Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

Why do you need form?
Does not formlessness make the
vase useful at all?
Haiku # 9956, May 3, 2001 11:28 am ET
by Moxie
moxie prescription:
visit your therapist, now.
take your lithium.
Haiku # 9955, May 3, 2001 11:28 am ET
by ap
Here's a Pabst...
Haiku # 9954, May 3, 2001 11:26 am ET
by Moxie
this libran can spell
although sometimes i can't count
but i spit okay
Haiku # 9953, May 3, 2001 11:26 am ET
by ash
Why would you burn
a holy book? How
would a Muslim feel if I burned her
Qu'ran? in front of her
but I didn't give regard to how you felt
He died for us excuse for Moxie's sin now
Haiku # 9952, May 3, 2001 11:25 am ET
by Moxie
what else shall we burn
witches? It is a good book
it is how you see it
Haiku # 9951, May 3, 2001 11:23 am ET
by Moxie
i've done it that time
one too many syllables
how can i go on?
Haiku # 9950, May 3, 2001 11:23 am ET
by ash
Proud Librans are creul
Kind Librans can heal
Even the darkest Scorpion
Haiku # 9949, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by Moxie
It's not a good book
toss bible on bonfire
watch burning ashes
Haiku # 9948, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by mellie
It was Beltaine...
But the fire, she is still
And it is maleness being expressed...
Haiku # 9947, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by Moxie
no idea at all
regarding my existence
merely conjecture
Haiku # 9946, May 3, 2001 11:22 am ET
by ash
Ash on the warpath
he's out with all guns blazing
he's like a bonfire
Haiku # 9945, May 3, 2001 11:20 am ET
by mellie
No, not that severe
I like your structure but, this
I don't have to like
the artist, but I can
like the art, but the artist
is ok too
Haiku # 9944, May 3, 2001 11:19 am ET
by Moxie
I see you as too
structured, too formal
No fun, no batshit as you say...

I need to get more your style
I think you need chaos...
Haiku # 9943, May 3, 2001 11:18 am ET
by Moxie
we have narrowed you down
to one person
let us spread, something new
Haiku # 9942, May 3, 2001 11:17 am ET
by Moxie of aha...
The pride I see
I see as rich liberal pride
Too much structurem too many manners
not enough, chaos
nature would blow it in like so much straw
Haiku # 9941, May 3, 2001 11:16 am ET
by Moxie
oh, don't box me in
give me a home on the range
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 9940, May 3, 2001 11:15 am ET
by ash
I can measure this
Like my athiest libran friend
but you can't measure God
Haiku # 9939, May 3, 2001 11:14 am ET
by Moxie of ah, pride!
Well, I'll get over it
I like your style
even if you don't like mine
unless you mug me with your "style..."
Haiku # 9938, May 3, 2001 11:13 am ET
by Moxie
i can count to seventeen
nearly ev'ry time
Haiku # 9937, May 3, 2001 11:13 am ET
by ash
Not everything can be libran
full of balances and counterchecks
but emotion and "meaninglessness"
that's water
Haiku # 9936, May 3, 2001 11:12 am ET
by Moxie
your style is absent
being rather lack of style
boring as batshit
Haiku # 9935, May 3, 2001 11:12 am ET
by ash
I'm just a caveman
I don't understand your strange
haiku free form
Haiku # 9934, May 3, 2001 11:12 am ET
by impro
Who caught the clap
And the sarcasm
Real poetry when you forget yourself
work with me
Haiku # 9933, May 3, 2001 11:11 am ET
by Mox
Now Ash...
Maybe my style is fine for others
But it's not your style...
Maybe that's why you don't like it.
Just say that, I don't like your style, Moxie
Haiku # 9932, May 3, 2001 11:10 am ET
by Moxie
Now Ash...
Maybe my style is fine for others
But it's not your style...
Maybe that's why you don't like it.
Just say that, I don't like your style, Moxie
Haiku # 9931, May 3, 2001 11:09 am ET
by Moxie
Does Impro drink
What does he drink
Why does he think I need to?
Haiku # 9930, May 3, 2001 11:08 am ET
by Moxie
gross verbosity
but such a dearth of content
wasted electrons
Haiku # 9929, May 3, 2001 11:08 am ET
by ash
clap clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap
Haiku # 9928, May 3, 2001 11:07 am ET
by impro of BraVO!
Grandma has a cock
but she also has
Old Duke and a Bowflex
Haiku # 9927, May 3, 2001 11:06 am ET
by Moxie of oh, ap...
Oh my god it's hot
too hot to touch my hoo haa
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 9926, May 3, 2001 11:05 am ET
by nonozone
I said damn Jesus
to someone who just blankly
hated me, and he's still
where he is now, nowhere...
Haiku # 9925, May 3, 2001 11:05 am ET
by Moxie
That how I feel at times
Crawling chaos
Haiku # 9924, May 3, 2001 11:04 am ET
by Moxie
I like speaking to these
poets. It's something more
than what I had before...
Much more, being a part of
the Circle
Haiku # 9923, May 3, 2001 11:02 am ET
by Moxie
Balance and chaos
They who want me to hurt myself
Want to do it themselves
Hate begets hate, I reflected that
Haiku # 9922, May 3, 2001 11:01 am ET
by Moxie
We are up to here
peace be unto Impro
I'm getting "it" back
Haiku # 9921, May 3, 2001 11:00 am ET
by Moxie of don't hold me back...
I quit booze
Because I had a fifth of
Whiskey and almost died
Haiku # 9920, May 3, 2001 10:58 am ET
by Moxie
For some it is too
early to be hitting the
booze... Not for you though
Haiku # 9919, May 3, 2001 10:57 am ET
by imrpo
storm in a teacup
this is not the universe
it's a puny verse
Haiku # 9918, May 3, 2001 10:56 am ET
by ash
libran through and through
i can spot the unbalanced
need i continue?
Haiku # 9917, May 3, 2001 10:54 am ET
by ash
some people have some
thing else...without drugs
but maybe a beast
I would make sense drunk
Haiku # 9916, May 3, 2001 10:54 am ET
by Moxie
Well, with Martin Luther I am
A nasty old big head
And chaos itself
i like Virgos and Taurus people...
Haiku # 9915, May 3, 2001 10:53 am ET
by Moxie of Ah...
some people have it
some people just don't get it
existing elsewhere
Haiku # 9914, May 3, 2001 10:52 am ET
by ash
I smell your Picese
side... bullocks to taurus and
virgo you are not
Haiku # 9913, May 3, 2001 10:50 am ET
by impro
Nine Inch Nails were used
On Jesus, Mormon friend says
He is closer to God that guy
than he thinks I believe
Haiku # 9912, May 3, 2001 10:48 am ET
by Moxie
i hereby resolve
once the chemicals kick in
to be more myself
Haiku # 9911, May 3, 2001 10:44 am ET
by ash
Are you a Scorpio too?
That's my fighting side...
It gets carried away...
Haiku # 9910, May 3, 2001 10:43 am ET
by Moxie
going off the air
cancelled poetic licence
leaving me speechless
Haiku # 9909, May 3, 2001 10:41 am ET
by ash
a new medium
cheaper than a therapist
and much more public

if i was no-one
if i had nothing to say
i'd do it right here

then again instead
i might see the funny side
and get into it
Haiku # 9908, May 3, 2001 10:40 am ET
by ash
we are haiku
you will be cha-no-yu
resistance is the flow
Haiku # 9907, May 3, 2001 10:38 am ET
by Moxie
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