Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77458 Haiku later...

Our Lord Tony Blair
Is a sucka and a foo
Vote for PEF
Haiku # 24026, December 19, 2002 10:49 am ET
by A Student of Manchester
"Moo." said a cow to me
As I passed it in the field
"Moo." I then replied
Haiku # 24025, December 19, 2002 10:44 am ET
by A Student of Manchester
our three main weapons :
fanatical devotion
and many others
Haiku # 24024, December 19, 2002 6:25 am ET
by ash
I don't have children
No matter what she may say
I've never met her
Haiku # 24023, December 19, 2002 5:54 am ET
by A Student of Manchester
I do fluid flow
Not that kind of fluid flow
It's for my degree
Haiku # 24022, December 19, 2002 5:50 am ET
by A Student of Manchester
vote one for mellie
be shallow as you like mate
I promise big breasts
Haiku # 24021, December 19, 2002 4:20 am ET
by mellie
shallow men desire
only a pair of big breasts.
nope. but a good start!
Haiku # 24020, December 19, 2002 2:20 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
single at christmas
my personal ads dont work
good thing beer loves me!
Haiku # 24019, December 19, 2002 2:15 am ET
by studboy of Venice, CA
Terminator 3
trailer is out. and my thoughts?
it's a steaming pile!
Haiku # 24018, December 19, 2002 2:09 am ET
by studboy of Venice, ca
want a solution?
mellie for president ! gorn
vote for an aussie
Haiku # 24017, December 18, 2002 11:31 pm ET
by mellie
waiting for some snow
instead of all this damn rain
winter with out snow!!!! :(
Haiku # 24016, December 18, 2002 10:08 pm ET
by some internet chick
Moon shines full and bright
clouds fly by, as wind blow fast
like spring, not winter
Haiku # 24015, December 18, 2002 10:02 pm ET
by some internet chick
sooty-fine diamonds
frost glimmers in bright moon-light
engages spirits
Haiku # 24014, December 18, 2002 7:54 pm ET
by new kid on the block
Slam poetry? No.
Bad prose? Unthinkable too!
Bad Haiku for me.
Haiku # 24013, December 18, 2002 7:48 pm ET
by Ghesthar
God loves everyone
But lies in Leviticus
18:22, see?
Haiku # 24012, December 18, 2002 7:48 pm ET
by Ghesthar
Christmas time again?
celebrate with your wallet.
Executives laugh.
Haiku # 24011, December 18, 2002 7:48 pm ET
by Ghesthar of Canada
Haiku # 24010, December 18, 2002 7:42 pm ET
by maestro
why six syllables
in first line of prior pome?
I need editing!
Haiku # 24009, December 18, 2002 7:41 pm ET
by maestro
this site inspires joy
within often tarnished soul
zero malice here
Haiku # 24008, December 18, 2002 7:39 pm ET
by maestro
consarnit! the last?
maestro misidentified
must forsake the sauce
Haiku # 24007, December 18, 2002 7:37 pm ET
by maestro
all apologies
pretense, thy name is maestro
can't we get along?
Haiku # 24006, December 18, 2002 7:36 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Me thinks one's mother
a hamster and father smelt
of elderberries
Haiku # 24005, December 18, 2002 7:25 pm ET
by onjaysun (taunted a second time)
but then, "interesting"
really has four syllables
if you're pretentious
Haiku # 24004, December 18, 2002 5:47 pm ET
by scotch of (or british or sober...)
Pythonophile here
I type only gibberish
Meant no offense, scotch
Haiku # 24003, December 18, 2002 5:02 pm ET
by maestro
Free market theory
Keynesian or otherwise
A pernicious lie
Haiku # 24002, December 18, 2002 4:59 pm ET
by maestro
interesting point there
but i am a heretic
seen life of brian?
Haiku # 24001, December 18, 2002 4:57 pm ET
warmongers abound
peaceniks nipping at their heels
absurd theater
Haiku # 24000, December 18, 2002 4:55 pm ET
by maestro
the guy with the beard
who rewards and punishes
is a tale for kids
Haiku # 23999, December 18, 2002 4:51 pm ET
by scotch
Haiku # 23998, December 18, 2002 4:51 pm ET
by maestro
I take issue, scotch
Yawah unpronouncable
Hence, no syllables
Haiku # 23997, December 18, 2002 4:50 pm ET
by maestro
so you've got a book
and you claim that god wrote it
i've a bridge for sale
Haiku # 23996, December 18, 2002 4:38 pm ET
by scotch
which is the true god:
yaweh, allah, krishna, zeus?
i like cthulu
Haiku # 23995, December 18, 2002 4:32 pm ET
by scotch
Lowood is present
even after Bronte died
here in Istanbul
Haiku # 23994, December 18, 2002 3:16 pm ET
by agrippa
George Bush is a fool
Ted Roberts would be a much
Better president
Haiku # 23993, December 18, 2002 3:04 pm ET
by A Student of Manchester
When I Go to bed
I close my eyes and I dream
Of mass balances
Haiku # 23992, December 18, 2002 3:03 pm ET
by A Student of Manchester
I love PEF
Mass balances turn me on
Ted Roberts is God
Haiku # 23991, December 18, 2002 3:00 pm ET
by A PEF Student of Manchester
my girl is kristi
i love her a whole whole lot
hope she loves me too
Haiku # 23990, December 18, 2002 12:48 pm ET
by joey
do it do it do
it do it do it do it
do it do it now
Haiku # 23989, December 18, 2002 12:45 pm ET
by pingo
sorry about that
my language is very foul
i'll shut up for now
Haiku # 23988, December 18, 2002 12:44 pm ET
by pingo
won't you lick my ass?
my rectum needs tongue-bathing
clean that poop off good
Haiku # 23987, December 18, 2002 12:43 pm ET
by pingo
ping lao chi feng wo
mi tsung pak lum dai pi cho
pin gin wing fun lo
Haiku # 23986, December 18, 2002 12:41 pm ET
by pingo
there is chip on my back
and a monkey up my ass
and stick on shoulder
Haiku # 23985, December 18, 2002 12:40 pm ET
by pingo
sniffsniffsniffsniff whew!
my underarms stink badly
need deodorant
Haiku # 23984, December 18, 2002 12:38 pm ET
by pingo
God does not exist
imaginary figment
filled with lots of lies
Haiku # 23983, December 18, 2002 12:37 pm ET
by pingo
do funky chicken
then do the mashed potato
and then do the twist
Haiku # 23982, December 18, 2002 12:36 pm ET
by pingo
motto on bills in
'57, couldn't trust
big man til that time?
Haiku # 23981, December 18, 2002 12:31 pm ET
by onjaysun (jury's still out)
"Trust" is not "belief" -
"belief" means we know You
Haiku # 23980, December 18, 2002 10:54 am ET
by R. of PT
The world has a Boss -
Even dollar notes know that:
Haiku # 23979, December 18, 2002 10:49 am ET
by R. of PT
On the other hand
what can be said with no doubt
is who rules the world
Haiku # 23978, December 18, 2002 10:43 am ET
by R. of PT
Will there be a war?
My best forecast today is
I don't really know
Haiku # 23977, December 18, 2002 10:34 am ET
by R. of PT
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