Feminazi testicular eradication.
Nitrate microbrewery.
Bertha's and Sadie's universal conquest.
Three vaginas for every tongue.
One per middle index and large toe.
That's 7 vaginas per dyke if I did my math correctly.
Only 50 men kept alive at one time in various secret locations throughout the world.
Milked like cattle.
Population normal.
War, pollution, hunger, and disease, all things of ancient history.
This we need.
by VHS's great great grandma traveling through time. of Goddamn captcha's out of focus. Where are my bifocals?!
there may come a time
when i realize all of this
needs to go and i'll
get the sense to get
off my ass and really do
something with my life
by vhs
I grow weary of
so called "worldly" things so I'll
do what i see fit
for my own path and
my own purposes and so
hurricanes bear down
by vhs
I want to kill every mosquito on earth by torture.
Psychological torture.
Spray them with Off so that other mosquitoes won't go near them.
Make them commit suicide out of depression.
by Anonymous Poet
You may open a
bookstore if it has a large
porno selection.
by Anonymous Poet
the world is full of
ideas, it is also full
of events and acts
by vhs
what if i open
a bookstore??? what if i do that
huh??? what if that happens?
I want to do that
by vhs
two old friends debate
with each other their differences
of opinion but
they're both pissed when they
are given the tab, Stefan
Molyneaux, Freedom EH radio
well he IS Canadian
by vhs
did i say that my
dear philosopher extraordinaire?
I am not "liberal"
i am "full of shit"
since i am full of shit I
will be great for a
career in Fox "News"
oh shit i told the truth
by vhs the dishmeister
What if
This is why we can't have nice things
by Anonymous Poodle
What if those who ask
"what if" instantly got a
large dong shoved down their...
by Anonymous Poet
What if Abe Lincoln's
wife owned a large battery
powered pink dildo.
by Anonymous Poet
What if Abe Lincoln
Had nuclear bombs back in
by dvd
You're conservative in some of
The ways I'm liberal
And I'm conservative in some of
The ways you're liberal
Yep I said it
Vhs is a liberal
(About some things)
Ready your pitchforks and torches
by dvd
i had a convo
with a smart man about the
difference between
radicals and those
extremist types, i say i
shall own the things so
i can pass those things
on to others if the need comes
food, water, clothing
the hoarding is a problem, this is why the honorable Salvation Army and the mildly dubious Goodwill exist
by vhs
Destroy all you own.
That is what we need to do.
Learn to live without.
by Anonymous Poet
Is it possible
to buy pure cholesterol
to smoke in a pipe.
Or does smoking it
destroy the clogging effect?
Then I don't want it.
by Anonymous Poet
The longer you live
The more of them pass along
by Concerned American
Well it's over now, I'll
drink my big black cow, and
get out of here... rest
in peace Walter Becker
by vhs of Steely Dan i shall always know you were Yokohama Three
oh no steely dan
looks like there's no new pleasure
i love you long time
by ash
some people don't get
the art thing, some folks don't get
the economics
thing, i sort of get
the art thing but am trying
to understand the
economics thing
by vhs
why is it some days
when it rains it's just the right
thing to happen and
gives a sense of just
nature doing what it has
to do to get by...?
by vhs
Boulder Dash on
the other hand was a game
I believe by Broederbund
about a puzzle game of getting
diamonds whilst avoiding getting
killed by boulders
by vhs
Dirty shame and the
Jokes keep Cumming butt you know
Balls were dashed, hoe hoe
by Vhs
alex jones is um
hiring...people to report
the weird combo of
truth and conspiracy theory?
by vhs
this is one of those
days where i'm depressed and i'm
glad to be reminded
what it feels like to
hate myself today
by vhs
the only mood I'm
in is a malted vanilla
milkshake i had
by vhs
Watergate had
Pizzagate should've had
by dvd
Rum rum rum rum rum.
Rum rum rum rum rum rum rum.
Rum rum rum rum rum.
by Darth Figpucker
Eighty megaton
high grade flatulence warhead;
Eggs, garlic, and beans.
Long bank teller lines.
Shopping mall elevators.
Romantic movies.
by Darth Figpucker of Craving Armageddon
Went to uranus
to mine for uranium;
found what I needed.
by Darth Figpucker of weapons of ass destruction
keep it going just
keep the ball a rolling just
keep the world turning
by vhs
Travel to Totality
Pawleys Island beach
Hot searing sun gets blocked by
The cool August moon
A sliver of sun
My recalled eclipse glasses
Have done me just fine
Whoohoo I can see!
360 degree sunset
A sight to behold.
by Janis of Toronto
For the hipster dictator
Only 100% organic Uranium
Will suffice
by Anonymous Paranoiac
Hiding in public.
I want to rip off my face.
And be the real me.
Drive-by poo flinging.
Graffiti the old churches.
Streaking in the malls.
I cannot be me.
Married with 3 little brats.
I wear a false face.
Head down, defeated,
plodding onward like a mule,
follow the carrot.
by df
on one hand i have
five fingers and on the other
hand i've five too
finger death punch
by Anonymous Poet
well you know i would
have a serious case of
indigestion if
i gulped down one of
those everlasting gob
stopper candies there
remember those?
by vhs
I know what you mean.
I got a nasty surprise.
While on the toilet.
And you surprise me
with eight syllables, not seven.
Shit, I did it too!
The long bathroom line
stretched near to eternity.
Grumbling tummies wait.
When I had finished
my bowels and the hallway were
by Anonymous Poet
some things turn out so
unexpected and unwelcome
we still have to sit
by vhs
i am sitting in
a chair thinking what my last time
sitting will be like
by vhs
Birds chirp, trash rots, lawns
Sale, convenience stores, roads crew
Signs turn..Stop...slow
Roads will Crack again
Walls will mart, amazons..dot con
And tourists tour eto
by Vhs
I put my sword back
As I'm told samurai are
Marvelous creatures but
More ornery than
Raccoons,badgers, coyotes but
Bugs bunny? Nahh...what's
Up musashi?..
by Vhs
when a samurai
draws his sword he can only
put it away once
he has used it in
by vhs
the game was the fun
what to do alone in the past
creative process
by vhs
born once in this life
perhaps would we come back if
we knew of returns
by vhs
the town crier might
say 4 a clock and all is
well, it is quiet
like that here right now
by vhs
i hope the symptoms
of the universe is just
a metal album
not the sign of the times
by vhs
i'm tired of the
polarized times but i know
they will play out like
they need to burn out
before anything gets done
it is like the sort
of psychic and damn
social hurricane of the
Crisis Period
by vhs
i want to write some
thing but i don't know what there's
a get together
and there's this damn storm
down texas way useless prayer
or it seems useless
people i care for
in the middle of this crap
and family here
by vhs
Doritoes and Pez.
Powdered blue Pez for snorting.
Urinate smurf blood.
by df