Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 67 Days and 77467 Haiku later...

She couldn't help it
She sneezed with me in her mouth
My peppery balls
Haiku # 5560, January 16, 2001 6:19 pm ET
by Tony's Grandpa
Staring at the sky
With Confidence and Reason
I planned my next move
Haiku # 5559, January 16, 2001 5:12 pm ET
Fertilizer bomb
Did not know shit can explode
Government building

Now I want to die
Militia martyr, that
Haiku # 5558, January 16, 2001 4:12 pm ET
by Niko Safavi of San Francisco, CA
Las Vegas is a
Town with no clocks, but many
Master magicians.
Haiku # 5557, January 16, 2001 9:17 am ET
by Derek Robinson of Berkeley, CA
Big, big company.
The right hand knows not what the
Left hand is doing.
Haiku # 5556, January 16, 2001 9:16 am ET
by Derek Robinson of Berkeley, CA
carpul tunnel syndrome - NY

my mouth bows down to
suck cock in the lincoln dark
while carpool to work
Haiku # 5555, January 16, 2001 8:53 am ET
by MzConGenitalia
wizard of ox is
wizard o'r fox depends if
your cock or cunt talks
Haiku # 5554, January 16, 2001 8:49 am ET
by Wizard O'Fox
Lame Duck Mutha' fuck
Cum Catcher Vomit Wretcher
That's who I worked for
Haiku # 5553, January 16, 2001 1:34 am ET
by Tony's Grandpa
Should read ------

Cathy Devi are
you submitting bad haiku
and not telling me?
Haiku # 5552, January 16, 2001 12:16 am ET
by mel
Cathy Devi are
submitting bad haiku and
not telling me girl?
Haiku # 5551, January 16, 2001 12:13 am ET
by mellie
Mudjimba freaks out
Ashtons Circus elephants
swim in Maroochy
Haiku # 5550, January 15, 2001 2:42 pm ET
by Black Swan
upwardly mobile
economy class syndrome
back here with the clots
Haiku # 5549, January 15, 2001 5:53 am ET
by ash
miserable heat
thermometer ascending
sweat rolls down like tears
Haiku # 5548, January 15, 2001 5:48 am ET
by ash
melancholy babe
muddy water still runs deep
woody guthrie wails
Haiku # 5547, January 15, 2001 3:26 am ET
by melic
I agree to a degree
wish I had one but
Haiku # 5546, January 15, 2001 3:20 am ET
by Dunce of '66
Fingers gripping Prince
wish I could serve like Lindsay
straight down the middle
Haiku # 5545, January 15, 2001 3:18 am ET
by Ball Girl
Embolisims bloody clots
lets swell legal plates
Haiku # 5544, January 14, 2001 11:26 pm ET
by plasmin
Visualize this.......
A harmonica fading
While the blues return
Haiku # 5543, January 14, 2001 6:50 pm ET
Knee deep in pudding
Lost I look around the room
What the fuck is wrong!
Haiku # 5542, January 14, 2001 6:44 pm ET
A night in Vegas
Won cash at blackjack table
Sold soul to devil
Haiku # 5541, January 13, 2001 9:08 pm ET
by Janis
Hugh of brightest hue
Sharp tones in limbo
Haiku # 5540, January 13, 2001 4:29 pm ET
by Brian Hawthorne of Valdosta GA
shaggydog and bitch
on heat cavort carelessly
carillon chiming
Haiku # 5539, January 12, 2001 3:24 pm ET
by french poodle
hemroid is (waiting)
for insults; only He sucks
His ass all the day!
Haiku # 5538, January 12, 2001 12:36 pm ET
by boo of yer-up-yers
Colonial game
Grafted into foreign lands
Seeming baseballesque
Haiku # 5537, January 12, 2001 9:10 am ET
by Janis
tasting salt muscles
tentacles octopuses
to shuck an oyster
Haiku # 5536, January 12, 2001 8:37 am ET
by sea urchin
Hey-Soos in chat room
cyber. Lick father, Lick son;
like I always say/
Haiku # 5535, January 12, 2001 8:18 am ET
by MzConGenitalia of Yeb
Moonlit shining sea
Mudjimba still and silent
Maroochy flows on
Haiku # 5534, January 12, 2001 3:43 am ET
by Black Swan
hidden octopus
a sea hare mows the rockpool
midsummer king tide
Haiku # 5533, January 12, 2001 2:17 am ET
by ash
Kiss my ass this time
Or kiss it Later (I'll wait)
Both ways you suck ass.
Haiku # 5532, January 12, 2001 12:14 am ET
by Hugh Hawthorne
can't throw a leggie
good pitch bowled maiden over
and then a full toss
Haiku # 5531, January 11, 2001 11:08 pm ET
by score at the Gabba
Zimbabwe v Oz
Blewitt shoots one to turd man
He is now on tree
Haiku # 5530, January 11, 2001 10:57 pm ET
by another cricket up-date
doofa doofa doof
a hotted-up wait at lights
fuzzy dice swaying
Haiku # 5529, January 11, 2001 10:54 pm ET
by Purple Torana
Haiku # 5528, January 11, 2001 10:50 pm ET
by cricket bats
low life in the 'burbs
slomo driveby thump bass boom
crap rap music sucks
Haiku # 5527, January 11, 2001 9:28 am ET
by mondongo of slip F-18, Bahia Mar
"pigdog?" calls puppy
sick? someone smells "fishy" when
cunt in U endo?
Haiku # 5526, January 11, 2001 8:11 am ET
by fromAshCat of toBelleCunt
She awaits calmly
Those eyes, half open, roll back
As I enter her
Haiku # 5525, January 11, 2001 2:03 am ET
Translators Apply.
cunt on the wrong end of some
cats' inuendo
Haiku # 5524, January 11, 2001 12:43 am ET
by another fishy tale??
Some coffee in the morning
Also some at night
Haiku # 5523, January 11, 2001 12:33 am ET
by Janis
Sick puppy chasing
pussys; will he ever see
his very own tail?
Haiku # 5522, January 11, 2001 12:33 am ET
by pigdog of Nelson, BC,CA
I'm certain I'm not
sending bad haiku
Haiku # 5521, January 11, 2001 12:16 am ET
by batty
rorts and elections
politicians are rooted
baby boomers laugh
Haiku # 5520, January 11, 2001 12:13 am ET
by I do like to be beside the seaside
rorts and elections
politicians are rooted
Haiku # 5519, January 11, 2001 12:13 am ET
by I do like to be beside the seaside
scooters skate boards falls
kids on bikes and boogie boards
blue bottles stinging
Haiku # 5518, January 11, 2001 12:11 am ET
by long hot summer
ripper rips king tides
humidity sugar cane
cricket bats tennis
Haiku # 5517, January 11, 2001 12:08 am ET
by still summer
cicadas mangoes
sunscreen flyscreens mossies
passionfruit ginger
Haiku # 5516, January 11, 2001 12:07 am ET
by summer
forgive my mistake
ok, so it's spelt "tartare"
poor taste anyhow
Haiku # 5515, January 10, 2001 6:03 pm ET
by ash
my next invention
a new spermicidal cream
tatare sauce flavoured
Haiku # 5514, January 10, 2001 6:00 pm ET
by ash
too many sex fiends
a poem about my cat
Haiku # 5513, January 10, 2001 5:56 pm ET
by ash
vibrating beaver
eager pussy dampened
sweet music played out
Haiku # 5512, January 10, 2001 3:57 pm ET
by shackled
Eating little dots
The yellow circle rushes
Around preset maze
Haiku # 5511, January 10, 2001 1:12 pm ET
by Janis
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