Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 58 Days and 77450 Haiku later...


Tabloid paper pic
Miss U.K. shows her boobies
She claims she was duped
Haiku # 2715, December 5, 1999 12:36 am ET
by eroc

Retired Kenyan man
Living it up on pension
Hooker steals his cash
Haiku # 2714, December 5, 1999 12:27 am ET
by eroc
Darting passed skyline
U.F.O''s over Shanghai
Flaming orange tail
Haiku # 2713, December 5, 1999 12:11 am ET
by eroc
Pass this on, 10 friends
You too, will be annoying
As a hair-on-tongue
Haiku # 2712, December 4, 1999 9:48 pm ET
by Lynn Umbarger of Troy, Bigfruitastan
sometimes i wonder
sometimes i am wonderful
sometimes i am not
Haiku # 2711, December 4, 1999 5:23 pm ET
by ash
The sound of one hand
clapping/or is it the su-
shi bar''s aroma?
Haiku # 2710, December 4, 1999 7:03 am ET
by Basho-matic
This thing is fucked up,
Or do I have double sight?
I say to myself......
Haiku # 2709, December 4, 1999 3:19 am ET
My nuts are right here
Waiting for you to lick them!
You stupid bastard!!!
Haiku # 2708, December 4, 1999 3:18 am ET
by Tony's Grandpa
My nuts are right here
Waiting for you to lick them!
You stupid bastard!!!
Haiku # 2707, December 4, 1999 3:16 am ET
by Tony's Grandpa
From a mountain top
Or on the shores of the sea
I''m thinking of you
Haiku # 2706, December 4, 1999 3:15 am ET
From a mountain top
Or on the shores of the sea
I''m thinking of you
Haiku # 2705, December 4, 1999 3:13 am ET
Luftwaffe angels
Transmit tofu gesundtight
Haiku # 2704, December 3, 1999 6:16 pm ET
by Fezziwig the Downtrodden
No rice allowed here.
The bells in her pelvis clang,
Who stole the duct tape?
Haiku # 2703, December 3, 1999 3:25 pm ET
by Basho-matic
Be my Buttmunch, man
and I will be your fairy
for I have no life
Haiku # 2702, December 3, 1999 8:44 am ET
by Ren of Quakertown, usa
Be my Buttmunch, man
and I will be your fairy
forever lifeless
Haiku # 2701, December 3, 1999 8:43 am ET
by Ren of Quakertown, usa
IRC adict
Dont know why i still come here
I should really leave
Haiku # 2700, December 3, 1999 5:14 am ET
by Damien of Honolulu,
Eternal truth,nay
why not settle for something
less obnoxious: suds.
Haiku # 2699, December 2, 1999 8:13 pm ET
by Basho-matic
The first line has five
The second line has seven
The last line has five
Haiku # 2698, December 2, 1999 2:08 pm ET
by Admiral Quality of Toronto, Canada
It`s five, seven, five,
Not seven, ten and fourteen.
Do you know nothing?
Haiku # 2697, December 2, 1999 8:23 am ET
by Scrunty Hardbody
leafblower backstrapped yardmen
roam the grounds rounding up brown-orange-red
earthworm stampede
Haiku # 2696, December 2, 1999 7:07 am ET
by mondongo of Houston
Men in high stockings
Roaming the streets in dresses.
Life in Klingerville
Haiku # 2695, December 2, 1999 2:23 am ET
Slippery frogs are
so damn hard to shish-kebob.
I punctured her nuts.
Haiku # 2694, December 1, 1999 1:36 pm ET
by Basho-matic
Dog squatting
Results come quickly
Steamy brown
Haiku # 2693, December 1, 1999 8:41 am ET
by Paul Corazza of Austin,
a deer lies beside the road discarded
victim of a cell phone yakker
Haiku # 2692, December 1, 1999 7:10 am ET
by mondongo of Houston
Forces of evil
Here I sit broken hearted
Pickles really kick ass
Haiku # 2691, November 30, 1999 10:16 pm ET
by Payne of Edmonton, Canada
DVD movies,
Famous flics on pricey disks,
They make great coasters.
Haiku # 2690, November 30, 1999 2:42 pm ET
by Mortis, R. Igor of Coughnia
My Pez dispensers,
Kermit, Batman, Chewbacca,
Vomit red candy.
Haiku # 2689, November 30, 1999 2:41 pm ET
by Mortis, R. Igor of Coughnia
My anaconda,
Lovable pet that gives higs,
But he ate my cat.
Haiku # 2688, November 30, 1999 2:40 pm ET
by Mortis, R. Igor of Coughnia
I love Halloween.
Doorbells ringing, trick or treat,
Flaming bag of dung.
Haiku # 2687, November 30, 1999 2:38 pm ET
by Mortis, R. Igor of Coughnia
Novus Ciclorum
Where the Gaurdians rule all
And nature rules them
Haiku # 2686, November 30, 1999 2:26 pm ET
by dira'i of d'ani, Novus Ciclorum
Gaurdian Leo
This beast is strong as an ox
Protects against bad
Haiku # 2685, November 30, 1999 2:17 pm ET
by Jennifer Eldridge of D'ani, Novus Ciclorum
global corporate stress relief run
to restroom repeatedly flush toilet closeyed
soulsoothing jungle waterfall ahhhhhhh
Haiku # 2684, November 30, 1999 12:28 pm ET
by mondongo of Houston
woman at express checkout with too many items
so selfimportant won''t she be surprised
when uncaring death takes her as it does us, ultimately
Haiku # 2683, November 30, 1999 6:41 am ET
by mondongo of Houston
Say goodbye to your freedoms
This will change your lives
Haiku # 2682, November 30, 1999 3:25 am ET
My buddy Jack-O
Stepped over the edge and looked
He''s now a half-tard
Haiku # 2681, November 30, 1999 3:20 am ET
Life on AOL
is sooooo bad that I''m thinking
I must kill myself!!!
Haiku # 2680, November 30, 1999 3:14 am ET
A creative lull
Passes over like a storm
Diluting our lives
Haiku # 2679, November 30, 1999 3:13 am ET
morning fogmass laying low
a moist dullwhite pancake floating above the ground
photon cushion
Haiku # 2678, November 29, 1999 7:26 am ET
by mondongo of Houston
My toaster has died
Just when I craved crispy bread
Feel the tragedy
Haiku # 2677, November 29, 1999 2:22 am ET
Someday I will try
I will be the President
I will get shot down
Haiku # 2676, November 28, 1999 11:04 pm ET
by Scott of Alton,
Universal Soldiers
Who pump aimlessly at night
Heaven sealed its'' door
Haiku # 2675, November 28, 1999 11:00 pm ET
by Scott of Alton,
remember, poop chutes
are the universal hole
watch out pets, Run RUNNNN.
Haiku # 2674, November 28, 1999 10:54 pm ET
by Scott of Alton,
As time rolls On, I
Realize Just What You Mean
To Me... a paycheck
Haiku # 2673, November 28, 1999 10:51 pm ET
by Scott of Alton,
Unc'' "We wrote the book
on procrastination but
Haven''t published yet"
Haiku # 2672, November 28, 1999 10:42 pm ET
by Scott of Alton,
a small mystery
why do they call it pussy
when it smells like fish?
Haiku # 2671, November 28, 1999 6:10 pm ET
by ash
Fireman hate drunks!
They crash the hook and ladder
and tap hose to keg!
Haiku # 2670, November 28, 1999 4:54 pm ET
by Kackarott
Engine still at home
No money motherfucker
Wont move til fifty!
Haiku # 2669, November 28, 1999 4:49 pm ET
by Kackarott
Michael McKiernan
Cat piss smelling interview
No fat firemen!
Haiku # 2668, November 28, 1999 4:37 pm ET
by Kackarott
the shit you''re making
equals the crap you''re faking
roger that houston!
Haiku # 2667, November 28, 1999 7:58 am ET
by Lifer of San Quentin,
dry turkeys kick ass
destroy your favorite groups
Haiku # 2666, November 27, 1999 3:14 pm ET
by oldnasty
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