Seventy one million votes
For President Trump
Not one city destroyed
What does that tell you
Democrat destroyer dolts?
You won but- you lost.
In less than one year
Joe Bribe'um will give
The rule of America
To Komodo Harris
Then you will holler real loud
Damn! what have I done?!
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
The young Staruck's girl
With a fine outstanding body
and a lovely face
Was glad to see me
Until Gavin Guv. Gruesome
Shut down the seating.
The Bolshevik fop
makes rules for the poor Kulaks
at the French Laundry.
Democrat Bastard
typical hypocrite clown
like all of your clan.
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
Stop the steal? Really?
Bunch of whining deniers
More like stop the squeal
by Anonymous Poet
One haiku, three lies.
Well done fascist footlocker
I hope you catch it.
by Anonymous Poet
Glorified chest cold.
Red Chinee lab-made virus:
Globalist's wet-dream.
by Doctor Fauci of Self-Contradicting Nonsense
We are Covid Kids.
4 million strong, and growing.
That's active cases.
by It's a conspiracy of piracy. of They done stole the vote!
You should not be here.
Please go get your Trump Won sign.
Join the protests now.
by MAGA-natism of Stop the Steal
Control the virus
Who will make all the dildos
if China goes down?
Let's measure it, Darth
Contraption from old shoe store
Feels good and accurate
by Holder of the slidey thing of On bended knees
I find it interesting how some states in the US have a lingering "active covid" cases and others seem to have "instant recovery".
The lack of consistent reporting of cases and inaccuracy of data leads to poor decision making for those in charge of handling the crisis.
My penis is a bit on the small size, but still I'd really like a blowjob after my morning coffee b/c I'm fresh out of guinea pigs to rape.
Will the virus mutate over the winter into a more lasting and dangerous strain? We can only pray that it will. Therefore the US will be vulnerable to military invasion and China will take over, ending the era of the "free world" and we will all be communists.
You can blame Donald Trump, but his penis is smaller than mine and that's why I voted for him. So it's okay.
by Well bugger me in a phone booth, if it isn't Clark Kent! of My kryptonite is cheese.
to be honest i
don't give a shit about that
guy on here's thingy
twitter is worse by a light year
by vhs of used to DW
Fig leaf malfunction
Garden of Eden tent pole
Now here comes the snake
by E. Vaporated of Condensed Canned Bibles
No, I have not pooped.
Next you'll say I'm full of shit.
A double meaning.
Either way, you're right.
My God, you are so clever.
How do you do that?
by dw
An overdue patch
Is better late than never
But oh, so, so late
by Adam
Say, Darth, my good man
It's kind of personal but
Did you poop today?
by #2 Curious of 2-ply world
There are good people
Since God created mankind.
(But not the Marxists)
by Signifying Monkey of HAIKU
I must write something.
I only have a minute.
Oh, shit, now it's gone.
by dw
Fish are assholes too
"I can breathe in the water!"
Arrogant fuckers
by Gamey Warden
There aren't good people.
Since the first ape walked upright.
Since fish first breathed air.
by blahblah
torch that jazz lettuce
then suck like a hoover, but...
don't be a bogart
by ash
set up us the don
all your white house are belong
no chance to survive
by ash of the west (zero) wing
Now someone chimes in
"There's still good people out there."
I could write this script
by Drunk of Barstool
Paying it forward
with random acts of blow jobs
in the Starbucks line
by Caffeinated of Starbucks
Have you lost all faith..
In God and humanity?
You are not alone.
by Darth Whorendous
Sativa fire gold
Watermelon gelato
The devil's lettuce
by High AF of Pacific Northwest
What you smokin', man?
Indica or Sativa.
Sativa's my friend.
by Oregon bound.
Panic Room fogged up
Combinations of your farts
and this big phat spliff
by Allsmoke of High As Fuck
I enslave my sin.
It does not enslave me.
Except on weekends.
by Darth Whorendous
Huh huh, you said "fart".
Fart oo much. I heard it, dude.
Wanna hear me fart?
by Me farts you think too much.
Methinks thou dost talk
far too much.Thou art surely
enslaved to thy sin.
by King James of 1611
I enjoy saying highly inappropriate things to get an angry response.
I enjoy watching enemies suffer and often go to lengths to make sure that it happens.
I fart a lot.
I like an occassional beer or two, mushrooms, marijuana, once in a blue moon, LSD. But I get pissed at drunks and those who take drugs way too much.
Hmmm... Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fart. Is that a mental condition?
Fuck it, time for morning exercise.
by blahblahblah of I sure would like to have a name to attach to my disorder. Misanthropic platypus analizer. Sounds good.
I don't suffer from
insanity due to the
fact I enjoy it.
by dw. Is the fear of having a mental disorder a mental disorder?
It's highly likely
that Darth Whorrendous has a
by Science is Unreal of Fake Therapy
it's highly likely
those alien anal probes
aren't scientific
by ash
viagra shoppers
don't buy those fake boner pills
you know you'll get stiffed
by ash
petulant pissant
the puckering president
doing fishy lips
by ash
Oh, I had a boner
I steered the Uber with it
They call you Smalldink?
by Alien Uber of GPS ( Genitalia Performs Steering)
That's bullshit. The aliens picked me up and never once hit on me.
by Anonymous Poet
Glow in the dark dinks
No more tripping over them
Prevent slips and falls
by Glow in the Dark Dinks, Co. of China
Ride in a spaceship
Tall Grays hustling Uber
They'll try to fuck you
by I. kindalikedit of Out in orbit
Demon rats think they won
But like Fidel fans in Cuba
Soon- find that they lost.
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
The Chicom killer's
Kill million people, world wide
Demonrats- blame Trump
by Wonglofan of Kalifornia
Thanks for the heads up
I just put in a quarter
for a superball
by Dejected of Vending Machines
The Chinese put covid in gumball machine toys. When we're at a low, they will march right in. Take my word for it!
by Anonymous Poet
Sunbathing town slut
On an old 7-Up towel
That's when I mooned her
by Hiding from Mom of Grounded
the thoughtful poet
carefully considers verse
and doesn't post here
by ash
They fatten them up
Seven weeks of speed eating
and off to market
Phallic Greengrocer
He's calling out the Devil
What a fine eggplant
by Fugg Ugly of Pool Hall
Cephalopod's choice
Get fucked by 7 seahorses
or read these poens
by Ann D'Theroff of Trough
How about covid?
They look like suction cup balls.
Twenty five cents each.
Made by communists.
At a cost of 2 cents each.
Bio-econ war.
by Tell me I'm wrong!
Adrenaline form
From chops u dick
Stick mouth in meat stick
Thrash throat trash
by Puss Dick of Andyâ
Pinnacle of modern world.
Human meat in cans.
by Trumps neck looks tasty.