sooty-fine diamonds
frost glimmers in bright moon-light
engages spirits
by new kid on the block
Slam poetry? No.
Bad prose? Unthinkable too!
Bad Haiku for me.
by Ghesthar
God loves everyone
But lies in Leviticus
18:22, see?
by Ghesthar
Christmas time again?
celebrate with your wallet.
Executives laugh.
by Ghesthar of Canada
why six syllables
in first line of prior pome?
I need editing!
by maestro
this site inspires joy
within often tarnished soul
zero malice here
by maestro
consarnit! the last?
maestro misidentified
must forsake the sauce
by maestro
all apologies
pretense, thy name is maestro
can't we get along?
by Anonymous Poet
Me thinks one's mother
a hamster and father smelt
of elderberries
by onjaysun (taunted a second time)
but then, "interesting"
really has four syllables
if you're pretentious
by scotch of (or british or sober...)
Pythonophile here
I type only gibberish
Meant no offense, scotch
by maestro
Free market theory
Keynesian or otherwise
A pernicious lie
by maestro
interesting point there
but i am a heretic
seen life of brian?
warmongers abound
peaceniks nipping at their heels
absurd theater
by maestro
the guy with the beard
who rewards and punishes
is a tale for kids
by scotch
I take issue, scotch
Yawah unpronouncable
Hence, no syllables
by maestro
so you've got a book
and you claim that god wrote it
i've a bridge for sale
by scotch
which is the true god:
yaweh, allah, krishna, zeus?
i like
by scotch
Lowood is present
even after Bronte died
here in Istanbul
by agrippa
George Bush is a fool
Ted Roberts would be a much
Better president
by A Student of Manchester
When I Go to bed
I close my eyes and I dream
Of mass balances
by A Student of Manchester
I love PEF
Mass balances turn me on
Ted Roberts is God
by A PEF Student of Manchester
my girl is kristi
i love her a whole whole lot
hope she loves me too
by joey
do it do it do
it do it do it do it
do it do it now
by pingo
sorry about that
my language is very foul
i'll shut up for now
by pingo
won't you lick my ass?
my rectum needs tongue-bathing
clean that poop off good
by pingo
ping lao chi feng wo
mi tsung pak lum dai pi cho
pin gin wing fun lo
by pingo
there is chip on my back
and a monkey up my ass
and stick on shoulder
by pingo
sniffsniffsniffsniff whew!
my underarms stink badly
need deodorant
by pingo
God does not exist
imaginary figment
filled with lots of lies
by pingo
do funky chicken
then do the mashed potato
and then do the twist
by pingo
motto on bills in
'57, couldn't trust
big man til that time?
by onjaysun (jury's still out)
"Trust" is not "belief" -
"belief" means we know You
by R. of PT
The world has a Boss -
Even dollar notes know that:
by R. of PT
On the other hand
what can be said with no doubt
is who rules the world
by R. of PT
Will there be a war?
My best forecast today is
I don't really know
by R. of PT
saddam is lying
you can trust the president
set us up the bomb
by ash
christmas blackmail plot
santa declared paedophile
by naughty children
by ash
solar system news :
saturn in opposition
blames the hanging chads
by ash
urban-ly challenged
living in the smallest state
just a country muse
by new kid on the block
Dearest onjaysun
Seinfeld Aficionado?
I am most amused
by maestro
Ah, to retire to
a villa in Tuscany,
all sold out...don't try!
by onjaysun (maestro got last one)
now it seems I typed
name in field for location
I surrender now
by maestro
returning to bed
seems i can neither type nor
insert name in field
by Anonymous Poet of maestro
horrid typing here
first line beneath should conclude
with the word "fervor"
by Anonymous Poet
holiday fevor
circumvents the misanthrope
rise January!
by maestro
Although they have ears,
they do not listen at all -
Although they have eyes...
by R. of PT
I try to explain -
But do they want to listen
to others at all?
by R. of PT