Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

oh but don't get the
idea i'm like
bitter or nothing
Haiku # 3931, August 16, 2000 11:28 am ET
by sheena
a half-assed excuse
to sell hallmark and roses
fuck that, little cupid-butt
Haiku # 3930, August 16, 2000 11:27 am ET
by sheena
love is like santa
really big, really cheesy
really stupid lie
Haiku # 3929, August 16, 2000 11:25 am ET
by sheena
internet dating
sucks like an electrolux
so does other kind
Haiku # 3928, August 16, 2000 11:22 am ET
by sheena
ah well screw him then
or not, he can sink back to
the black depths he's from
Haiku # 3927, August 16, 2000 11:21 am ET
by sheena
i think i cracked his
fragile male ego -maybe
that's why no email
Haiku # 3926, August 16, 2000 11:20 am ET
by sheena
bored out of my skull
will something interesting
ever happen, huh?
Haiku # 3925, August 16, 2000 11:18 am ET
by sheena
okay that was dumb
this is BAD haiku, ya know
so sue me, it sucked
Haiku # 3924, August 16, 2000 11:17 am ET
by sheena
life is like a bowl
not cherries, not chocolate
toilet's accurate
Haiku # 3923, August 16, 2000 11:16 am ET
by sheena
fuck you washcloth douche
go watch some south park, okay?
irrigate your mind
Haiku # 3922, August 16, 2000 11:13 am ET
by sheena
the damnable creep Spencer.
Whining intern nerd...
Haiku # 3921, August 16, 2000 11:10 am ET
by Andy
of pounding Mojo Jojo,
a big-brained monkey
Haiku # 3920, August 16, 2000 11:02 am ET
by Andy of USA
R M S you got
the idea your second
try-five the last line
Haiku # 3919, August 16, 2000 10:32 am ET
by Andy of USA
I want to escape
Depart from the cloned workdays
Need more vacation!
Haiku # 3918, August 16, 2000 10:24 am ET
by RMS
no second chances
pay attention, learn quickly
adapt, overcome
Haiku # 3917, August 16, 2000 9:21 am ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, USA
Haiku is Poo Poo
If its bad, its sad for you
Have a nice day anyway
Haiku # 3916, August 16, 2000 8:40 am ET
by RMS
monkey junkie, don't
stick a needle in your lip
kisses won't be felt
Haiku # 3915, August 16, 2000 6:08 am ET
by Andy
damn, haiku is dumb.
why do you suppose that is?
like duh! stupid arse!
Haiku # 3914, August 16, 2000 1:40 am ET
by dadick of Spore, spore
lots of personality
face like a flounder

Haiku # 3913, August 15, 2000 6:12 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, USA
why complete silence?
Chealea is gone away now
awful solitude
Haiku # 3912, August 15, 2000 5:18 pm ET
by Andy
it's been on awhile
but still, South Park makes me laugh
genius, pure genius
Haiku # 3911, August 15, 2000 4:27 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, USA
Watch a Pay-Per-View?
Only if it's wrestling
Damned hillbilly town
Haiku # 3910, August 15, 2000 2:25 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
there is little to
be said in five seven five
so why even try
Haiku # 3909, August 15, 2000 1:31 pm ET
by Andy of Ft. Wayne, USA
my mistaken shot
somewhat ruined my humour
is that addressing down ?
Haiku # 3908, August 15, 2000 6:34 am ET
by ash
one minute you're there
intermittent power source
then suddenly you're
Haiku # 3907, August 15, 2000 6:27 am ET
by (cr)ash
contented myself
with what office has to lend -
ancient computer
Haiku # 3906, August 14, 2000 11:23 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
second prepaid card
couldn't damn connect at all
i've been fucked...fucked bad
Haiku # 3905, August 14, 2000 11:19 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
"Server's still down, sir"
Sheepishly he feigns a smile:
Eat my kung fu chops
Haiku # 3904, August 14, 2000 11:14 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Increased inflation?
Practically spend your soul
Die Ambercrombie
Haiku # 3903, August 14, 2000 9:23 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town , USA
Nothing is worse
Than A handicapped Haiku
With the first line short
Haiku # 3902, August 14, 2000 8:04 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
tagger vandal paints
expressing his inner rage
writes "have a nice day"
Haiku # 3901, August 14, 2000 5:45 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I write bad haiku
but I am not the master
Sheena's is much worse
Haiku # 3900, August 14, 2000 5:22 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, USA
and we wear the cloth
it's all we can keep
against the winter
Haiku # 3899, August 14, 2000 2:23 pm ET
by sheena
warps and slubs wove in
heartache like knots in the thread
bad mistakes and all
Haiku # 3898, August 14, 2000 2:20 pm ET
by sheena
sorrow can't be fixed
like a dropped stitch reknitted
life just continues
Haiku # 3897, August 14, 2000 2:18 pm ET
by sheena
wishing for things that
won't be in the time we have
on this cold planet
Haiku # 3896, August 14, 2000 2:16 pm ET
by sheena
for the aching nights
we spent in tears or silence
wishing words unsaid
Haiku # 3895, August 14, 2000 2:15 pm ET
by sheena
for the knowledge we'll
never really allow each
other to ease grief
Haiku # 3894, August 14, 2000 2:13 pm ET
by sheena
i weep for us both
for the friendship we almost
found despite it all
Haiku # 3893, August 14, 2000 2:12 pm ET
by sheena
she won't hear relief
tension is her poisoned drug
i weep for her heart
Haiku # 3892, August 14, 2000 2:11 pm ET
by sheena
she'll never hear what
she thinks she shouldn't want to
she won't hear kindness
Haiku # 3891, August 14, 2000 2:09 pm ET
by sheena
but working from hate
and the gall of her mother
she'll never hear peace
Haiku # 3890, August 14, 2000 2:08 pm ET
by sheena
if she could only
speak to her holy ideal
he'd tell her it's fine
Haiku # 3889, August 14, 2000 2:07 pm ET
by sheena
if she could only
open the eyes of her mind
and remember love
Haiku # 3888, August 14, 2000 2:05 pm ET
by sheena
aren't really what
she believes to be the truth
if she could see it
Haiku # 3887, August 14, 2000 2:04 pm ET
by sheena
tendencies of her
angry childhood days
Haiku # 3886, August 14, 2000 2:03 pm ET
by sheena
tight clothes and red nails
don't equal sluthood
i'm not what she thinks
Haiku # 3885, August 14, 2000 2:01 pm ET
by sheena
my love is sacred
despite my laughter, despite
my mischievous mind
Haiku # 3884, August 14, 2000 2:00 pm ET
by sheena
One years worth of dirt
Caked on the body with love
One damn dirty car
Haiku # 3883, July 28, 2000 11:20 am ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Winner is not me
Always apologizing
Smiles equal NO!
Haiku # 3882, July 28, 2000 7:29 am ET
by Winner is not me
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