........pardon the butthead
so it was your king's knight then
............my move is c5
.............(AP is moxie)
by ronin@myapologiestomoxforcomparinghimto"him"
...........IS IT....
...Andrew Poppycock?
Andrew Psychoanalyzed?
.....Andrew Pulaski*?
...(*-a Polish Prick, a
..Junior of the Second
by ronin@nonahnotAssociatedPress
yeah ronin at least try not to be a jerk
by Anonymous Poet
yeah ronin at least try not to be a jerk
by Anonymous Poet
Yesterday stressful
Last night was Bloody Maries
Now today is work
by WyldKyss
fuck off ronin
by Anonymous Poet
Jubilee parade,
by Anonymous Poet
its time for the codes
to unlock the mystery
of the mixed-up knight
e4 e5/Nf3 Nc6/Bb5 Be7 /Nc3 Nf6/O-O d6
d4 Bd7/Bxc6 Bxc6/Qe2 exd4/Nxd4 O-O
Nxc6 bxc6/Rd1
by indiana
babies are swimming
in my chicken noodle soup.
they will be tasty!
by lizzle of brooklyn
kev has just showered.
he doesn't smell anymore.
he misses his dirt
by lizzle of brooklyn
k is your sister?
by ronin@andyourejanis?illneverfigurethisout
....you mean it was the
other knight that did in my
.king's pawn and bishop?
.(anyway, my move is c5)
by ronin@broletmegetaboardmymemory'sfailing
...............but indiana
.didnt you use that knight to take
........my queen's bishop at
(remember hoofbeats from afar?)
by ronin@
it must be the trill
of the songbird from afar
that draws the worm out
by indiana
so very sorry for you all
by Anonymous Poet
Wild with rage now
This is no laughing matter
My sister was raped.
by WyldKyss
and probably first
earthlings to merge algebra
with the brain
by indiana
not so fast ronin
by indiana
......young supple cleavage
my tongue straining out to touch
.............as i lotus sit
by ronin@alittlemoremeditationthere
transcending boredom
i chuckle at some haiku
and caress the cat
by ash
Highway fourteen west
Looking though bug guts to see:
The golden sunset
by moderndaynomad
and its MY move now
by ronin@hehe
...........har har har indy
looks like you've got a lone pawn
.......defenseless once more
......(that would cripple your
.........center play for good)
by ronin@8)
Zen sex harassment,
Look not at woman
by Anonymous Poet
Ouch! Head Connected
With one of the thrown stools here
Very Violent!
by WyldKyss
Ex stopped by to whine
Said she felt bad, stayed the night
She felt fine to me
by Chowderhead
goodbye Boston gal
may your life be richer for
your wise decision
by k_against of bad haiku is not to be confused with ACTUAL COMMUNICATION with others....just the sign of boredom
OK Boston gal
sorry you are going. where?
I'm coming to B
like words in this box
I will miss you too as well
mox does not want meet
Nah MEET with mellie
he as good as said that now
no meet is his loss
by mellie
A long absence
deprevity and darkness
from Haiku writing >>
Rising on the trill
Fluttering in the warm wind
A siren echoes
[in the distance,
be hind ,
the present,
be fore,
in the future]
by ComiCat of Jerzey
time for me to go
thanks for laughs and roses (Scott)
will miss Ash the most
by Boston gal et al...Lolita included
I just dont get it
what game do you think you play?
numbers of poems
by mellie
i meant Rd1
in 20903! is c5
your final reply?
by indiana
if its e5 then Ng4
by ronin@behkhunlole
.....what big rock indy
i cant register your move
......mine's c5 i think
by ronin@hikgoonite
let me be your man
but have patients with my wierd
solipsistic ways
i want you to know
and believe that i do care
about and love you
by Selfish Sometimes
gearing for battle
the king rolled the one big rock
along the queen
by indiana
......it's just a fun game
.nothing personal and meant
.........'cept ones on k
..(the others i think are just
plain apprehensive, that's all)
by ronin@kampaiAP
.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
by ronin
.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
by ronin
roan an, stallion
of the cimarron, or should
i say...bad haiku?
by Ap Pend of ronin suddenly started taking this too seriously
......instead of asking
me to give the other cheek
....just tell the punk off
to restrain his punches
by ronin@nowthatwouldreallybeinthecourseoftheordinaryandnormalinsteadofthereverse
.......but when i counter
all the fucking flags are raised
......and i get more crap
(ME, hung up on colored stool?
..what strange coincidence? -
......all that made up albeit
...........strained crap)
by ronin@nowigetitdontfallforthebull
...........DEJA VU
.see, it's happening (again)
when AP foams and bitches
.......everybody rides on
.(no admonition, they even
.....happily spin-off on his
.........virtual stool crap)
by ronin@perplexed
mox is not mellie?
by ronin@byeseeyouwhenigetanewjob
......a winning case
......or salvageable?
(*-due to a technicality)
by ronin@ineedabeerlotsofthem
...my schedule's a mess
and my deadlines overdue
........but still i haiku
(soon they might take this
..computer and give me a
by ronin@virtualstoolyourfuckingfaceAP
hey moxie, funny !
I was serious about it
you tell me where then
by mellie
that was a bit weird
two poets hung up on stool
strange coincidence
by or just poor diet?