If I had a soul,
I'd trade it for some coffee.
Too much work to do.
by df
Wrong medication
But has pleasant side effects
Hard ons and poems
by Anonymous Poet
Good luck with haiku
Mine always gets so hairy
Oily residue
by Beautiful of Don't hate me cause I'm
Visit my museum
Curated foul body odors
We're always open
by Stinky
Round triangle shit?
I guess that would have to be . . .
Your next haiku verse !
by Haikusenryutankahaibunhaigarenga of Lyrical Outhouse
Just ordered pizza
What is round, then triangle
Shit out as a log?
by Riddler
Quick, get your pants on
Someone's knocking at the door
17 Feet tall!!
by Running of The other way
To Darth I would say:
"See you in hell" except that
I will not be there.
by Stench of Blasphemy
steaming up the car
Hot automobile coitus
Hey, Get a garage!
by Lightning McQueen of Pre-jac City
God is a big god
A real big bad daddy-o
Well, Almighty Then!!!!
by Clown of Shitter
God has been on point
The big question of the day
When will He smite us?
by Puny human
When you wake with wood
Get your priorities straight
Fear the termite
by Bugsy
Bad ju ju they said
when I picked up the onion
And broke the window
by Major League Asshole of Mound
Just looked in toilet
My next haiku is complete
I'll just leave it here
by Pooet of Wiz here
Brexit means Brexit.
But what the fuck does that mean?
We have no idea.
by Brexit is a pile of shite
The worst sin of all
is enjambment in haiku
like a train orgy.
Each end connected
to the other like a long
VD conductor.
by Forgive me, Lord Basho, King of Geeks.
Jesus forgive me
for all the horrible things
I've haikued about.
And for using the
word haiku in the past tense
as though it's a verb.
I guess I'm going to hell.
I'll make it worth it.
*Jerks off on Bible*.
Like A Clockwork Orange movie.
The book was better.
by df
Talking to myself
Now, arguing with myself
Leave, and don't come back!
by Noticer of Details of Curb
Monkey meat meltdown
Pervert flying carpet ride
Pilot Mardones
by Look up of Up
Do not be faithless.
I absolutely believe.
in absolute hate.
by df
Virtual IP.
I have to use it for work
logged in for clients.
And for monkey porn.
Would you like my home address?
Watch me masturbate?
by df
Stores run by monkeys.
They can never find the price.
So they can't sell stuff.
I walk out hungry.
But I saved a bit of cash.
Monkey meat tonight?
by df
'Anonymous Poet'
is data-driven robot
algorithm. Beep.
by CX171943-A6 of Alternate IP address
Despite what they say,
rats do not taste very good.
BBQ sauce helps.
by Gordon Ramsey
Invisible man.
Fairy tales and miracles.
Ancient and silly.
by And WE are sociopaths?
Where's your vagina?
My God, it sealed itself up!
Now that's rejection.
by Anonymous Poet
Stepped in that one time
Hot steaming pile of Dzogchen
Not soon forgotten
by Llama Dolly of Alpaca 2 Go
Preserve your tig le
Don't fool with sexy chicas.
That is dangerous.
Dzogchen is better
You are empty like the world
Best not forget it.
by Rolang of 7734
I'm on vacation
My luggage is somewhere else
I wish my wife was
by Somewhere Elsa of Frozen
Existing is hard
Never mind trying to live
That just might kill me
by Anonymous Poet
We should go on strike
None of us signed up for this
Give us a break, God
by Anonymous Poet
Don't believe the squirrels.
They'll say anything for treats.
No, you're not sexy.
by Selfie, selfie, on the phone.
Dressing up my cat
This baby bonnet looks cute
Cats look good in pink
by Anonymous Poet
My psychiatrist
Told me to express myself
By writing haiku
by Crazy 8 of Couch
God thinks he's the boss
Just makes me want to moon
Silly foolishness
by Anonymous Poet
Poetry is fun
A little voice inside me
Could be a demon
by Poet
You think I'm catholic?
To hell with that fake Pope "church".
Just give me the Truth.
by Darkest Hour of Just Before Dawn
Have you heard my tweets
in the middle of the night
A strange bird, indeed
by Dodo
i dont post here much anymore
and when you tell me to be faithless
its depressing, and to listen to an
on line stranger, why bother? if i ignore this you shrug and keep on posting
by vhs
I don't get haiku.
What is the purpose of it?
I don't feel the "zen".
How big is God's cunt?
Is it bigger than Cuntfart's?
I kind of doubt it.
by Anonymous Poet
Inside my birds nest
Watch my beak with each bird snore
Beak beak beak beak beak
by Anonymous Poet
Bed and the big ones
Who keep everyone awake
The entire night
by Anonymous Poet
Toasted wheat bagel.
Lox, onion, tomato, and,
of course, the cream cheese.
by Oy vay, already yet!
Though quite minuscule,
my cock won't fit your nostril.
...What the hell -- let's try!
by df
Next, onion bagel
I will toast it for a bit
Spread on some cream cheese
by Anonymous Poet
Fight amongst yourselves
Gonna sit here and pig out
I could eat a horse
by Anonymous Poet
Church would be better
If priests dressed like gorillas
Banana chip hosts
by Anonymous Poet
heavenly father
Deadbeat sky dad in the clouds
Thanks for nothing, dad
by Anonymous Poet
the ones who do not
get it say those who get it
don't get it, so GET
by vhs