Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 98 Days and 77547 Haiku later...

can't get a hard-on?
don't bother with viagra
try pangolin balls
Haiku # 67095, March 19, 2020 9:13 pm ET
by scotch of hating humanity...
chinese wet markets:
capitalism's big fail.
government must act
Haiku # 67094, March 19, 2020 7:55 pm ET
by scotch of ok, so it's not all "wet markets", but free the pangolin (
"Repubs hate Science":
That's a stupid thing to say.
It's just meaningless.
Haiku # 67093, March 19, 2020 3:46 pm ET
by 0bservableTestableRepeatableFalsifiable
Let's pray it away
Works like a sanitizer
For your sick old soul
Haiku # 67092, March 19, 2020 1:42 pm ET
by Jesus is lard
Eagle Claw Village?
The village idiot speaks
And makes little sense.

Repubs hate science
Disbanding Pandemic group
Wss done by Trupm too

Get your facts straight first
Before acting like a fool
I will pray for you
Haiku # 67091, March 19, 2020 1:39 pm ET
by Jesus is lard
Godless progressives
All murmuring nervously . . .
Virus got them SHOOK!
Haiku # 67090, March 19, 2020 8:37 am ET
by Foibles of Atheists
The Democrats want
Our borders open
All disease welcome.

Such stupidity
a type never seen before
in all history
Haiku # 67089, March 19, 2020 3:44 am ET
by Yue Fei of Eagle Claw Village
Hard to believe it
a Chicom disease- terror
tormenting the world.

Best the west wakes up
Communist rule is deadly
To every nation
Haiku # 67088, March 19, 2020 3:39 am ET
by Yue Fei of Eagle Claw Village
Dainty, wrinkled frame
Wrapped in onyx robes with a
Wonderful jabot.
Haiku # 67087, March 19, 2020 12:54 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
df suckles on
pence's teat, cooing softly:
don't believe science... now
Haiku # 67086, March 18, 2020 11:29 pm ET
by available as oil painting
There is no virus.
But there is an asteroid.
Either way we're fucked.
Haiku # 67085, March 18, 2020 5:06 am ET
by of of of
The coercive state
has Trump Derangement Syndrome
at global level.
Haiku # 67084, March 17, 2020 11:08 am ET
by Believe Only Half of It
"Never let crises
Go to waste" - especially
Manufactured ones
Haiku # 67083, March 17, 2020 1:12 am ET
by Looking At You, Government
All of this set up,
Global virus and meltdown,
To discredit Trump?
Haiku # 67082, March 15, 2020 9:37 pm ET
by Sense of Reality
see the panic rise
heart of darkness is coming
apocalypse soon
Haiku # 67081, March 15, 2020 8:15 am ET
by ash
Now, haiku is life...
And life is a filthy joke.
Where does that leave us?
Haiku # 67080, March 15, 2020 3:25 am ET
by Hu Wan of Wuhan
Origin China
Mao Xi could have contained it
But instead lied.

Good Chinese people
Know the real truth about it
And try to fight back
Haiku # 67079, March 15, 2020 3:21 am ET
by Yue Fei of Eagle Claw Village
The Wuhan Virus
Was covered up by Mao Xi
Hunts down truth tellers

Murder and torture
Concentration camps- terror.
For seventy years
Haiku # 67078, March 15, 2020 3:09 am ET
by Yue Fei of Eagle claw Village
The men in their masks
scrub, mop, wipe and disinfect.
When they're done, I spit.
Haiku # 67077, March 15, 2020 3:00 am ET
by of of of
10,000 neutron bombs
dropped on the the major population centers and the world would be a better place and the future would be brighter.
Haiku # 67076, March 15, 2020 2:59 am ET
by Donald Trumps arm pit lump.
My step mother used to make the best fucking lasagna in the universe and I don't care if this is a haiku or not so suck my tiny little stinky balls until they smell like your mouth wash.
Haiku # 67075, March 15, 2020 2:56 am ET
by of of of
You cannot stop it.
Now go fuck some whores.
Haiku # 67074, March 15, 2020 2:54 am ET
by Viruses are awesome! of But not lethal enough. We need a nuclear war.
I want the virus.
Lick escalator hand rails.
Thrown out of the mall.

But do not worry.
When I catch it, I will share.
Sharing is caring.
Haiku # 67073, March 15, 2020 2:51 am ET
by of of of of of
A celebration;
The plague's acceleration:
Our coronation!
Haiku # 67072, March 13, 2020 9:33 am ET
by Crown us with Many Crowns
Get ready for it
The Corona Holiday
Three weeks of paid leave
Haiku # 67071, March 13, 2020 7:20 am ET
by Jesus is lard
Gray green aliens
spread their legs for your dollars.
Some mighty strange strange.

Sex with aliens.
There's no chance of STDs.
Haiku # 67070, March 12, 2020 11:11 pm ET
by Warp 6, Mr. Sulu!
It is better to
doodle your noodle than to
diddle your poodle.
Haiku # 67069, March 12, 2020 11:06 pm ET
by You know you miss me!
not a lumberjack
i really don't sleep all night
does this look like work?
Haiku # 67068, March 12, 2020 12:20 pm ET
by scotch of full disclosure in untied states of insomnia
i'm a lumberjack
and I'm OK, sleep all night
and i work all day

I sleep all night and I work all day
Haiku # 67067, March 12, 2020 11:45 am ET
by scotch of everyone sing
I am a man's man.
I go four-wheelin' and shoot.
Now, where's my handbag?
Haiku # 67066, March 12, 2020 8:17 am ET
by Big )l' Redneck in High Heels
God does not love you.
That's because you're a poet.
Now go be a man!
Haiku # 67065, March 12, 2020 1:58 am ET
by Miyamoto Musashi and his 8 mistresses.
Joseph ate pussy.
Jesus loved some vagina.
They think it's holy.
Haiku # 67064, March 12, 2020 1:55 am ET
by Wholly holy holes. of Holly folly trolly. Ding ding sings the bell.
Scissor-tail fly catcher.
Duck-billed platypus.

Proof that God exists.
If you say no, then fuck you...
and your pachyderm.
Haiku # 67063, March 12, 2020 1:51 am ET
by of of of
Kim Kardashian's
enormous rancid cooter
for next president.
Haiku # 67062, March 12, 2020 1:32 am ET
by KK's Kunt 2020
Corona event:
Solar ejection from crown
The seventh seal loosed
Haiku # 67061, March 11, 2020 9:49 pm ET
by Jest a Lil' Old Studint of Eschatology
the GOP are
*disaster* capitalists
dems are regular
Haiku # 67060, March 11, 2020 1:59 pm ET
by scotch of untied states of taking off ideological blinders
dems are no commies
they are backed by billionaires
bernie's centrist-left
Haiku # 67059, March 11, 2020 1:51 pm ET
by scotch of bring back FDR
if he's put back in
i'll suffer with the planet
and write bad haiku
Haiku # 67058, March 11, 2020 1:22 pm ET
by scotch of you don't know me
real hate crimes go up
wherever trump holds rallies
and bernie scares you?
Haiku # 67057, March 11, 2020 1:19 pm ET
by scotch of untied states of projection

When Bernies threaten
To burn cities down and kill
Is that common talk?

Americans are now wise
To leftist do as I say
Jive turkey talk

Four more years baby
You will cry hellish loud
And get violent.
Haiku # 67056, March 11, 2020 12:57 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
it's a common phrase
"bring a gun to a knife fight"
trump said "take her out"
Haiku # 67055, March 11, 2020 12:46 pm ET
by scotch of untied states of people playing dumb, or actually being dumb, while fascism takes hold
Communist are worse
Than National Socialists
Then killed millions more
Haiku # 67054, March 11, 2020 12:43 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
When Obama said
Bring a gun to a knife fight
Did you cry?

Good for goose gander.
The Democrat jive turkeys
Need to use a mirror
Haiku # 67053, March 11, 2020 12:35 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
Get rid of Chicom's!
Disengage from biz with them!
Dangerous not to!
Haiku # 67052, March 11, 2020 12:32 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
when giuliani
said trump could shoot james comey
did you give one shit?
Haiku # 67051, March 11, 2020 12:31 pm ET
by scotch of untied states of hypocrisy
when the donald said
maybe gun nuts could stop Hil
were you outraged? no
Haiku # 67050, March 11, 2020 12:29 pm ET
by scotch of untied states of hypocrisy
The Wuhan Virus
Communist party fook up!
How you like Mao now?
Haiku # 67049, March 11, 2020 12:17 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
Chucky Shumer-dolt
Threats to the supreme's yak yak!
Chucky got red flagged

Take Chucky's guns
He don't have none? wat the hell?
His goon squad does though

Typical jive @$$
Communist Democrat dolt
Use a mirror fool
Haiku # 67048, March 11, 2020 12:14 pm ET
by Wong Lofan of Kalifornia
rubber hits the road
rubber leaf blight hits rubber
and then we are done
Haiku # 67047, March 10, 2020 12:38 pm ET
by scotch of forget coronavirus
Triangle I am
But four sided is my mind
Shapely eccentric
Haiku # 67046, March 10, 2020 8:40 am ET
by Pythagoras-on-Acidas of Lesbian Island
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