Ex stopped by to whine
Said she felt bad, stayed the night
She felt fine to me
by Chowderhead
goodbye Boston gal
may your life be richer for
your wise decision
by k_against of bad haiku is not to be confused with ACTUAL COMMUNICATION with others....just the sign of boredom
OK Boston gal
sorry you are going. where?
I'm coming to B
like words in this box
I will miss you too as well
mox does not want meet
Nah MEET with mellie
he as good as said that now
no meet is his loss
by mellie
A long absence
deprevity and darkness
from Haiku writing >>
Rising on the trill
Fluttering in the warm wind
A siren echoes
[in the distance,
be hind ,
the present,
be fore,
in the future]
by ComiCat of Jerzey
time for me to go
thanks for laughs and roses (Scott)
will miss Ash the most
by Boston gal et al...Lolita included
I just dont get it
what game do you think you play?
numbers of poems
by mellie
i meant Rd1
in 20903! is c5
your final reply?
by indiana
if its e5 then Ng4
by ronin@behkhunlole
.....what big rock indy
i cant register your move
......mine's c5 i think
by ronin@hikgoonite
let me be your man
but have patients with my wierd
solipsistic ways
i want you to know
and believe that i do care
about and love you
by Selfish Sometimes
gearing for battle
the king rolled the one big rock
along the queen
by indiana
......it's just a fun game
.nothing personal and meant
.........'cept ones on k
..(the others i think are just
plain apprehensive, that's all)
by ronin@kampaiAP
.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
by ronin
.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
by ronin
roan an, stallion
of the cimarron, or should
i say...bad haiku?
by Ap Pend of ronin suddenly started taking this too seriously
......instead of asking
me to give the other cheek
....just tell the punk off
to restrain his punches
by ronin@nowthatwouldreallybeinthecourseoftheordinaryandnormalinsteadofthereverse
.......but when i counter
all the fucking flags are raised
......and i get more crap
(ME, hung up on colored stool?
..what strange coincidence? -
......all that made up albeit
...........strained crap)
by ronin@nowigetitdontfallforthebull
...........DEJA VU
.see, it's happening (again)
when AP foams and bitches
.......everybody rides on
.(no admonition, they even
.....happily spin-off on his
.........virtual stool crap)
by ronin@perplexed
mox is not mellie?
by ronin@byeseeyouwhenigetanewjob
......a winning case
......or salvageable?
(*-due to a technicality)
by ronin@ineedabeerlotsofthem
...my schedule's a mess
and my deadlines overdue
........but still i haiku
(soon they might take this
..computer and give me a
by ronin@virtualstoolyourfuckingfaceAP
hey moxie, funny !
I was serious about it
you tell me where then
by mellie
that was a bit weird
two poets hung up on stool
strange coincidence
by or just poor diet?
virtual stool, yuck!
stool is stool ~ brown, yellow...green?
(too many veggies)
by Doc Proct T. A. Lojest
virtual stool haiku
by Anonymous Poet
red stripe is it, eh?
down by Jamaica way now?
be cool rasta man
by Lolita's lil bro
I'll pass the Red Stripe, Mel
by Mox
chill the fuck out ronin!
before Everyone starts throwing chairs
in here, a virtual stool might land on
your head......
by Anonymous Poet
missing just a beat
ash did trash one of his feet
now it's wrapped all neat
by Boston gal sends best wishes
It's raining outside
Might even hail sometime soon
Parking in Boss spot!
by WyldKyss
not sure who you want
to email you...or if it's
just the beer talking
my theory is the
keyboard isn't mixed up at
all, ale must be good!
by k of to scotch
I'll be there soon Mox
for a week in September
meet me out the front
by mellie
i'd like to write you
but i don't hqve your qddress
emqil me, ok?
by scotch
this belgiqn keyboqrd
hqs the q qnd a reversed
now whqt's up with thqt?
by scotch in belgium, digging the beer
soaking for an hour
a rim of skin and soap scum
on turbid water
by ash
.........a mistake indy
..my move should be: pxN
..........and NOT pxB
....when they pick on you
they say it's just a joke BUT
.....you cant do the same
(it's "bad" they say, as if im
..........a child like AP)
by ronin@notfair
.........ah doctor lectern
mister hide has transformed in-
..........to doctor jekyll
by ronin@8)
i fell on my foot
nothing else fell on my foot
i slipped down one stair
i am a cripple
a disabled uniped
and when the bones knit
i plan to walk straight and tall
but more carefully
by ash
Persona non-grata
just like me father
sans moustache
by problemo of east coast (paranoia)
I say fuck you
to haiku
haiku say fuck you
to me
everybody happy
by animal chin of lowell, ma.
I wanted to move
on and no longer fight cause
I had life move in...
by Moxie
I really hated
you people deep down, because
sometimes, these words, can
by Moxie
...and gimme back my dots, you moron!
by ronin@ahemcantresistbeinginfantile
.......im strange and hes not?
he roams about defaming (people)
.........and flooding this site
...(and you expect ME to make a
.........unilateral ceasefire?)
by ronin@amimissingsomethinghere?ithoughtiwasonYOURsidekchick
........basic rule in life:
dont let people kick your ass
.....or they'd kick you bad
...(thanks there, WyldKyss)
by ronin@bytheway20865AINTmine
what may be strange babe
..would be not to react to
.........unlike stimuli
(that would not be human
...........and usual)
by ronin@hi k,lotsofpeoplegetfjealouswheneverifeelliketalkingtoyou
idiot on the run
but you can
by predator
Eat shit USA Cunts,
and Bastards, destroying the world,
seems to be your lifes' work
by .........................
Buffy reruns on
Robot Buffy is real cool
Catching up on plot...
by WyldKyss