Cheese Whiz
Artificial cheese
Aerosol delivery
What a strange yellow
by keywe
yes, it's *bad*haiku
not good poetry for anal
retentive assholes
by redbeard
haiku self-sustain
5-7-5: nothing more!
3 verse haiku bad
by Anonymous Poet
I think I will drink
alone this saint paddys day
avoid amatuers
charges, cover bands
in faux irish pubs, too clean.
plastic ferns on walls.
I guess it's a sign
that I am a closet alky
who hates the US.
by redbeard
St. Patty's Day is here!
Soon on the wall of some bar
a big green vomit
by beejybone of Cincinnati
This, High wondering
Thus, my mind is confused
I have to choose
by Garik of Jersey
Ponder: is it bad
to try to write *good* poems
for bad hiaku's lines?
by redbeard
here comes guinnessmas
st. pat, sooty chimney slide
cheers! pog mo thoin!
by mondongo of elsewhere
the tao with a name
is not formless as the tao
is not the true way
by redbeard
genie in bottle
warbles "Rub me the right way"
...drop it on concrete
by The Fourth Way of seattle
chumbawumba?-- I'm
glad hootie and the blowfish
are gone forever
by The Fourth Way of seattle
yes, i get knocked down
oh, then I get up again
glad that band is gone
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
F u n e x? S I f x.
F u n e m? S i f m.
I f m n x? I f m n x.
by one of them
programming is a
bad job to have when violent
have you seen my pill?
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
saunter on up to
the ol Saskatoon saloon.
don't go fer yer gun
by The Fourth Way of seattle
maybe if you didn't
live way out in Saskatoon
someone could help ya
by The Fourth Way of seattle
no sitter can come
saturday is St. Patrick's
no beer for Mama
by cenobyte of saskatoon
having sex is fun
unf unf unf unf unf unf unf
see ya later, honey
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
try hard as i may
i can not make "wazzzah, zzzzaaah"
fill three line haiku
by thegrue of cleveland, oh
you're like those bud guys
watching games, having a bud,
then saying "true....true"
by The Fourth Way of seattle
is it time for beer?
is it time for beer yet, friend?
when will we have beer?
by thegrue of cleveland, oh
pour out a little
buttermilk for my homies
who just got blasted
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Clippity clip clop
Click Click Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang
An Amish driveby
by Miataflier
If you see Brad Pitt
Tell him I want my dog back.
What a thing to steal!
by Soupstain of England
Indeed you are wise,
So why insist on wearing
That awful pink shirt?
by Soupstain of England
My boyfriend cheated
with a skank who gave him x
flower bows to rain
by leechpeach of my house
the way i see it,
once you walk the haiku path,
there is no return.
by thegrue of cleveland, oh
so we meet again...
must just be one of those weird
by The Fourth Way of seattle
I'll sit at my desk,
shirk responsibility,
and wait for my beer.
by thegrue of cleveland, oh
My cousin gave birth
To a giant stick insect.
Boy, is it ugly!
But still she loves it.
The mother-child bond is strong
Twixt woman and bug.
by Soupstain
I look at the clock
The second hand ticks slower
Where, then, is the third?
by Q of Oxford
Wednesday is dull,
I watch the second hand crawl.
Move faster, damnit!
by Anonymous Coward of Hell
us three talked lastnight
as always it was intense
so hard when we cry
by teemac of California
eat fish with salt
harass the spacehopper
who knows it might bite
by DAMAGE of Oxford
I am sniffling
Yet, there are comics to be sold
Imminent herbology
by Flameskull
I wake up frozen.
Someone's stolen my duvet.
Jesus, not again!
by Soupstain of England
Haiku? MR. T don't know no Haiku
MR.T pitties the fool who writes Haiku
Stop all this jibba jabba he says
by Brandon of 5th ring of hell
Oh silly puppy,
Chasing ev'ry passing car...
What if you caught one?
by Earthbound of Hong Kong
i love haiku, but
is this site a message board?
please kaiku only
by Anonymous Poet
I am so ashamed
I should not have named you so
My humblest sorry
by anon of Oxford
who are you, you Q?
and why put my name up too
shouldn't have you know!
by Mr sanjuro of Oxford
Q, with Sanjuro
Is not Sanjuro, no way
it is only me
by Correcting haiku below of Oxford
Work for domino?
I would rather die slowly.
Not for me I fear.
by Q, with Sanjuro of Oxford
oops, i have farted
please do not look so alarmed
i had beans for tea
by Del of oxford
Oh, the trees are gay
trippy trippy la la la
Where's me hat Stanley
by Sgt Bilko
Mr Lipanzerman
a purveyor of fine cheese
and insect trousers
by Sgt Bilko
My oh my, I'm a
tree surgeon from South
Borneo, ooh ooh
by Sgt Bilko
Where is the big brain?
It has nice fashion sense
Ow, the large cat said
by Sgt Bilko
when judo training
you must fall down ten times but
get up eleven
by Mr Sanjuro of Oxford
Coming to LA?
Do swing by Mr T's Bowl
It's in Highland Park
Spent the evening there
Tonight, as my days here wane
It was quite a scene
In search of a vibe
It's the one that I've wanted
Mellow, Fucked Up, Kind.
by Janis