...
You eat rotten dog.
by Eastern Delicacies of Western Wave
Had Bike-u. Petal.
Tinsmith peddles the metal.
You so black (kettle).
by Pot Calling of Pol Pot's Potty Humor
Waah! Wah! Waah! I'm gay,
And the rest of the damn world
is not gay enough...
by Gay E. Nuff of Gay 90's
Pronoun am racists.
Cisgender are oppression.
Zhey is dysphoric.
by Grammar-based Hate Speech of Abolish Grammar NOW !
Is there a pronoun
for someone who hates pronouns
and what they imply?
by I don't care what you "identify as". of You're a twat waffle.
Golfers whacking it
Look at those balls fly.
by Jon Rahm taking a break to wash his balls. of He's been Rahming hard.
I'll identify
as a self cleaning toaster
oven on steroids.
by As seen on TV. of That's me!
I'll boycott this site.
Your prices keep going up.
It used to be free.
by But look at all it's cost me now!
It is quite simple
I can tell you are confused.
Your pronoun? ....Asshole
by Anonymous Poet
He didn't give birth
Just "feeding the geese" so fast
he spewed out his balls
by Children of the nutsac
Men are giving birth
One fella pushed out breech twins
while watching the game.
by Stretchmarks of a lonesome schlong
I haven't bathed yet
My pronouns are scratch and sniff
and old monkey butt
by Old Monkey Butt
My pronoun are "spit".
Spit am genderqueer ally.
We am psychotic.
by Fran Sanfisco of How DARE You
Sure, I will use them.
Oh, you mean use the pronouns.
I thought the people.
by Anonymous Poet
I don't understand.
Why be what you're not.
by Can I be a race car? of I identify as a Formula 1 race car.
My pronouns for you:
You will use them, please.
by Zhey Am Not Funny of Basic Grammar