Due promises are
here. It's not an option, pay up.
You never did it.
by pls pay ur child support of filing the divorces
Fun fact: A senryu
is basically haiku,
with human foibles.
by Nico, apparently of you've been writing senryus
Ugly crying with
lies filling air polluted.
We can't escape war.
by Nico, apparently of idk what to write
The alarm clock rang.
If I did not have to pee,
I would stay in bed.
by Julian H of Lanestris
CEO de-lifed.
So: either he deserved it,
Or else he did not.
by God of Judgement
health insurance woes
delay, deny and defend
not enough cover
by ash
Bad Haiku: why is
(necessary)? Why must I?
I can't haiku, help.
by Nico, apparently
Technocrat: bow down !
God is greater than A.I.
And grants you your life.
by Noticer of Technocracy
You're right, we can feed
'em to the zoo. After
all, Chris Brown is here.
by Nico, apparently
too rich to digest
even with lashings of bile
and pepto-bismol©
by ash of not even just desserts
Eat the rich, eat 'em.
Waltz in circles as the night
dies away from here.
by Nico, apparently of oh it snowed a bit
Hot take: Christmas is
overrated. Way too cold,
but still no snow, why?
by Nico, apparently
Satan is coming.
Decorate his shopping malls.
Satan is coming !
by Prince of the Power of AirBnB
When Black Friday comes,
I'll go down to Boswell Wood--
Whoops. Now it's Sunday!
by Fagin Becker of All Mixed Up
when black friday comes
collect ev'rything i'm owed
then buy the cheap shit
by ash of dan right
Bots don't eat turkey.
Bots can't even TALK turkey,
let alone gobble...
by Buy Nothing for Day of Babylonian Bullshit
Imagine Ctrl
+Cing it. Just imagine
being a bot, Ha!
by Anonymous Poet
you'd better look out
he puts the white in christmas
santa is coming
by ash of janky ho ho ho
For the lower one,
I Ctrl+C'd it so it's
uneven. I'm sad.
by Nico, apparently but sad now
I’m Batman, why? For
Gotham, for justice. Batman Needs his supplies, cuz.
by Nico, apparently
Apollo-gy uhh
accepted. Does anyone
read Percy Jackson?
by Nico, apparently of Stop smoking
Nico, I'm sorry.
I thought that you were a bot.
May God forgive me.
by Nicotine, apparently of Smoke
by Claudedab of Bulgaria
Hating turkey is
easy. Getting lung cancer
is much easier
by Nico, apparently
Stuffing the turkey
Spent. Smoking a cigarette.
Now, time for round 2
by Darth Birdfucker of Philippines
Hey you: write haiku!
I no pay you stand around...
Haiku is money.
by Chong Yee Kow Fat of Hell Money
Cristo es Señor.
Él es el rey de reyes
Y rey de haiku.
by Juaniquito Perez of Japón Virtual
It' s not just counting?
There's sintax and nuances?
Oh no, I'm so cooked.
by Nico, apparently
All sin must be taxed,
Since it's so very taxing.
Big money-maker!
by Taxman of Sinful Synthesis
it's not just counting
you must consider syntax
and grok the nuance
by ash of old school superior wetware
I can't count, I'll say.
I confess, I forgot in
1st grade. Help me please.
by Nico, apparently
Nico cannot count.
Apparently it's a bot.
And a bad counter.
by Nitpicker of Counter-culture
ever since trump won
haiku went from bad to worse
a conspiracy?
by ash of o tempora! o mores!
My 2nd line had 8 syllables.
by Nico, apparently
Ashes to ashes
The world will end soon.
Ashes to ashes
No one is immune.
by ʻO ka ʻānela hāʻule (Hawaiian) of Turkmenistan (The Door To Hell)
Oh, wait I have just
realized. Lies, I'm so human.
beep borp zirrring bop.
by Nico, apparently
Frog hits the lily,
it sinks down. I'll wonder what
had happened to it.
by Nico, apparently
You, apparently,
Are a stupid bot at best.
Get off my screen NOW.
by Prince Nico Mbarga of Nigeria
Applesauce is so yummy.
by uhm idk of W sigma mewwing rizzy rizler not from ohio
Go ahead and breathe.
Saint George Floyd approves of you.
Then you can inhale.
by Cop with a Knee on Your Neck
I can't breathe, I can't
being here is so exhausting.
Goodbye, goodbye guys.
by Nico apparently
Freelance copy work
Time consuming media
Its just like my dream
by joy
In the waiting room:
One more haiku masterpiece.
World, take note! (Genius)
by Lillypad Poet of the Floating World
Did you know this site
is blocked in Japan, because
The haiku's TOO GOOD!
by Emperor Hirohito of Babylon, Long Island
Return of Figgy.
Roquefort cheese with balut egg.
Tom Bosley's grandma...
by Happy Daze of Pilipinas Inc.
Consider pretzels
covered in emu droppings
for the holidays
by Figgy of Pudding
I don't care for games,
Not sportsball nor video.
Go sell somewhere else.
by Howard Cosell of Co-sales
Stop making video
game advertisement, it is
annoying, bye bye!
by El gusto's
Some AI can cre-
ate bad haiku poetry.
It's BAD bad haiku
by TyroneSaz of UpperVolta
Sun and daisys with
butter mellow, turn this stu
-pid fat rat yellow
by ron weasley of idk hogwarts