Sun and daisys with
butter mellow, turn this stu
-pid fat rat yellow
by ron weasley of idk hogwarts
Perhaps we are wrong.
The Nakhba never happened.
Maybe it's a lie.
by David Ben Gurion of T. Herzl
That's typical shit
From an atheist dreamer.
You'll find out later.
by Anonymous Poet
The thought that we may
not even exist and are
a dream is likely.
by Zatanna of Zatara
Impeach him again.
There must be SOMETHING he's done...
Grab him by the puss
by Y qué of Ypres
The Harris people:
Sniffling in their rainbow flags.
Not sorry for them.
by Anonymous Poet of Choice is "Yes"
behold king donald
ranga emperor of earth
more fucked than ever
by ash of bite my democracy sausage
Pokemon is cool
"Zip Zap Zop killed eighty wild
Maril", Poor Maril.
by Pokemon™ of Roppongi Hills Mori Tower in Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo
This site is fifty
percent politics and the
rest are random. Food
by Serendipity of NYC
Dominican bro,
Reading Sun Tzu's Art of War...
Hope he's on OUR side.
by Make up a name of your choice
Ignorance is bliss
There's almost no in between
Knowledge is power
by Serendipity of NYC
Astroturfed revolt:
They're betting on police state;
Excuse for crackdown.
by Whoever Gets "Elected" of course, we MUST keep arming I$r@eL
this is how it starts
behold a falling empire
catch it if you can
by ash of talkin' about a revolution
perplexing questions
why does a rat when it spins
if you don't give one ?
by ash of heretic heritage
Feel the wart on your
bottom again. Tonight I'm
giving her a name.
by Julian H of Lanestris
Have you ever wondered if intentionally creating a poorly written haiku could actually be a form of artistic expression or rebellion against traditional poetry standards? What impact could purposely breaking the rules of haiku form have on the perception of poetry as a whole?",
by Kacperka of Polska
Legions of damned souls
Go ye forth: wander the night.
Eat loads of candy.
by Lucifer's Witchy Grandma of Samhain
Shamanda bingo-boingo
Ko ko ko baba
by Polyglot Pastor of Pentecostal PhD
Heart, to hobbyists,
for local pickup only,
tolerable scars.
by Julian H of Lanestris
Bad Haiku is life,
And true life is bad haiku.
Write haiku and LIVE.
by Read Me Later, like at Quarter of Seven
Find my syllable.
Go on-- find my syllable.
I will bless your soul.
by Imprecatory Psalms of David
If Trump wins again,
He will lose again (vote count).
Expect big psy-ops.
by Larry Fink of Studying Torah 24/7
Trump is a not-see.
Diversity is weakness.
Go ahead: eat me.
by Blackrock Agenda of Endless WAR
Haiku is so hard.
The last line is important,
Like: Grandma has a
by Cock of the Rock
Haikus are easy
Sometimes they don't make sense.
by Rick Stronglove of Milky Way
Five days and nothing.
No one writes any haiku.
What the h3// is that?
by Haiku Monitor of Data-driven Haiku
White fragility:
Oh my gosh I'm so fragile...
I'm guilty. GUILTY.
by Robin Diangelo of NYT Toilet Paper
Ashes to ashes.
Doctor Strangelove on the beach:
by Cold War of Hot Hot Hot
It's remote control:
Government of my "country"...
Who could it be now?
by Haiku Union of Men at Work
based on testaments
when it comes to killing jews
he started the trend
by ash of bound for isaac, via divine decree
Let us praise the Lord
For His great gift of sunshine
And for World War Three
by Haiku of Sovereign Omnipotence
I'm so moved by this:
The cat, the window, the pee...
It moved me to tears.
by Weepy Will of Haikulandia
god hates ev'ryone
he regrets killing jesus
but it's too late now
by ash of theological psychotherapy clinic
The cat sits outside
the toilet window. To pee,
I close the curtain.
by Julian H of Lanestris
Submissive haiku
Masochistic verses cry
Strike me painful words
by Vhs
Halloween is near.
Haiku as hard as you can.
Turn back the darkness!
by New Mix of Vintage Obscura is out
haiku: antisemitic.
by Ham Japeth of Genesis
Netanyahoo? Hmmm.
Depends who "those people" are...
We'll just have to guess.
by Samson Option of Delilah's Scissors
go netanyahu
kill all those problem people
the fine solution
by ash of arbeit macht frei
I cant syllable.
Leave out too much damn letter.
I have grandma's cock.
by Phuq My Keyboard of Keebord
Lock down my haiku!
Wear your mak. Alone.
by Scan QR code
Courtesy of the
Prince of the Power of Air:
Tricky hurricanes!
by HAARP of Lucifer
Fake nation (with flag!)
Good at bombing civilians
Using your taxes....
by General Shlomo of Incoming
I've never been so
Shaken in my life ever
After all I've been through
by Vhs
Not much matters like
It did when the world seemed sure
Then the storms crashed down
by Vhs
I hardly post much
Cause I'd moved on to fan fiction
And that x space
by Vhs
I like now because
All the respectable is
Upended as crap
by Vhs
I was bs and
Moxie...far more immature
Far more too cereal
by Vhs
it's not for everybody
but it sure is rife
by ash of outta sight insight
Hey you: sullen youth--
Too cool to serve the public?
(Too cool for a job!)
by Bad Customer Service of Would-be Thug Rap Star