Visions of splendor in sight
by Jason of Your Town, USA
A lovely ballet
A stage where men dance freely
Pro wresting rules!
by Arik
Oh, me so horny.
Ten dolla, make you holla!
Me love you long time.
by Arik
Spider weaves a web
And catches toenail clippings.
The flies are too smart.
by Haiku Hacker
Needles are not nice
I can't do my own Procrit
I'm such a chicken
by Haiku Hacker
Click click click click click
Click cable TV promotes
Excessive surfing
by Haiku Hacker
Tiny submarines
Gene therapy delivered
Via infection
by Haiku Hacker
Sharp pains in ribcage
Pulmonary embolus
Holy Mother, Help!!!!
by Haiku Hacker
I take Coumadin.
It thins my blood but poisons
Rats. Kinda Creepy.
by Haiku Hacker
Click across the floor
Like a wolfspider creeping
Please cut your toe nails
by Jason of Your Town, USA
if not for you all
nothing would get accomplished
so smile go party
by Elliot of SC,
You don't have cable
because you live in no-man's
land. Country Bumpkin.
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Oh cruel fate, please tell
me why I don't have cable?
I don't think its fair.
by Arik
past amphibians
dream of metamorphosis
hear the toilet flush
by ash
dead axolotls
pose bloated in their glass tank
artistic merit ?
by ash
Naive blade of grass
Swirling blade of reckoning
The lawnmower blues
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Hey look, a hot girl.
Why doesn't she come in here?
NO! She went next door.
by Jason of Your Town, USA
Fuck off ya stupid dam bitch
by Cromulin
Aspirin kills cats
Chocolate will croak your dog
(Don't try these at home)
by Haik You
A wasp will explode
if it eats Alka-Seltzer.
Or is that pigeons?
by Arik
Black stinger of death
Flapping wings soar overhead
Wasps: Real Mean Bastards
by Jason of Your Town, USA
poke me with a stick
stick me with a big needle
needle me smartly
by mount madonna mama
you admonish me
grovel at my feet and i
suck in your regret
by mount madonna mama
he told me when i
wouldn't give up no pussy
bitch eat shit and die
by mount madonna mama
my respirations
are they up to your standard
bleed crainally
hell bleed anally
i'll pour it in suck it out
the circle of life
by mount madonna mama
big fat stupid rules
curl your toenails around this
fuck regulations
fuck all ye rulers
and fuck all ye containers
yeeha and wahoo
by mount madonna mama
bad form bad bad form
where would we be without walls
it's scary out here
by mount madonna mama
Isn't it bad form
to have more than one haiku
in a single space?
I should probably
burn in hell for my utter
disrespect. Oh well.
by Arik
Jason, don't complain
You can just spend your money
on some sleeping pills.
by Arik
Blue skies are warming
Incessantly the birds chirp
I'm dying for sleep!
by Jason of Your Town, USA
small undulations
twenty thousand submarines
they're under my skin
by mount madonna mama
getting fat with cells
color returning to pink
damn stamina up
by mount madonna mama
a turkey feather
iridescent in the sun
alone on the path
by mount madonna mama
a turkey feather
iridescent in the sun
alone on the path
by mount madonna mama
sleepy from night shift
unseasonably cold out
must leave
by things to do
patiently waiting
that chemical coup de grace
by ash
intense cobalt sky
reflecting the bright harbour
half a moon lingers
by ash
Fantastic Voyage
Metaphor paradigm shift
Human condition
by Haiku Hacker
Rain drops are falling
Relief for a sweaty brow
Summer's song calling
by Jason of Your Town, USA
what was that movie
submarine in the bloodstream
vessels in vessels
by mount madonna mama
baby hair perfume
mother reaches for her child
tucks him to her breast
by mount madonna mama
Double bind you say?
How does it feel to want now,
Damn psychiatrist.
by Haiku Hacker
Pale skin exhausted
Hematocrit's low.
by Haiku Hacker
Mother's kisses heal
Scratches, bumps and bruises and
Most of what ails you
by Haiku Hacker
I once stubbed a toe
It bled quite nicely, really...
Peroxide, anyone?
by Jason of Your Town, USA
digital wiggle
a combustible word pile
froths forth fills the sky
by mount madonna mama
muscles cramp heart pounds
a derth of red cells birthing
compensate breathe more
by mount madonna mama
YMCA class -
Water Walking in the pool
JC is teaching
by Haiku Hacker
Naked soul shines through
The earthly costume I wear.
Behold my essense.
by Haiku Hacker