viagra shoppers
don't buy those fake boner pills
you know you'll get stiffed
by ash
petulant pissant
the puckering president
doing fishy lips
by ash
Oh, I had a boner
I steered the Uber with it
They call you Smalldink?
by Alien Uber of GPS ( Genitalia Performs Steering)
That's bullshit. The aliens picked me up and never once hit on me.
by Anonymous Poet
Glow in the dark dinks
No more tripping over them
Prevent slips and falls
by Glow in the Dark Dinks, Co. of China
Ride in a spaceship
Tall Grays hustling Uber
They'll try to fuck you
by I. kindalikedit of Out in orbit
Demon rats think they won
But like Fidel fans in Cuba
Soon- find that they lost.
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
The Chicom killer's
Kill million people, world wide
Demonrats- blame Trump
by Wonglofan of Kalifornia
Thanks for the heads up
I just put in a quarter
for a superball
by Dejected of Vending Machines
The Chinese put covid in gumball machine toys. When we're at a low, they will march right in. Take my word for it!
by Anonymous Poet
Sunbathing town slut
On an old 7-Up towel
That's when I mooned her
by Hiding from Mom of Grounded
the thoughtful poet
carefully considers verse
and doesn't post here
by ash
They fatten them up
Seven weeks of speed eating
and off to market
Phallic Greengrocer
He's calling out the Devil
What a fine eggplant
by Fugg Ugly of Pool Hall
Cephalopod's choice
Get fucked by 7 seahorses
or read these poens
by Ann D'Theroff of Trough
How about covid?
They look like suction cup balls.
Twenty five cents each.
Made by communists.
At a cost of 2 cents each.
Bio-econ war.
by Tell me I'm wrong!
Adrenaline form
From chops u dick
Stick mouth in meat stick
Thrash throat trash
by Puss Dick of Andyâ
Pinnacle of modern world.
Human meat in cans.
by Trumps neck looks tasty.
You get dead silence
Mention cannibalism
It's like no one cares
by Sausage dink of Under old willow
Yeah, go ahead man
Slather it all over you, man.
That would be witchy
by Charles Manson of I could be here..or I could be over there
Spread Gulden's Mustard
on your bologna sandwich
My advice to you
by Cold Cut chillin of Meat Bin
The people eaters
They've got all the heads in jars
up in the cupboard
by Drunk of Barstool
Pussy is stinky.
It's better to fuck lunch meat.
It's in The Bible.
by Mason Jarr Hedd of No pickle relish.
Kindly go on
I heard and saw you lie
You disgust all like rye
Little bumps of shit
by Pimple Dick of Puss Filled Miami
Lunch meat rebelion.
All women will be enslaved.
We fuck bologna.
Women are all whores.
Cunts are for reproduction.
Good for nothing else.
The real question is
Oscar Mayer or Hormel?
Bologna or Ham?
I think I prefer
Oscar Mayer Naturals
Turkey ham slices.
by Mason Jarr of Your Fearless Leader
Is your name Mason?
I saw you on Mike Douglas
Still enjoy your meat?
by Lunchable of Under old willow
Luncheon meat activities.
What's my first name, bitch?!
by Oscar
The Greatest Haiku
Some of them can be found here
and some of them can't
by Noticer of Details of Haiku Central
All I want is for
covid to kill poets and
other enemies.
by I still think we need airborne HIV of Or rogue war robots and smart missiles that are self-aware.
Haiku do not "want".
It is you, my friend, that wants.
Always so greedy.
by If you want something, then riot for it, like the rest of us.
Get back in line Darth.
Your haiku has been measured
And been found wanting.
by Syllabobble Police of Haiku Patrol
hail the golden goose
a stale donald duck l'orange
serve the just deserts
by ash
the greatest critic
i bet trump thinks that blue poles
means democrat votes
by ash of national gallery of australia
Dumb ass repubtards
Eat Russian propaganda
'Cause that's all they got
by You lost....get over it of Do those words sound familiar? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Wong, have you ever eaten cat or dog? Maybe in China you have dogatolin, dog stuffed w/ cat stuffed w/ pangolin. Ancient Chinese medicine.
by Anonymous Poet
That's just Wong
on so many revels.
by Anonymous Poet
Bejing Xiden rules!
Down there in hell- Mao claps hands!
Watching Hunter porn
"Cash my check" ha ha!
"Used to say that bout Chiang Kai Shek"
Now its Joe Bribeum!
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
The day's not over.
Four million active cases.
I bet we'll reach it.
by All part of the plan of communist take over. Just you wait and see!
Pole dancing vocational program.
Certification substitutes high school diploma.
Good day, class. Welcome to Lap Grinding 101.
by Keep your hands to your side.
The Pythagorean theorem sure does get old after a while. We need some new exciting theorem like, "Fucking stupid triangles won't get you laid. Only money does that. Grab them by the pussy."
by White House Education Committee of Show us your Titties Committee.
Imagine if Luke Skywalker
ever mistook his light saber
for his Fleshlight.
by OOPS!
Green anal mucus.
Glowing radioactive.
Recharge your cell phone.
by Can you hear me now?
Only through me can
you acheive a power be-
yond any Jedi!
Lets gang bang this girl.
Never mind that she's purple.
And has fourteen legs.
by SciFi Alien Sex of It's Out of This World!
Ash you need some help.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome
Can be cured (through Trump)
by Ash the Aussie Abo Support Squad
trump's hair has gone white
a merkin supremacist
for a major twat
by ash
Somewhere in the world
Someone is taking a dump
That looks just like tRump
by Cargo pants mafia
Somewhere in the world
someone who looks just like you
is taking a dump
by Someone of Somewhere
happy birthday site
24 years old today
by ash
Fart out your penis!
You say it's impossible,
but I did it once!
by My superpower!
A new drinking game.
When covid numbers go up
you must take a shot.
Check your country's stats
each and every minute.
Worldmeter dot com.
Oh shit. I have to have a shot now.
And if the active cases go down that means you have to rush into the bathroom and vomit.
by Fraternity Paternity Testes Results of Boofing Clorox for Jesus (or Trump -- same same)
No, I was not born.
I was found under a rock.
So my "mom" tells me.
by Darth Whorendous. of Rock-n-Roll!