Found you on the bed
barely making any noise
bound up and ball-gagged
by Betty LeBomb
True addictions come
back so effortlessly, rust
falls away quickly
by Betty LeBomb
Tilt head in prayer
lift the bottle way, way up
towards the night sky
by Betty LeBomb
you can chew on this
don't swallow all that i say
there's often a gag
by ash
i mean what i write
ambiguous by intent
so analyse that
by ash
i want to go home,
but for now i will just cry:
'why oh why oh why.'
by Mr. Bill of God-forsaken New Jersey
Blakean excess
En route to wisdom's palace.
Dash legislation!
by Maestro of Manhattan
If by take 'em down
You mean ingest with pleasure
I exclaim, "Hurrah!"
by Maestro of Manhattan
when it comes to us or them
time to take 'em down
by ash
Oh, hyperbole!
So often misunderstood.
Seek analysis.
by Maestro of Manhattan
perhaps not too good
but that's the trouble with drugs
you can't count on them
by ash
paradox of drugs
they can make you feel right bad
even when they're good good
by ash
partly crumpled mime
gesticulating wildly
as the truck backs up
by ash
A ten pound rufee
has fallen into my brain
and bruised my haiku
by Betty LeBomb
Screw the FDA
Pharmacology doth rule
Hooray for all drugs
by Maestro of Manhattan
this grandmother is
her mother's little helper
I should be on drugs
by mellie
if your back is sore
see a physio
right pain in the neck
by mellie
sore neck and headache
some physiotherapy
and now my back hurts
by ash
my cat is on drugs
freaked out by a three year old
the hunter hunted
by ash
Oh, my fair Portland
finally your skies are blue, but
but your sun is red
by Betty LeBomb
Hot on the inside,
says my friend from Thailand, means
cool on the outside
by Betty LeBomb
My cat is sweating
one little tiny droplet
on his furless nose
by Betty LeBomb
Ninety-five degrees
I demand insulation
by Betty LeBomb
ah, letter got lost
I could scream and scream and scream
now under control
by mellie
podiatrists dream
don't want to hurt you really
trying not to sceam
by mellie
as day follows night
after not quite enough sleep
not enough awake
by ash
sexual tension
if you build it, they will come
a field of wet dreams
by ash
i love fingernails
i adore a quick nibble
oh! so cuticle
by ash
She is a shemale?!?
With those gigantic tit bombs
I would shift her stick
by kackarott
Cops pull me over
"Sorry doesn't cut it pal!"
But drunk charm does, hee.
by Kackarott
Insolent Tivo
You are o so hackable
Yet you're still broken
by Janis
that there is no spoon
neo learned eventually
fucking idiot
by Hollywood Bonfire
Sunday morn' malaise
Mourning my lazy son, Dee
Lame-ass poetry
by Maestro of Manhattan
Crazy crazy night...
blackout--now there's a human
head in the hamper
by Betty LeBomb
It's hot and humid
shiny, puffy, and greazy
a purple tumor
by Betty LeBomb
Sliding rapidly
Down a banister of H
Morpheus descends
by Maestro of Manhattan
Stimulants abound
Perspiration saturates
Do you hear those snakes?
by Maestro of Manhattan
Back is tightening
with stressful office yoga
it pulls me backwards
by Betty LeBomb
Did coke for first time
...still sex runs from me...
by kackarott
while fucking on drugs
i found myself in mid-thrust
thinking about stars
by Hollywood Bonfire
my blue-eyed boss yelled
the director of sales stared
calmly i zipped up
by Anonymous Poet
grueling, thirsty work
sweating in a cloud of bugs
cupping my nutsack
by Hollywood Bonfire
a stress ball is squeezed,
minutes are an eternity;
life's not meant for this.
by Mr. Bill of Freakin Jersey
bad melon bleeds toxic;
the noxious fumes spewing forth
can down an elephant.
by Mr. Bill of Jersey.
Gonna get some beer
a nice bitter IPA
no twist-offs tonight
by Betty LeBomb
It really rains here
steadily through the winter
until cars have moss
by Betty LeBomb
the clock ticks slowly
bereft of inspiration
before the next yawn
by ash
Brain dead cpu
or maybe slow megahertz
I'm up too early
by Betty LeBomb
a new computer
all packed up in its boxes
dell dell dell dell dell
more cables routers
old verandah new office
new printer flat screen
by mellie - twice as bad haiku of diddillibah
raked by random kicks
enough of insomnia
back in your own bed
by ash