Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

what a misnomer
a goods and services tax
not good nor service
Haiku # 3691, July 3, 2000 7:03 pm ET
by ash
oh the rabid cow
galloping down the staircase
while blowing bubbles
Haiku # 3690, July 3, 2000 3:42 pm ET
by x offender
the smoking secret
is it shame is it power
so what if i know
Haiku # 3689, July 3, 2000 3:11 pm ET
by kevin's friend
dare not let me in
to your big scary secret
i still might like you
Haiku # 3688, July 3, 2000 3:09 pm ET
by kevin's friend
my resurrection
commences with fireworks
and shining anguish
Haiku # 3687, July 3, 2000 3:03 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
shoot death into me
for a year kill the disease
does it kill me too
Haiku # 3686, July 3, 2000 3:00 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
my green eyes flicker
from under my own mountian
i am still alive
Haiku # 3685, July 3, 2000 2:57 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
your blue eyes flicker
under the mountian of pain
you are still alive
Haiku # 3684, July 3, 2000 2:50 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
body gets better
mind getting worse for a while
heart is so broken
Haiku # 3683, July 2, 2000 9:30 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
wall around my heart
keeps the pain in and love out
it's quite effective
Haiku # 3682, July 2, 2000 9:26 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
broken down broken
up so freakin tired of this
empty heart of mine
Haiku # 3681, July 2, 2000 9:20 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
the only truth i
ever see in your eyes is
my own reflection
Haiku # 3680, July 2, 2000 9:13 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
i need more beatings
so evidence suggests so
annhilate me
Haiku # 3679, July 2, 2000 9:07 pm ET
by mount madonna mama
Oh wonderful life
The joy of summer contrasts
With bleak TV reruns
Haiku # 3678, July 2, 2000 8:08 pm ET
by Janis of LA, USA
woman is good friend
have sex for couple of weeks
her feelings get hurt
Haiku # 3677, July 2, 2000 6:50 pm ET
by T of largo, usa
Icy spray of ice
A tooth flies in slow motion
Isn't hockey great?
Haiku # 3676, July 1, 2000 6:47 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
we shall serve no haik-
u before its time. we shall
serve the worst haiku.
Haiku # 3675, July 1, 2000 6:34 pm ET
by basho-matik
trying to be as deaf as a door
cos your words make me so cold
or I'd be frozen dead
Haiku # 3674, July 1, 2000 6:08 pm ET
by Matsuo Basho Jr.
such a filthy mind
often i try to escape
haiku helps me out
Haiku # 3673, July 1, 2000 11:02 am ET
by Jed
hey! i need a girl
wonder where to go for her
if your her, mail me
Haiku # 3672, July 1, 2000 10:54 am ET
by Jed
constipation sucks
I can't crap when i want to
I save on asswipe
Haiku # 3671, July 1, 2000 10:43 am ET
by Jed of usa
serves me bleeding right
that anticoagulant
i feel such a clot
Haiku # 3670, July 1, 2000 5:14 am ET
by ash
Visions of splendor in sight
Haiku # 3669, June 30, 2000 9:53 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
A lovely ballet
A stage where men dance freely
Pro wresting rules!
Haiku # 3668, June 30, 2000 12:09 pm ET
by Arik
Oh, me so horny.
Ten dolla, make you holla!
Me love you long time.
Haiku # 3667, June 30, 2000 11:58 am ET
by Arik
Spider weaves a web
And catches toenail clippings.
The flies are too smart.
Haiku # 3666, June 30, 2000 4:17 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
Needles are not nice
I can't do my own Procrit
I'm such a chicken
Haiku # 3665, June 30, 2000 4:14 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
Click click click click click
Click cable TV promotes
Excessive surfing
Haiku # 3664, June 30, 2000 4:06 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
Tiny submarines
Gene therapy delivered
Via infection
Haiku # 3663, June 30, 2000 4:03 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
Sharp pains in ribcage
Pulmonary embolus
Holy Mother, Help!!!!
Haiku # 3662, June 30, 2000 3:57 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
I take Coumadin.
It thins my blood but poisons
Rats. Kinda Creepy.
Haiku # 3661, June 30, 2000 3:54 am ET
by Haiku Hacker
Click across the floor
Like a wolfspider creeping
Please cut your toe nails
Haiku # 3660, June 29, 2000 8:45 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
if not for you all
nothing would get accomplished
so smile go party
Haiku # 3659, June 29, 2000 3:27 pm ET
by Elliot of SC,
You don't have cable
because you live in no-man's
land. Country Bumpkin.
Haiku # 3658, June 29, 2000 11:48 am ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Oh cruel fate, please tell
me why I don't have cable?
I don't think its fair.
Haiku # 3657, June 29, 2000 9:54 am ET
by Arik
past amphibians
dream of metamorphosis
hear the toilet flush
Haiku # 3656, June 28, 2000 9:51 pm ET
by ash
dead axolotls
pose bloated in their glass tank
artistic merit ?
Haiku # 3655, June 28, 2000 9:50 pm ET
by ash
Naive blade of grass
Swirling blade of reckoning
The lawnmower blues
Haiku # 3654, June 28, 2000 7:21 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Hey look, a hot girl.
Why doesn't she come in here?
NO! She went next door.
Haiku # 3653, June 27, 2000 8:02 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Fuck off ya stupid dam bitch
Haiku # 3652, June 27, 2000 6:43 pm ET
by Cromulin
Haiku # 3651, June 27, 2000 4:55 pm ET
Aspirin kills cats
Chocolate will croak your dog
(Don't try these at home)
Haiku # 3650, June 27, 2000 2:11 pm ET
by Haik You
A wasp will explode
if it eats Alka-Seltzer.
Or is that pigeons?
Haiku # 3649, June 26, 2000 5:01 pm ET
by Arik
Black stinger of death
Flapping wings soar overhead
Wasps: Real Mean Bastards
Haiku # 3648, June 26, 2000 1:23 pm ET
by Jason of Your Town, USA
poke me with a stick
stick me with a big needle
needle me smartly
Haiku # 3647, June 26, 2000 7:59 am ET
by mount madonna mama
you admonish me
grovel at my feet and i
suck in your regret
Haiku # 3646, June 26, 2000 7:54 am ET
by mount madonna mama
he told me when i
wouldn't give up no pussy
bitch eat shit and die
Haiku # 3645, June 26, 2000 7:52 am ET
by mount madonna mama
my respirations
are they up to your standard
bleed crainally

hell bleed anally
i'll pour it in suck it out
the circle of life
Haiku # 3644, June 26, 2000 7:50 am ET
by mount madonna mama
big fat stupid rules
curl your toenails around this
fuck regulations

fuck all ye rulers
and fuck all ye containers
yeeha and wahoo
Haiku # 3643, June 26, 2000 7:45 am ET
by mount madonna mama
bad form bad bad form
where would we be without walls
it's scary out here
Haiku # 3642, June 26, 2000 7:38 am ET
by mount madonna mama
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