Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 63 Days and 77460 Haiku later...

broken links
cyber coral
fishy fishy fishy
Haiku # 4244, September 10, 2000 2:17 pm ET
by Homage to Kiwi
is personal
to a person
Haiku # 4243, September 10, 2000 2:08 pm ET
by Homage
THE Ort cloud
THE ort cloud
mind dead as spam
Haiku # 4242, September 10, 2000 2:04 pm ET
by Homage
your great art
would be greatly appreciated
here and now
Haiku # 4241, September 10, 2000 1:59 pm ET
by Homage to Wonder worm
Robotic telescopes
in Tuscon
surveying to Ort cloud
Haiku # 4240, September 10, 2000 1:55 pm ET
by Homage
excluding limits
a clang association
is still poetry
Haiku # 4239, September 10, 2000 5:08 am ET
by ash
an art called sex
wich i perform with great skill
Haiku # 4238, September 9, 2000 9:38 pm ET
by wonder worm
shade lends a greying
cover to small rodents poised
on a sack of rice
Haiku # 4237, September 9, 2000 7:39 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
a great humping thug
my white dog wraps paws around
anything he can
Haiku # 4236, September 9, 2000 7:30 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
a crow feather floats
down into an apple tree
tears splash on my feet
Haiku # 4235, September 9, 2000 7:26 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
my feet carry me
familiar with each rock on
this well travelled path
Haiku # 4234, September 9, 2000 7:20 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
treasonous reason
reasonable treason
mere words suck ass hair
Haiku # 4233, September 9, 2000 2:12 pm ET
by Homage to Guy of Canada
in the days of old
when nights were bold and condoms
were not yet invented

they tied a sock
around their cocks and fucked
until contented
Haiku # 4232, September 9, 2000 11:57 am ET
by wonder worm
Beware, you have to
spent one turn for a bidding
command. You can bid

5 Carpets of Fly-
ing using 1 turn. But, you should spent 2 turns for

bidding for a Car-
pet of Flying and an Oil
Flask. learn grammar, man!
Haiku # 4231, September 9, 2000 7:38 am ET
by Guy Montag
about that sex
thing... does anyone know if
girls play starcraft?
Haiku # 4230, September 9, 2000 6:33 am ET
by Guy Montag
gold from a test tube
alchemy's secrets revealed
olympic magic
Haiku # 4229, September 9, 2000 6:03 am ET
by ash
The site has been moved
To a good old new machine
I hope it all works
Haiku # 4228, September 8, 2000 7:21 pm ET
by Janis of Century City
a very large sheep
gave christopher columbus
syphillis.he died.
Haiku # 4227, September 8, 2000 10:43 am ET
by wonder worm
thirty hours two days
my hands are misshapen claws
man i hate software
Haiku # 4226, September 8, 2000 7:40 am ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
midwife to the build
this product is a breech birth
up to my elbows
Haiku # 4225, September 8, 2000 7:35 am ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
*abuses server*
Haiku # 4224, September 8, 2000 3:52 am ET
by Guy Montag
uncrushable life
filled with references to such
bad things as ass hair
Haiku # 4223, September 8, 2000 3:51 am ET
by Guy Montag
uncrushable life
filled with references to such
bad things as ass hair
Haiku # 4222, September 8, 2000 3:51 am ET
by Guy Montag
bah... its 5:30
i should nap restfully now
but i cant sleep... bah
Haiku # 4221, September 8, 2000 3:49 am ET
by Guy Montag
doing the head bob
fighting sleep amongst strangers
amusing them all
Haiku # 4220, September 7, 2000 5:02 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
hungry stomach noise
interupting the meeting
shuffle my papers
Haiku # 4219, September 7, 2000 4:57 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
kyle broflovski
stan marsh, kenny mccormick
and eric cartman
Haiku # 4218, September 7, 2000 4:37 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
inclement weather...
haah...i am in no mood for
Haiku # 4217, September 7, 2000 5:18 am ET
by ronin@wherever
just go suck ass hair
that's all you're ever good at
may look like one, too
Haiku # 4216, September 7, 2000 5:02 am ET
by ronin@wherever
you'll never have sex
except all by yourself, fool
coz you are: Bob Hope
Haiku # 4215, September 7, 2000 4:59 am ET
by ronin@wherever
you will never eat
a single morsel no more
you have no plastic
Haiku # 4214, September 7, 2000 4:56 am ET
by ronin@wherever
it's quite difficult
to browse thru some old haikus
and margin's too plain
Haiku # 4213, September 7, 2000 4:52 am ET
by ronin@wherever
like i said, what gives
this used to be just like home
now its like....plastic
Haiku # 4212, September 7, 2000 4:46 am ET
by ronin@wherever
what the shit happened
close my eyes for a moment
and the moment's gone
Haiku # 4211, September 7, 2000 4:43 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
wait thats not hunger
thats just the feeling i get
called........ oh yeah, horny
Haiku # 4210, September 7, 2000 4:39 am ET
by Guy Montag
hunger getting to
me. hallucinations start
to appear again
Haiku # 4209, September 7, 2000 4:38 am ET
by Guy Montag
janis, on two sides
of a coin. one good, one bad.
that book sucked ass hair
Haiku # 4208, September 7, 2000 4:34 am ET
by Guy Montag
just remember, no
matter what you do, where you
go, no matter who

you are, somebody
will always be there to rape
you. or so i hope
Haiku # 4207, September 7, 2000 4:33 am ET
by Guy Montag
goodbye for now i
go to shower or maybe
to shave my ass hair.
Haiku # 4206, September 7, 2000 4:05 am ET
by Guy Montag
sigh... problem again
typical teenage struggle
should i ask her out?
Haiku # 4205, September 7, 2000 4:04 am ET
by Guy Montag
I think I'll have some
popcorn and a coke in class.
Not bad for high school.
Haiku # 4204, September 7, 2000 4:02 am ET
by Guy Montag
I have an "A" in
english. hooray. rejoice. wave
that happy flag high.
Haiku # 4203, September 7, 2000 4:00 am ET
by Guy Montag
9 or 10 notecards
I made yesterday about
abusing a goat
Haiku # 4202, September 7, 2000 3:58 am ET
by Guy Montag
loving some good greens
i would travel a fairway
suits me to a tee
Haiku # 4201, September 7, 2000 3:21 am ET
by ash
hey mister haiku
your site doesn't impress me
go shave your ass hair
Haiku # 4200, September 6, 2000 7:06 pm ET
by foxxxy Wolf of NJ
This website is great.
Poetry that you can write.
Weird Walter liked it.
Haiku # 4199, September 6, 2000 5:58 pm ET
by Weird Walter of
Moving chaps my ass
Whole life fits in a U-haul
I need more vodka
Haiku # 4198, September 6, 2000 5:11 pm ET
by Talick of Los Angeles
Huge pigs fly overhead.
Where did they come from, you ask?
That's for me to know.
Haiku # 4197, September 6, 2000 4:25 pm ET
by Fuu18
i dance on your face
where's your pride now pretty boy
you no like? you like.
Haiku # 4196, September 6, 2000 4:17 pm ET
by Fuu18
wine catastrophe
teeth stained purple, head pounding
cabernet breakfast
Haiku # 4195, September 6, 2000 1:19 pm ET
by oldnasty
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