Couldn't they show it just once
No. Shit in their soup.
by Alice of Brady Residence
He farted toothpaste
Freak of nature. Minty Fresh.
Smelly Cavity
by Fangtooth
Kimono Bad stain
Ancient Japanese Secret
Use toilet paper
by Kaka PooPoo of Terlit
Vagina Sniffer
The pay stinks. the cunt stinks too
Nose to the grindstone
by Jack Off of Box
Potato hard on
Ejaculating Spud
Potato stick spew
by Vegetables are gross
Everlasting Fart
Dense cloud hovering, drone like
Mission Accomplished
by E. mission of In the air tonight
Crumble stale Cheeto
Defective and past shelf life
Bloated, racist pig
by Anonymous Poet
Here lies Swollen Gland
Buried with his dick in hand
Death Boner unplanned
by Life is weird of Smegmatery
Only Indians
are truly spiritual.
We white men are not.
by Professional Indian-Lover of the Vavished West
Standing on the corpse
Activated ding dong nerve
Funeral postponed
by Couldn
Shogun of hung low
Lost his danoinks with one blow
From the Blunderbuss
by Gun Shy
I stand on your corpse.
I write Haiku epitaphs.
Your cadaver grins.
by Haiku of Death
Deranged by Donald
It's now a global symptom:
orange harbinger...
by Gibbering Multitudes of Leftard Mobs
Lord Cheeto rises,
shining, resplendent, orange.
Bow ye before him.
by Another whiny Lib of Trump Derangement Syndrome
Oh such Haiku crimes;
defiling a pristine form.
Basho-san vomits
by Shogun of Gun Show
Ok, so I lied
The moment you fell asleep
I took out my knife
by Liar
I'll watch over you
All night while you're sleeping, friend
I won't touch your dink
by Promise
In the Instant Pot
The severed head of Braydon
The Target Cashier
by BraydenJaydencaydenGreydon of Asinine names
Police at your door
Invest in a pet grizzly
Glaze doughnuts with bleach
by Pig Puncher
Clean Asshole Award
I would win that. Hands down(pants)
Fingernails B. Brown
by Digger
Holey Communion
Saw the priest's dink hanging out
Get a sewing kit!
by Sunday Churchgoer of Church
Dead Reawaken
They moonwalk and twerk. So evil!
Turn off the music
by Had it of Up to here
Something in the air
Artisan cheese. Midget owned.
Fromunda their balls.
by Mindya of Business
Starkitten had wit.
Darth Figpucker stinks of shit.
The dude from Maine split (?)
by Starpucker Figkitten
I'm so frightened. God I'm scared.
Lord Cheeto, help us.
by Cowering Minions of Lord Cheeto of Orange
Home Economics
by Sofa King (Handsome) of Living Room
Bright lights of spring:
nothing to do. But darn, dad
deep throat your OWN socks...
by Foot Fetish of Librarians
Dark nights of winter
Nothing to do but darn socks
And deep throat your Dad
by Longing for Spring
Is Starkitten real?
A librarian? Really?
I never knew that
by Tweety
Greasy big old balls
No, I don't want to touch them
They really stink bad
by Anonymous Poet
I'm a fig picker
Got sticky brown fingernails
I pick the best figs
by Figpicker
Sitting on the toilet:2
Edge of the bed:69
by Human Calculator
I'll never win it
The Clean Fingernails Award
I pick my asshole
by Fudgy
Syllable Sybil
All my personalities
Damn, they're all poets
by Cephalapoet
Honshu Librarian
Please don't shush me this morning
Bad sushi farts today
by Patron of Methane to my madness
Compulsive this is.
Type and type and type and type.
say hi to Yoda
by Death to Haiku
Back to Genesis
(as in P-orridge). That thing
is so pathetic.
by Genderless Pronouns of Genesis Psychic TV
What the hell became
of that crazed librarian
name of StarKitten?
by Multiple Personalities of Darth
REACT you bitches.
Type something NOW. Get moving,
by Ephemeral Loveliness of Haiku
Seriously what
is wrong with the Japanese?
They need Jesus Christ !
by Jesus of Nazareth TRUMP 20/20 Vision
They did deserve it.
Both Fat Man and Little boy.
I'm part Jap. Eat me.
by Glorious Burst of One Thousand Eastern Suns
Kamikaze beer
wriggling tentacle skewered
Hell: Japanese bar
by Kirin Asahi of Sapporo Extra DRY
Aisu-krimu sandu-witch
Robotic Gul-friend
by Jap App for Android
Haiku lifts our souls
to views beyond the village:
distant Fuji. (FART)
by Some dumbass Jap wearing a unicorn costume made of pink polyester waving a little flag around on YouTube
Oh, for poetry
that sings of skidmarks and farts
Write on, Figpucker
by Darth F's haiku intervention squad of Freudian Regression
What not to wear, dude
Loose wrinkled beige kimono
Kimono? I'm nude!
by Laughs are Free
Kangaroo dung pile
Oddly enough, dung has pouch
Containing more dung
by God is Awesome
Frozen beard bristles
Oceanic Explosion
Arctic Iceberg Wank
by Chewbacca of Greasy
Smelly deep knee bends
Consult your physician first
Low tide aerobics
by Doc of the Bay of Wasting time
The old lady smell
Just like a slap in the face
At the fish market
by Fishmonger of Trouser Trout