Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

how did you get in?
just put down that knife slowly
and no one gets hurt
Haiku # 13363, September 1, 2001 1:49 am ET
by scott (warning shot - jeez, go flame moxie, will you) of Scott's Apartment
Scott has no grandma.
So how can he suck her cock?
He needs to move on!
Haiku # 13362, September 1, 2001 1:40 am ET
by k_now_specifically_against_scott of scott's apartment
malignant haiku
overgrowing syllables
uglier than bad
Haiku # 13361, September 1, 2001 12:31 am ET
by ash best-loved haiku
.......number 13306
such sweet enchantment

Haiku # 13360, August 31, 2001 9:15 pm ET
by ronin@imspeechlesssheactuallydidtalktome

......"starry starry nights
paint the sky in hues of gray"
.....colours make me fey

...(uhh...hi there, janis ;-))
Haiku # 13359, August 31, 2001 9:02 pm ET
by ronin@LucyandtheSkywithDiamonds
this isn't real life?
ah, so that would explain why
grandma has a cock.
Haiku # 13358, August 31, 2001 8:50 pm ET
by scott (realization dawning...hoping i don't wake up in a vat of goo...)
Jay and Silent Bob
was indeed really awful
they stole my money!
Haiku # 13357, August 31, 2001 7:28 pm ET
by k
The moon loops around
another night, here I am
staring at my soup.
Haiku # 13356, August 31, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by newt_gingrich
Moxie, your haiku
isn't bad when it's haiku.
Don't be dramatic!
Haiku # 13355, August 31, 2001 7:19 pm ET
by k_against_everyone of A place of non-seriousness, becasue's JUST badhaiku. It isn't REAL LIFE PEOPLE!
There is a time and
there is a place where bad works
are judged by "sod off"
Haiku # 13354, August 31, 2001 7:00 pm ET
by Mox
i desire to go
and master haiku, even
if it costs me my life
Haiku # 13353, August 31, 2001 6:58 pm ET
by Moxie
the, you meet me 1/2
way, and be like us, then you
can do what you will

my problem in life is basically a long life long
urge of go flip off and be even more resistant, thus getting entangled in self hatred and feeling censored...
Haiku # 13352, August 31, 2001 6:57 pm ET
by Moxie
I mean can't you find
a usenet group or something?
This is badhaiku.
Haiku # 13351, August 31, 2001 6:56 pm ET
by k_against_specifically_Moxie of Still in Moxie's trailer which he probably never leaves
It's hard to take you
seriously when all your
posts are non-haiku

Haiku # 13350, August 31, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by k_against_moxie of Moxie's trailer
People go to great
lengths to tempt in order
to make themselves feel
better about, stuff, things
and will indeed, slay the innocent
which I am not, for petty little
things, it is a material world
Haiku # 13349, August 31, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by mox
In the past four years
I have been tempted by people
who want results, such as
murder you for shoes...
You'd kill me for syllables...
That's God damn numb
Haiku # 13348, August 31, 2001 6:51 pm ET
by Mox
You know its too bad
Moxie never learned to count
syllables in words.
Haiku # 13347, August 31, 2001 6:49 pm ET
by k_against_specifically_Moxie of Moxie's fifth grade class
jay and silent bob
have a lot to answer for
the film is dreadful
Haiku # 13346, August 31, 2001 6:28 pm ET
by scott (a PSA's a shoddy, misogynistic, humorless ripoff of Wayne's World...sheer torture)
now if rush limbaugh
could only lose those extra
last two hundred pounds...
Haiku # 13345, August 31, 2001 6:05 pm ET
by scott (against his better judgement)
If dogs ran alien
detection programmes, would it
be quite Sirius?
Haiku # 13344, August 31, 2001 3:23 pm ET
by Moxie
Well, you know they said
that about Rush Limbaugh and
he lost some of him
Haiku # 13343, August 31, 2001 3:22 pm ET
by Moxie
Once, five-seven-five
seemed tiny and limited
but now is too much
Haiku # 13342, August 31, 2001 12:33 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Through the south curtains
then inching across my bed
it tints your face red

Through south curtains
and inched cross my bed
you tinted me red
Haiku # 13341, August 31, 2001 12:29 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Wicked bent-up toe
inches along the carpet
towards the cat bowl
Haiku # 13340, August 31, 2001 12:19 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
SETI signal spikes
defense digs, audience oohs...
oops! that was side-out
Haiku # 13339, August 31, 2001 12:16 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
My dog was taken
in alien abduction
for tail reduction
Haiku # 13338, August 31, 2001 12:11 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
My hairbrush watches
sends signals back to space, for
alien voyeurs
Haiku # 13337, August 31, 2001 12:07 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
I hold the strainer
holding in the spaghetti
which holds last night's dream
Haiku # 13336, August 31, 2001 12:03 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
A Crop of Circles

aliens answer
ARECIBO, but we stay
avoidably lost!
Haiku # 13335, August 31, 2001 12:02 pm ET
by wowzer
SETI sez: "Why would
they send such simple message?"
That's all we sent them!
Haiku # 13334, August 31, 2001 11:57 am ET
by wowzer
SETI sez: "Why not
tell us more in a CD?"
Did THAT! you hid it!
Haiku # 13333, August 31, 2001 11:54 am ET
by wowzer
SETI sez: "Why in a
crop glyph?" So the whole world will
see you denie them!
Haiku # 13332, August 31, 2001 11:51 am ET
by wowzer
SETI sez: "When we
had a false alarm, New York
Times rung us right up!"
Haiku # 13331, August 31, 2001 11:49 am ET
by wowzer
that was a hoax of
pretending nothing's out there
the Big SETI scam!
Haiku # 13330, August 31, 2001 11:47 am ET
by wowzer
then why doesn't the
New York Times do a story
on this, hoax or not!
Haiku # 13329, August 31, 2001 11:44 am ET
by wowzer
SETI if you can
presume what aliens would
do, tell who they are!
Haiku # 13328, August 31, 2001 11:42 am ET
by wowzer
students? Periphery view
shows NO ONE out there.
Haiku # 13327, August 31, 2001 11:38 am ET
by wowzer
Haiku # 13326, August 31, 2001 11:35 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Even the Hoaxers
say, "we weren't any where near
there." not believed now.
Haiku # 13325, August 31, 2001 11:35 am ET
by wowzer
hyper Hoagland looks
for a crop circle mahine -
Gaia and Merlin.
Haiku # 13324, August 31, 2001 11:32 am ET
by wowzer
Dear Lord, allow me
to leave office early and
blow my small pay cheque.
Haiku # 13323, August 31, 2001 7:43 am ET
by Primordial Slime
finger on the pulse
master of understatement
ap says a mouthfull
Haiku # 13322, August 31, 2001 2:36 am ET
by ash
moxie is an asshole
a big fucking fat asshole
now - how's that for nice
Haiku # 13321, August 30, 2001 7:04 pm ET
by ap
I press a kiss upon her lips,
what could I do but linger,
& as I ran my hand through her hair,
a cootie bit my finger
Haiku # 13320, August 30, 2001 6:22 pm ET
by pancho villa and 1/2+2
a small retraction:
RONIN, when did i suggest...
so on and so forth...
Haiku # 13319, August 30, 2001 6:03 pm ET
by scott (red-faced...)
Ronin to shogun...
a little spice please
we are happy to report Ayn Rand
is somewhere in Toledo
Haiku # 13318, August 30, 2001 5:44 pm ET
by Moxie
Wasting space is an
art form, akin to sep ukku
only, more poison to self
Haiku # 13317, August 30, 2001 5:40 pm ET
by Moxie
Lamb Vindaloos is
something I had a hankering
for before four 4
Haiku # 13316, August 30, 2001 5:38 pm ET
by Moxie
Well, to the psalmist
When you thump a Bible
the worst thing that happens is
you grab attention to yourself
and not the wisdom within it...
Haiku # 13315, August 30, 2001 5:32 pm ET
by Moxie
Pray for your enemies
Let your hurt into words and spirit
and let it go and be gone
Haiku # 13314, August 30, 2001 5:28 pm ET
by Moxie
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