Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 60 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

yeah ronin at least try not to be a jerk
Haiku # 20938, June 1, 2002 8:03 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
yeah ronin at least try not to be a jerk
Haiku # 20937, June 1, 2002 8:03 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Yesterday stressful
Last night was Bloody Maries
Now today is work
Haiku # 20936, June 1, 2002 3:09 pm ET
by WyldKyss
fuck off ronin
Haiku # 20935, June 1, 2002 12:45 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Jubilee parade,
Haiku # 20934, June 1, 2002 11:06 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
its time for the codes
to unlock the mystery
of the mixed-up knight

e4 e5/Nf3 Nc6/Bb5 Be7 /Nc3 Nf6/O-O d6
d4 Bd7/Bxc6 Bxc6/Qe2 exd4/Nxd4 O-O
Nxc6 bxc6/Rd1
Haiku # 20933, June 1, 2002 1:23 am ET
by indiana
babies are swimming
in my chicken noodle soup.
they will be tasty!
Haiku # 20932, June 1, 2002 12:54 am ET
by lizzle of brooklyn
kev has just showered.
he doesn't smell anymore.
he misses his dirt
Haiku # 20931, June 1, 2002 12:53 am ET
by lizzle of brooklyn

k is your sister?
Haiku # 20930, June 1, 2002 12:40 am ET
by ronin@andyourejanis?illneverfigurethisout mean it was the
other knight that did in my
.king's pawn and bishop?

.(anyway, my move is c5)
Haiku # 20929, June 1, 2002 12:31 am ET
by ronin@broletmegetaboardmymemory'sfailing

...............but indiana
.didnt you use that knight to take queen's bishop at


(remember hoofbeats from afar?)
Haiku # 20928, June 1, 2002 12:25 am ET
by ronin@

it must be the trill
of the songbird from afar
that draws the worm out
Haiku # 20927, May 31, 2002 8:14 pm ET
by indiana
so very sorry for you all

Haiku # 20926, May 31, 2002 6:21 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Wild with rage now
This is no laughing matter
My sister was raped.
Haiku # 20925, May 31, 2002 4:09 pm ET
by WyldKyss

and probably first
earthlings to merge algebra
with the brain
Haiku # 20924, May 31, 2002 7:00 am ET
by indiana

Haiku # 20923, May 31, 2002 6:58 am ET
by indiana

not so fast ronin
Haiku # 20922, May 31, 2002 6:24 am ET
by indiana

......young supple cleavage
my tongue straining out to touch i lotus sit
Haiku # 20921, May 31, 2002 3:02 am ET
by ronin@alittlemoremeditationthere
transcending boredom
i chuckle at some haiku
and caress the cat
Haiku # 20920, May 31, 2002 2:51 am ET
by ash
Highway fourteen west

Looking though bug guts to see:

The golden sunset
Haiku # 20919, May 30, 2002 11:43 pm ET
by moderndaynomad

Haiku # 20918, May 30, 2002 10:43 pm ET
by ronin

and its MY move now
Haiku # 20917, May 30, 2002 9:34 pm ET
by ronin@hehe

...........har har har indy
looks like you've got a lone pawn
.......defenseless once more

......(that would cripple your play for good)
Haiku # 20916, May 30, 2002 9:31 pm ET
by ronin@8)
Zen sex harassment,
Look not at woman
Haiku # 20915, May 30, 2002 5:05 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Ouch! Head Connected
With one of the thrown stools here
Very Violent!
Haiku # 20914, May 30, 2002 4:42 pm ET
by WyldKyss
Ex stopped by to whine
Said she felt bad, stayed the night
She felt fine to me
Haiku # 20913, May 30, 2002 3:21 pm ET
by Chowderhead
goodbye Boston gal
may your life be richer for
your wise decision
Haiku # 20912, May 30, 2002 2:18 pm ET
by k_against of bad haiku is not to be confused with ACTUAL COMMUNICATION with others....just the sign of boredom
OK Boston gal
sorry you are going. where?
I'm coming to B

like words in this box
I will miss you too as well
mox does not want meet

Nah MEET with mellie
he as good as said that now
no meet is his loss
Haiku # 20911, May 30, 2002 12:56 pm ET
by mellie
A long absence
deprevity and darkness
from Haiku writing >>

Rising on the trill
Fluttering in the warm wind
A siren echoes

[in the distance,
be hind ,
the present,
be fore,
in the future]
Haiku # 20910, May 30, 2002 12:49 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
time for me to go
thanks for laughs and roses (Scott)
will miss Ash the most
Haiku # 20909, May 30, 2002 12:18 pm ET
by Boston gal et al...Lolita included
I just dont get it
what game do you think you play?
numbers of poems
Haiku # 20908, May 30, 2002 12:11 pm ET
by mellie

i meant Rd1
in 20903! is c5
your final reply?
Haiku # 20907, May 30, 2002 11:59 am ET
by indiana

if its e5 then Ng4
Haiku # 20906, May 30, 2002 11:24 am ET
by ronin@behkhunlole

.....what big rock indy
i cant register your move
......mine's c5 i think
Haiku # 20905, May 30, 2002 11:03 am ET
by ronin@hikgoonite
let me be your man
but have patients with my wierd
solipsistic ways

i want you to know
and believe that i do care
about and love you
Haiku # 20904, May 30, 2002 10:27 am ET
by Selfish Sometimes

gearing for battle
the king rolled the one big rock
along the queen
Haiku # 20903, May 30, 2002 9:03 am ET
by indiana's just a fun game
.nothing personal and meant
.........'cept ones on k

..(the others i think are just
plain apprehensive, that's all)
Haiku # 20902, May 30, 2002 8:00 am ET
by ronin@kampaiAP

.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
Haiku # 20901, May 30, 2002 7:58 am ET
by ronin

.......i am going out
.for a case of light beer
and some cool fresh air
Haiku # 20900, May 30, 2002 7:58 am ET
by ronin
roan an, stallion
of the cimarron, or should
i say...bad haiku?
Haiku # 20899, May 30, 2002 4:04 am ET
by Ap Pend of ronin suddenly started taking this too seriously

......instead of asking
me to give the other cheek
....just tell the punk off

to restrain his punches
Haiku # 20898, May 30, 2002 1:47 am ET
by ronin@nowthatwouldreallybeinthecourseoftheordinaryandnormalinsteadofthereverse

.......but when i counter
all the fucking flags are raised
......and i get more crap

(ME, hung up on colored stool?
..what strange coincidence? -
......all that made up albeit
...........strained crap)
Haiku # 20897, May 30, 2002 1:26 am ET
by ronin@nowigetitdontfallforthebull
...........DEJA VU

.see, it's happening (again)
when AP foams and bitches
.......everybody rides on

.(no admonition, they even
.....happily spin-off on his
.........virtual stool crap)

Haiku # 20896, May 30, 2002 1:23 am ET
by ronin@perplexed

mox is not mellie?
Haiku # 20895, May 29, 2002 11:41 pm ET
by ronin@byeseeyouwhenigetanewjob

......a winning case
......or salvageable?

(*-due to a technicality)
Haiku # 20894, May 29, 2002 11:37 pm ET
by ronin@ineedabeerlotsofthem schedule's a mess
and my deadlines overdue
........but still i haiku

(soon they might take this and give me a
Haiku # 20893, May 29, 2002 11:35 pm ET
by ronin@virtualstoolyourfuckingfaceAP
hey moxie, funny !
I was serious about it
you tell me where then
Haiku # 20891, May 29, 2002 10:36 pm ET
by mellie
that was a bit weird
two poets hung up on stool
strange coincidence
Haiku # 20890, May 29, 2002 9:48 pm ET
by or just poor diet?
virtual stool, yuck!
stool is stool ~ brown,
(too many veggies)
Haiku # 20889, May 29, 2002 9:44 pm ET
by Doc Proct T. A. Lojest
virtual stool haiku
Haiku # 20888, May 29, 2002 9:44 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
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