burning, flaming pain
searing fire enters longues
man, that's some harsh shit
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
all so lonely now
drugs distroy my life slowly
or maybe they don't
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
painful shattered heart
hopelessness filling your soul
no more weed for you
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
clutching porceline
pulling close to the white bowl
shit i drank too much
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
jack smiles with deep content
his eyes shine with joy and peace
jack is quite baked
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
jack's life seems pointless
he sinks into depression
jack's dog ate jack's stash
by Joshua Dukes of Oregon
Forget that last one
I don't really give a shit
If you count at all
by Janis
Count on your fingers
An abacus will suffice
Either is easy
by Janis
I used to hate liberals
Parrot talked Limbaugh
Some of the two lane intolerance true
But two sides to every coin
Inflation soars, we're all human
by Moxie of Camden right now, from Union
My friend Jim
Lost his friend in Massachusetts
And moved to Maine to lose himself
To find himself
by Moxie of I could be in Toronto by now...
Sick and tired of vegetarianism
And Rambo is back
Promoting Vitamin C and kelp
by Moxie of Compaq Deskpro keyboard
Republican again and not sure what that means
Still the elephant roars...
Tax cuts and extra peanuts...
The soap opera is over
We trade One Life With Bill
for Wall Street Week and We Are the World
by Moxie of sleeping with seattle
I am moody and insane
avoiding the inevitable
day in and day out
staying in a hard heart
when I could choose to leave
by Moxie of And all that other stuff
This is too easy using the force
Lifting up the cold living hand
Among so many cold people
To bitch and complain about the weather
by Moxie of I would rather be somewhere else...
Born Catholic
Born Again Protestant
Reborn Again Wiccan
Still the same, born just the same
by Moxie of Somewhere in this world...
Maine is a place
with lots of people
who were born using antiques
and will die using antiques
by Moxie of Ok, I'm in Maine!
This is what we do
Worn out and angry at our homes
sit on a machine naked
by Moxie of Yes it is...
then does chocolate
have the RUB for all of us
girls and boys to CUM
by MzConGenitalia
Chocolate simply
Another wank-off movie
Made for the Oscars
by Janis
doctors and gov'mind
agents are overdoses
health always once was
by MzConGenitalia
I in boonies live
acclaimed performances are
far afield of I
by MzConGenitalia
I like my coffee
Just like I love my women
Always black and strong
by Tony's Grandpa
severe swells storms squalls
Bill says goodbye lightning strikes
fearing burning Bush
by mellie
telepathic bond
stretching like elastic band
by mellie
remembering fruit
when it tasted so much better
muscatel grapes plums
by mellie
gushing gusting gales
ripping you out with the whales
and probably sharks
by mellie
Routine surgery?
The King of Kensington is
dead... Long live The King!
by Lt. Samuels
Reading all my private mail
Do you see yourself?
by Liz B of Penal colony
Dude in a Chevy
Flips you the bird. Hey Asshole!
Rednecks on Parade
by Trish Badger of Camden, Maine
Poor little 'puter
The Red Hat Distro had holes
Now I'm infected
by Janis
have more committees meeting
keep asking questions
by mellie
there are no answers
if you consider it all
by ash
bureaucracy rules
reproducing like a plague
we need a vaccine
by ash
on dunny floor piles
wet lavatory paper
watch out ya don't skid
by mellie
A new place to rant
For all those who feel the need
Is Plastic dot com
by Janis
Came to work today
Futile feeling persists
Life-sucking merger
by Janis
Big shark tooth fossil
Now hanging around my neck
Scares people I meet
by FLYGIRL WU of Santa Monica, CA
dreaming about teeth
so weird they all fell out
my eyes were gummy
by sleepy head
She couldn't help it
She sneezed with me in her mouth
My peppery balls
by Tony's Grandpa
Staring at the sky
With Confidence and Reason
I planned my next move
Fertilizer bomb
Did not know shit can explode
Government building
Now I want to die
Militia martyr, that
by Niko Safavi of San Francisco, CA
Las Vegas is a
Town with no clocks, but many
Master magicians.
by Derek Robinson of Berkeley, CA
Big, big company.
The right hand knows not what the
Left hand is doing.
by Derek Robinson of Berkeley, CA
carpul tunnel syndrome - NY
my mouth bows down to
suck cock in the lincoln dark
while carpool to work
by MzConGenitalia
wizard of ox is
wizard o'r fox depends if
your cock or cunt talks
by Wizard O'Fox
Lame Duck Mutha' fuck
Cum Catcher Vomit Wretcher
That's who I worked for
by Tony's Grandpa
Should read ------
Cathy Devi are
you submitting bad haiku
and not telling me?
by mel
Cathy Devi are
submitting bad haiku and
not telling me girl?
by mellie