It got confusing
During my troubled childood:
Grandma was grandpa...
by I Was Hatched of Cocked and Loaded
a pair of fried eggs
and a dishevelled merkin
remind me of you
by ash of memories of grandma
Grandma has a cock.
She trained it as a fighter.
Her cock won the match.
by School of Fighting Cocks
Her red rooster crows
And then pecks at corn kernels
Grandma has a cock
by Betty LeBomb
Grandma’s leaky hose
Dribbles down the garden path
Grandma has a cock
by Betty LeBomb
Grandma has a pipe
because it broke off Grandpa
It’s a wrinkled pipe
by Jerry Hattrick of Canada
Prince Albert burley
Smokes better in a big bowl.
Grandma has a pipe.
by Cock of The Rock
some things never change
why would perfection evolve?
grandma has a cock
by ash of plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
The way I see it
(And you can tell by the flies)
Poets never flush
by Noticer of X-Krement of Old Willow Public Latrine
How has the style, tone, and subject matter of haiku submissions evolved over the course of 27 years, 266 days, and 77207 haikus? Has there been a noticeable shift or progression in the way poets approach this form of poetry?
by Brenttwibe of India
kamala was black
before donald was orange
colour me confused
by ash of hue and cry
Everything truly
Is devoid of hope but this
Is good..death of idols
by Vhs
run like dysentery
jump like an epileptic
dive like the nasdaq
by ash of taking stock of the games
The Olympic Games
Have never meant less to me
Than they do this year.
by Dionysos Apollos of Mt. O
mystical stoners
the silver will turn to gold
chasing the dragon
by ash of mind out of time
Steely Dan. Asia.
Those swimming Chinese dopers...
It all makes sense now.
by Donald Becker of CCP
Swinese shimmers: dope
Angular banjos: sounds good
(Chinese dopers swim)
by Swimming to Mainland of Deelistan
Well at least someone
Hasn't lost their cynical
Touch but who cares now?
by Vhs
ready position
launch forth your chosen routine
and shower the gold
by ash of ou non, tant pis
God that was stupid
Shut up and go wash dishes
And please lose some weight
by But keep makes you smart
All is vanity
Fair on parade...crossbreed and
Buckled up on bridge
by Vhs
Chinese swimmers dope
The only way they can cope
Red can turn to gold
by Mark Spits
Hey you, John Hagee:
You need a better tailor
(Also, lose some weight!)
by Dispensation of Judification
by Timothyvow of Egypt
Not sure what Ash means..
Peut-être les jeux Olympiques ?
Plutôt sataniques...
by Commitee of Public Haiku Safety
jorts!? like, what the fuck?
i ain't no fashionista
but spare me the puke
by ash of catwalk dog vomit
Timcast with lil' hat...
Little beanie-boy talker--
Talking fence-sitter.
by Damn Cap Must Get Itchy in Summer
Pigs will fly into
The restrooms of the world...must
Be manifesto
Written on tee pee
by Vhs
I just want to say:
Miss Karmela Harrison
Should be prezident!
by She Deserve It of You Go, Girl
My cheeks are so clean
You'll sink your face in between
And give me a kiss!
by Right on the Kisser, of Kourse
i have to reveal
never wash my face in sinks
but i clean my cheeks
by some dirty bum
I have to tell you
a small secret I must share
for a feeling I love
Pissing in the sink
at libraries, bars, restaurants
Department stores, clubs
A feeling so good
unrivaled sense of power
I love sink pissing
by Piss Baby of Where you wash your face
cloudstrike is all wet
but try and stay good humid
when businesses sweat
by ash of windchill south
sad bunch of whingers
reviews on a travel site
privileged morons
by ash of been around enough to know
Limp tails torn off spines,
Red flows under full moon glow,
Fish guts feline feast
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Red cats parade,
Paws unite, comrades at gates,
"Revolution meow!"
by Comicat of Jerzey
Sloping Rooftop Fear
Bad Orange Man Hates Trannies
Pop Pop Head Explode
by Rick Stronglove of Milky Way
covid taps the prez
he's been biden his time but...
god sends a message
by ash of withdrawal is a method
earmarked for greatness
unless god calls biden home
more thoughts and prayers please
by ash of alien observation
The big events hit
Rosencrantz and gildenstern
Are still quite dead men
by Moxie
I'm going through the
usual clash of my ego
vs society
by Moxie
i submitted some
words on this site even though
i don't see a point
by Moxie
They tried to shoot Joe
'Cause he does not fall enough.
(It was on "Juneteenth")
by But Donald is so much Dangerouser of Dumbocracy
See big butt. See bug.
See the big bug bite big butt.
Bug bit big butt. Ouch.
by Fun With Dick and Jane
near my plea, ali
i don't wish to see big butts
in active sportswear
by ash of online shopping
Nothing to hear here.
Donald lost part of an ear...
Poor victim stood near.
by But Have No Fear of Antifa Are Queer
He will rise again!
The fatal head-wound is healed!
I'll vote for the Beast!
by Auntie Antichrist of Secret Church Service
only if i could
hear but unthinkable but
becomes history
by jelarr
van gogh can tell you
ear today, gone tomorrow
listen up donald
by ash of butler did it
I had an idea
for a fantastic haiku...
But then forgot it.
by Bo Jiden of Mental Acuity