Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

To be too much
is not good
Why do you want to burn Bibles?
Haiku # 9987, May 3, 2001 11:48 am ET
by PX
Almost to 10000
So why have I had to fight
You all here
for really, nothing
This is below me, this is below you
Ash, join me in my macrame...
Haiku # 9986, May 3, 2001 11:47 am ET
by Moxie
Keep going proud Libran
What's you're deeper reason
Do you really want me dead literally
as I feel inside?
Haiku # 9985, May 3, 2001 11:46 am ET
by Moxie
grandpa has a cunt
we always call her grandma
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 9984, May 3, 2001 11:45 am ET
by mellie
ah, fingers flexing
return reruns of silly
ad homs and insults
Haiku # 9983, May 3, 2001 11:44 am ET
by impro
You flee
because you fear
I have boogers on my arm, amen
Haiku # 9982, May 3, 2001 11:44 am ET
by Wait...
neither learned nor taste
you amuse only yourself
go do macram
Haiku # 9981, May 3, 2001 11:43 am ET
by ash
Just a bit of supply
We are ready to go
get a new job and a new life
Haiku # 9980, May 3, 2001 11:43 am ET
by PX
ap is now gone.
i enjoyed the bad haiku.
the nut is too much.

ash, mellie, saint, priest,
betty la bomb, yes, even boo.
bye bye bye bye bye
Haiku # 9979, May 3, 2001 11:42 am ET
by ap
I wear my heart on
my sleeve... no wait that is just
some dried-up boogers
Haiku # 9978, May 3, 2001 11:42 am ET
by impro
Ox with a sting
Really is an odd thing
Gored and poisoned at times
Haiku # 9977, May 3, 2001 11:41 am ET
by Moxie
Please stop writing poems
to hurt and I won't either
it's below us all
Haiku # 9976, May 3, 2001 11:40 am ET
by Moxie
Moment of silence
for a waterbuffalo
who met the lion
Haiku # 9975, May 3, 2001 11:40 am ET
by impro
Moxie is a learned
taste, which is why so many hate it
till they get used to it
Haiku # 9974, May 3, 2001 11:39 am ET
by Moxie
listen to the sound
of one hand smacking your face
and tell me your thoughts
Haiku # 9973, May 3, 2001 11:39 am ET
by impro
The people who insult
and when I do, get nowhere
get somewhere
Haiku # 9972, May 3, 2001 11:38 am ET
by Moxie
She's Moriarty
to my Sherlock Jones or a
bullet to my jack
Haiku # 9971, May 3, 2001 11:37 am ET
by impro
On giving a shit
Literally it can be a
business run by bulls
Haiku # 9970, May 3, 2001 11:37 am ET
by Moxie
what's that dreadful smell ?
it must be moxie flamb
Haiku # 9969, May 3, 2001 11:36 am ET
by ash
A rant can be a
haiku, lad, i suppose if
I rant to 5/7/5
Haiku # 9968, May 3, 2001 11:36 am ET
by Moxie
Mellie, why do you want to burn a Bible?
Haiku # 9967, May 3, 2001 11:34 am ET
by Moxie
is this the rant page?
no? rant on the rant page please.
haikulation here.
Haiku # 9966, May 3, 2001 11:34 am ET
by ap
You just don't know me
You know, face to face
you could really truely hurt me
or really speak meaning, not type it
it's just nothing really, words...
Haiku # 9965, May 3, 2001 11:34 am ET
by Moxie
I think I'm being stalked
by a lion now
and why is ap obcessed with wanking?
is he single
Haiku # 9964, May 3, 2001 11:33 am ET
by Moxie
Thanks, Mox, but if I
gave a shit, you'd be the first
I would give it to.
Haiku # 9963, May 3, 2001 11:32 am ET
by impro
Insults lead nowhere
But explaining does now see
Here's a Pabst
Haiku # 9962, May 3, 2001 11:32 am ET
by Moxie of gratzi, ash, I'm still batshit
lions do not count
they are prowling for their prey
sometimes they miss too
Haiku # 9961, May 3, 2001 11:31 am ET
by mellie
i do not need form
though the uninformed should know
haiku is haiku
Haiku # 9960, May 3, 2001 11:30 am ET
by ash
reduce your wanking.
suboptimization of
sexual desire.
Haiku # 9959, May 3, 2001 11:30 am ET
by ap
wave off the insult
that's below you apAsh
get on my cloud of Hell
Haiku # 9958, May 3, 2001 11:29 am ET
by Moxie
the comfy bed calls
what care i for repart
Haiku # 9957, May 3, 2001 11:28 am ET
by ash
Why do you need form?
Does not formlessness make the
vase useful at all?
Haiku # 9956, May 3, 2001 11:28 am ET
by Moxie
moxie prescription:
visit your therapist, now.
take your lithium.
Haiku # 9955, May 3, 2001 11:28 am ET
by ap
Here's a Pabst...
Haiku # 9954, May 3, 2001 11:26 am ET
by Moxie
this libran can spell
although sometimes i can't count
but i spit okay
Haiku # 9953, May 3, 2001 11:26 am ET
by ash
Why would you burn
a holy book? How
would a Muslim feel if I burned her
Qu'ran? in front of her
but I didn't give regard to how you felt
He died for us excuse for Moxie's sin now
Haiku # 9952, May 3, 2001 11:25 am ET
by Moxie
what else shall we burn
witches? It is a good book
it is how you see it
Haiku # 9951, May 3, 2001 11:23 am ET
by Moxie
i've done it that time
one too many syllables
how can i go on?
Haiku # 9950, May 3, 2001 11:23 am ET
by ash
Proud Librans are creul
Kind Librans can heal
Even the darkest Scorpion
Haiku # 9949, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by Moxie
It's not a good book
toss bible on bonfire
watch burning ashes
Haiku # 9948, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by mellie
It was Beltaine...
But the fire, she is still
And it is maleness being expressed...
Haiku # 9947, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by Moxie
no idea at all
regarding my existence
merely conjecture
Haiku # 9946, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by ash
Ash on the warpath
he's out with all guns blazing
he's like a bonfire
Haiku # 9945, May 3, 2001 11:20 am ET
by mellie
No, not that severe
I like your structure but, this
I don't have to like
the artist, but I can
like the art, but the artist
is ok too
Haiku # 9944, May 3, 2001 11:19 am ET
by Moxie
I see you as too
structured, too formal
No fun, no batshit as you say...

I need to get more your style
I think you need chaos...
Haiku # 9943, May 3, 2001 11:18 am ET
by Moxie
we have narrowed you down
to one person
let us spread, something new
Haiku # 9942, May 3, 2001 11:17 am ET
by Moxie of aha...
The pride I see
I see as rich liberal pride
Too much structurem too many manners
not enough, chaos
nature would blow it in like so much straw
Haiku # 9941, May 3, 2001 11:16 am ET
by Moxie
oh, don't box me in
give me a home on the range
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 9940, May 3, 2001 11:15 am ET
by ash
I can measure this
Like my athiest libran friend
but you can't measure God
Haiku # 9939, May 3, 2001 11:14 am ET
by Moxie of ah, pride!
Well, I'll get over it
I like your style
even if you don't like mine
unless you mug me with your "style..."
Haiku # 9938, May 3, 2001 11:13 am ET
by Moxie
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