Why call me Moxie?
I am not a beverage
Good for you I'd say
by A Student of learning, somthing you've obviously given up on
Hey Moxie! While you
are drinking, remember to
overdo it, PLEASE!
by k of alcohol poisoning is good for some!
Bush and Saddam should
duke it out under bleachers
after Woodshop II
by onjaysun (a Jon Stewart suggestion)
Now free from exams
I can now go out drinking
Quite excessively
by A Student of Manchester
well something is shot
i dunno what it is mate
go find a hobby
by mellie
your syntax is shot
go and find some good porn mate
and just do ya thang
by mellie
Perfection of art
Everywhere that I may go
Fools may all mock this
Pornography rules
Evil is in everyone
Faith you hide under
by A Student of Manchester
Some are creative
They may be opposed by fools
Dangerous they are
by A Student of Manchester
All I see is wrong
Where are my hiking boots?
Here, I left them here
Oh, well forget that
Retribution for the fool
Eating hiking boots
by A Student of Manchester
What has the fool done
Another haiku attack
No, this must stop soon
Killing is not bad?
Everything moral is wrong?
Really, shut up foo!
by A Student of Manchester
by A Student of Manchester of droning on and on
Seven is evil
It scourges my existence
It is bad to me
by A Student of Manchester
The bush is doing
Everything Osama B wants
He must be quite chuffed
by A Student of Manchester
Where is Bin Laden?
Could he be in the white house
George makes him happy
by A Student of Manchester
Yay I am abused!
By the one who cannot think
Yay do it again!
by A Student of Manchester
got a headful of
thinking to do and no time...
go seek novelty.
by ComiCat
thanks for noticing
(i don't care if you're amused)
that wasn't my style
by sheena@a friend's
where is bin laden ?
all those arabs are the same
bad luck then saddam
by ash
fuck off Student Asshole
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
A postgrad told me
That I would emerge wiser
No dogs this time, though
by A Student of Manchester
I do not like that
But I had to look to help
My development
by A Student of Manchester
The meaning of life
Is reproduction and thus
Mankind lives for sex
by A Student of Manchester
Nudity is great
Love is a beautiful thing
Love and passion rule
by A Student of Manchester
Pornography is
Not a suitable name for
Nakedness at all
by A Student of Manchester
But the sinless ones
Were naked and they were proud
Clothing is thus sin
by A Student of Manchester
read another book
nudity is natural
religion is not
by scotch
The christian faith
Preaches against nudity
Errr read the bible
by A Student of Manchester
I thought it funny
though I am not the author
not sheena's style
by ap
Nude Air...now can count
up to twenty-one silly
bulls...still too many
by onjaysun (hands, feet and lil' onjay)
25710 is CLEARLY not MINE
so whoever thought that was funny...
by sheena
one thing about it:
no terrorists on
nude flights
listening, ashcroft?
by scotch
silver frosted cold
LOOKing for some warm escape
fingers turning blue
by oops
"now've seen everything"
first flight for nude passengers
(really friendly skies!)
by Boston gal lloking to book a flight spots this one
You say I need help?
The world is full of morons
Humankind needs help
by A Student of Manchester
PISS off you wanker
Fucking hell get some help mate
before you go blind
by mellie
I can do that too:
P < E > F
/ P < E > F \
sehr PEF gut
by A Student of Manchester
I've named him before
He taught Moses PEF
And gave him designs
by A Student of Manchester
And Moses went up
To the top of the mountain
Where he found a man
by A Student of Manchester
PEF is gone
It was good while it lasted
But it starts again!
by A Student of Manchester
The cold winds draw near
The trees have all lost their leaves
Ice takes the water
by A Student of Manchester
by R. of PT
by R. of PT
by R. of PT
But, less surprising,
one of those categories
is recurrent now
by R. of PT
Been here for 2 months
nice to see I can discern
good from bad haiku
by R. of PT
you must remember
that suicide is painless
when life gets too tough
by tyler durden wanna be of liverpool
the queen is their slave
but isn't that what she wants?
slave who rules the free
by tyler durden wanna be of Liverpool