Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

masterful grinding
skilled gentle firm controlling
for perfect finish
Haiku # 15163, October 2, 2001 3:54 am ET
by mellie
SkiLLEd hAnDs GeNtlY mOvEs
feEliNg fOr iMpeRfeCtiOnS
tHe CarPeNtEr SmiLeS...
Haiku # 15162, October 1, 2001 9:31 pm ET
by goku
whatEVER you say
whatEVER you don't say, hey!
what the fuck up, NYugk?
Haiku # 15161, October 1, 2001 4:44 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
no niceguys die
on donkey dick glanz
in Afghanistan
Haiku # 15160, October 1, 2001 4:42 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
So I walk up on
high and I step to the edge -
It's the world I know

And I laugh at my-
self to see my world below -
As the tears roll down
Haiku # 15159, October 1, 2001 4:29 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Me laddy the cat,
get off your lazy ass, fatty!
The plank is ready.
Haiku # 15158, October 1, 2001 1:45 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
boys and their jewels
such precious sweet nutty things
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 15157, October 1, 2001 1:06 pm ET
by mellie
Left or right testicle?
Haiku # 15156, October 1, 2001 12:06 pm ET
by Dr. Evil
we understand that the war is bad
now how about writing something
that doesn't relate to sucking donkey balls
in afghanistan?
Haiku # 15155, October 1, 2001 12:03 pm ET
by Mr. Niceguy
OK, anonymous poet, shut the fuck up,
unconceding, shut the fuck up,
taliban mentioners, shut the fuck up,
arrested etc., shut the fuck up,
Haiku # 15154, October 1, 2001 12:03 pm ET
by Mr. Niceguy
in media the
rich say, world community
loves what they claim to

Vietnamese now
so like americans... PLEASE!
they're not the fighters

world community
admired, when kicking butt
our asses were trashed.
Haiku # 15153, October 1, 2001 11:38 am ET
by unconceding
Mind in Terror

people do these things
because they feel desperate-

pestilents are that the most-
twat no more, the less!
Haiku # 15152, October 1, 2001 11:27 am ET
by arrested infants
Forever I am
before my life, born for you
and always will be

(please come home indy)
Haiku # 15151, October 1, 2001 11:25 am ET
by jewel1foreveryoungerthough
of election should have led
to prosecution

chandra levy is
tip of another ice berg,
make people forget.
Haiku # 15150, October 1, 2001 11:25 am ET
by arrested investigators
sources say, "not taliban
nor twat admit shit.
Haiku # 15149, October 1, 2001 11:22 am ET
by arrested invaders
the devil's towers
down now {weakened} only his
white pit city's left

though the statue of
liberty wasn't bombed, those
that use that excuse

to erode freedom
more, are only doing what
they have always done.
Haiku # 15148, October 1, 2001 11:21 am ET
by Mr. Taliban of taliban bananas
shut up lips, they rub
together, something you would
(or wouldn't) mute-state.
Haiku # 15147, October 1, 2001 11:17 am ET
by boo
Haiku # 15146, October 1, 2001 10:26 am ET
by indiana
so you're telling me
that cannibals don't like black meat?
of the aquatic brazillian centipede?
Haiku # 15145, October 1, 2001 10:03 am ET
by Mox
might I suggest this
never would I hurt you babe
discs spinning music
Haiku # 15144, October 1, 2001 9:53 am ET
by mellie
white man
Haiku # 15143, October 1, 2001 9:52 am ET
by indiana
an argument goes
nowhere, the more it's fed then
the more cannibals eat
Haiku # 15142, October 1, 2001 9:39 am ET
by Mox

hey, they've got camels and goats
in afghanpakistan, too dont they
Haiku # 15141, October 1, 2001 9:15 am ET
by ronin

....the dunes darkness falls
lighting the bright stars above
........afghans on horses
Haiku # 15140, October 1, 2001 9:12 am ET
by ronin
but as the night falls
astrologers take a peep
at bright, sparkling stars
Haiku # 15139, October 1, 2001 8:40 am ET
by indiana
greetings from the Gaza Strip:

amidst the sand dunes
it is I who shall quench you
with living waters

(.....Ill be home soon!)
Haiku # 15138, October 1, 2001 8:27 am ET
by indiana
the heat in the air
reaching to my chest, really
quite hard to explain
Haiku # 15137, October 1, 2001 8:17 am ET
by indiana

.......what Kabul, who he
i thought you wanted the one
.......bleating in baaaland
Haiku # 15136, October 1, 2001 7:54 am ET
by ronin ya doin mel
of course, this here is merely
Haiku # 15135, October 1, 2001 7:49 am ET
by ronin

.......hi jewel my dear
you're young and beautiful
...take your time and see
Haiku # 15134, October 1, 2001 7:47 am ET
by ronin
Calgary within
waits for some of the desert's heat
for the warmth so loved

(hey goku, my friend!)
Haiku # 15133, October 1, 2001 7:39 am ET
by jewel1
A white dove flying
against the strong summer wind
its soft feathers fell
Haiku # 15132, October 1, 2001 7:35 am ET
by jewel1
seeing none but me
love much too deep to
notice rubbing legs

when he returns from
Kabul, it shall be our youth
celebrating life
Haiku # 15131, October 1, 2001 7:32 am ET
by jewel1
hey hey my my my
more to this than meets the eye
rottin' darn tootin'
Haiku # 15130, October 1, 2001 7:17 am ET
by mellie,not forever young is the time, "the
winter of our discontent"
..when raging loins stir
Haiku # 15129, October 1, 2001 7:06 am ET
by ronin much would it take
for us to get their sweet time
.....and curvacious waists

Haiku # 15128, October 1, 2001 7:02 am ET
by ronin

...checking out chicas their hip 70's suits
more like bathing suits
Haiku # 15127, October 1, 2001 6:58 am ET
by ronin does friday sound
after office hours of course
..let's drink and be drunk

...(how about you, indy?)
Haiku # 15126, October 1, 2001 6:55 am ET
by ronin
AhHhHh...My FriEnD RoNin...
a TrUe SaMuRai iNdEed
aNytiMe, My friEnD...

Haiku # 15125, October 1, 2001 6:51 am ET
by goku

......and how much indeed
perhaps you'd care to treat us a drinking spree
Haiku # 15124, October 1, 2001 6:45 am ET
by ronin
aNd hOw mUcH diD i MaKe tOdAy...
Haiku # 15123, October 1, 2001 6:36 am ET
by goku
aS i ClOSe My DaY....
HoW mAnY liVeS hAvE i ToUcHeD..
hOw MaNy i'Ve HeLpEd...
Haiku # 15122, October 1, 2001 6:33 am ET
by goku
Regis calls from box
while 7,000 are dead
new york millionaire!
Haiku # 15121, October 1, 2001 6:25 am ET
by mika of san diego
orion rising
the winter constellation
now dominates us
Haiku # 15120, October 1, 2001 6:18 am ET
by ap spelling! spelling!
oron rising
the winter constellation
now dominates us
Haiku # 15119, October 1, 2001 6:17 am ET
by ap
give us bin laden
you show us the evidence
and so it goes on

infinite greyscale
black and white simplicity
complex reality
Haiku # 15118, October 1, 2001 6:04 am ET
by ash
softly sighing dusk
restless rubbing legs chirp chirp
what a balmy night
Haiku # 15117, October 1, 2001 4:41 am ET
by mellie
wit's end is here
shut the fuck up ya mad lot
you've sucked this one dry
Haiku # 15116, October 1, 2001 4:30 am ET
by mellie
sons, the way you speak
gives you away. weep no more
and live till wit
Haiku # 15115, October 1, 2001 3:20 am ET
by Isaac
No YOU shut the fuck up
Haiku # 15114, October 1, 2001 2:21 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
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