So let's go kill him.
Angry game show contestant.
Never forgave him.
by The price is wrong! of Satan says "Come on Down!" when he finally dies.
Let us make a deal
With Bob's sexy blonde hostess.
I forgot her name.
by His name might be Lucifer of BEHIND DOOR #3
Co-vid can't kill him
Bob Barker is still alive
Is he the Devil?
by Come on Down! of Hell
Man in the attic
No one knew he lived up there
because he killed them
by Tales of Creepy Humans
It just won't matter
when everyone fucks machines
They'll all be turned on
by This haiku provided by the makers of WD-40
There are two genders.
And thirty-six kinds of gay.
Call it what you want.
by Cis-trans-gay-straight-lesbian of And the endless combinationsns
They think it's Progress:
sexual confusion and hate
towards all that is right.
by God will judge their dead souls in the end of course.
Covid fear: it's there
deep in the liberal soul
where God ought to be.
by Godless Neurotics Easily-programmed
They STILL don't feel safe . . .
The vaxxed: just as neurotic
As before their jab.
by That's Why They Are Neurotically Afraid of a Chinese Chest-cold
Digging up old ghosts.
The aroma of coffee
on my leather coat.
by This is me at my most masochistic.
Souls of the murdered
gravitate to frozen lips
stuck in a false grin.
by Your 1st child.
Together, we can
make sure all Americans
get Covid-19
by Anonymous Poet
Midgets do not die.
They shrink to non-existence.
Sort of like Whoville.
by Dr Seuss' toilet brush
What's with the midgets?
You been watching midget porn.
Love midget strippers.
Fun sized prostitutes.
Just spin them on your finger.
A fidget midget.
by Anonymous Poet
How many midgets
have died from COVID-19?
Explain your answer
by Quiz
Ok, that makes sense
The third leg is the problem
That one has a limp
by Noticer of Defective Triskelion
I've been to England
Never eaten spotted dick
but I've heard of it
by If you have spotted Dick of You might be a cheetah
I do not have spots.
Nor do I have any stripes.
I have all three legs.
But there's a problem.
I seem to have misplaced my
prosthetic sphincter.
by Actually, it's bionic. of Cost 6 million dollars.
Amputated leg
Possessed by evil spirits
Call priest if spotted
by PSA of Emergency Broadcast
I've been banging goats.
Hoping to get the Nipah.
And pass it to you.
by Blahblahblah
If you have covid,
go out and spread it around.
Get this over with!
Hand railings, door knobs,
elevator buttons and
shopping mall food stands.
by Do your duty!
Wear a bondage mask.
Make disease kinky again.
Be a bug hunter.
by STDs and Pokemon. of Gotta catch 'em all!
Hey, wear a clown mask
Let's make Covid fun again
Turn frowns upside down
Prescribe silly string
More farting competitions
More Kardashians
Bring back fake vomit
Rubber chickens, Silly Putty
Unprotected sex
Free ice cream for all!
Midgets on every corner
Life is beautiful
by Sara Tonen of Your Happy Place
Balut McMuffin
You deserve a beak today
McDarthnold's Restaurant
by Clown of Huge Feet. No pants.
Camel pedicures
by Anonymous Poet of funny bone
Will die for country
But I will not wear a mask
That's too much to ask
by Confused patriot virtue signal
If your dink is pointing South
Put this in your mouth
by Brought to you by the Balut Egg Commission of Sunny Philippines
Morning camel ride
Combined stench of man and beast
and we're still in bed
by Postcards from D Figpucker of Employment Abroad
And they drink coffee.
And they own lots of women.
And they blow stuff up.
by What more could you ask for?!
Baklava versus
Balaclava (a face-mask)
Terrorists do both !
by Friendly Hamas Pastry Chef of BOOM!
Well that's no problem.
I'm sure camels don't have hands.
That's an easy job!
by Silly Arabs, Trix are for kids. of Kids as in juvenile goats
The Job Description:
You will be responsible
for camel hand jobs
by Anonymous Poet
They're so welcoming.
They said come on down and join.
Darth torture expert.
Maybe bomb maker.
Or heroin smuggler.
Chemical warfare?
Chef and gardener.
Cave hideout decorator.
Camel pedicures.
by I can do it all!
You will be welcome
most anywhere you travel
because you're so cute
by Fortune Cookie of Old Willow Take Out
Will the Taliban
accept me if I go there?
Looks like lots of fun!
Full auto rifles.
Rocket launchers and grenades.
Oh, and land mines too!
And roller coasters,
Ferris wheels, haunted house,
and the bumper cars!
And I hear free coffee.
Like what more could you ask for?
And balklava too?!
by I am so there!
So some people die.
Who thinks covid's overblown?
We're expendable.
If some folks don't die,
then the whole human race will.
It's an ugly truth.
by Stop overpopulation. Start with politicians. Then government workers and lawyers. Then tattoo artists. of After that we can get rid of the damn Eskimos.
Fucking parasites.
Uniforms with their hands out.
You must pay or die.
by Criminals, the lot of them.
Hope was not refering to Obama, by the way. Just to clear that up!
Maybe Hope is not even the right word, but it's the first one that comes to mind.
by Anonymous Poet
Google for the pics.
It's a developed duck egg.
Yes, beak and feathers.
They hard boil it.
Served with spicy vinegar
stinky dead fish sauce.
I tried a taste once.
It tastes as bad as it smells.
And smells like it looks.
Sulfur egg odor.
When your college roommate farts,
that's what it smells like.
Truly reeks of Hell.
Hell will be filled with armies
of baby duck souls.
They will take revenge
against the drunken Flippos,
devour their souls.
There's something... evil.
In Flippo mentality,
culture and customs.
True evil, I mean.
Not just greedy and ruthless,
but truly evil.
by Takes time to see it, but it's there.
Do you drink it down?
I hope there's no beaks involved
Is it raw or cooked?
by Questions to ask your server of Balot
Have you had balot?
If Hell has food, then that's it.
Hot duck abortions.
by With stinky dead fish sauce.
That imp Obama,
That slick puppet candidate,
I do not miss him.
by Hope of Change
Всем хорошего настроения!
Возможно не по тематике форума - нужна помощь по теме иконописи.
Нужно выбрать мерную икону для ребёнка.
Слышал что делают прямо по росту ребёнка.
Как лучше заказывать (поделитесь опытом) в каких иконописных мастерских?
Ссылку,если можно но не просто на мастерскую, а именно туда, где Вы лично покупали.
Интересует именно личный опыт.
Заранее спасибо.
by СтасVex of Россия
Darth's recent verses:
Stunningly brilliant haiku.
(Balut egg flavor.)
by Henpecker of Penhecker
I'd say ghost pepper.
Lasting burning sensation.
Might need a doctor.
by And I put it in your soup!
Pick the vegetable
that is most like your penis.
String bean, corn or kale
by Farmer's Daughter
I know for a fact
Ming Lee Nguyen has your wallet.
She love you long time.
by Too beaucoup, too beaucoup! of Alabama black snake.
Pooping in your pants
Ain't so bad considering
Humankind is doomed
by Jack the Zipper
If it isn't art,
and it isn't functional,
is it comedy?
by Chicken Soup!
By the Hu-Kwa bridge,
In the bamboo grove: Dammit!
I lost my wallet.
by Losing Things in the Orient