Injured on the job?
Writer's cramp from Bad Haiku?
Call our Hotline NOW!
by Law offices of Cuntfart Cuntfart & Cunt of Roast Beef Boulevard
Y'all are crazy here
I write poems that make sense
Is this real haiku?
by Inez
Pronounced erection
Possible priapism
Willing, Wet walrus
by Whoa
Go ahead. Do it.
YOLO. Jump in and do it.
Fuck the gorilla
by Unusual Zookeeper of Zoo
Honk if you love words
Honk if you love syllables
Honk if you
by Goose of V formation
Watson? Is that you
by No Shit Sherlock
Censorship of verse
by Maniacal Laugher of Laughing at you
Hi Becky, How
by Not the Baby Daddy of Barstool
Got it going on
Haiku flow never gon slow
Jealous? Yeah, I know
by Boastful Eggplant of Patch
The Doctor is in.
Quite simply. Constipated.
Plugged up with haiku
by Doc Prism in the jizzum of Spasm in your chasm
they last for seconds:
convulsive flesh contractions,
glandular spasms
by Anonymous Poet
Spoiler alert here
God's plan: Make life miserable
So far it's working
by Smote Avoider of Non Smoting Section
Be all you can be
A mediocre poet
God has a plan, dude
by Advisor
A matter of fact
A fecal matter of fact
When shit hits the fan
by Keen Observer of Keene, NH
They're out to get you
Poets and their syllables
Lock 'em all up NOW
by Poem shredder of Shredder
Witchy witchy witch
Witchy witchy witchy witch
Witchy witchy witch
by Witch of Witch
I'm on your loop, man
Transmission readjusted
The view is remote
by Borscht of Beetsville
There's a nude selfie
Something about a mushroom
by Fun guy of Maniacal Canned Laughter
IBM's Watson
has been posting haiku here
under Cuntfart Cunt.
by Anonymous Poet
Prepare for New Year:
that tragic Latin music
just might see you through
by Tania of Venezuela
Skiing off the trail
Lonely forest. Not for long!
Hello, Grizzly Bear
by Fresh Air Fiend
Hokkaido snow cone
Yes please, sour lemon drizzle
Prepared by stray dog
by A. Nalgland of Express
Long pigs on the move
Cannibals preheating fire
Build flavour with you!
by Au jus! of Cooked your Goose
Signaling absent virtue
Flapping stunted wings
by So sick of all of you
You're getting a raise
All poets here. Ten percent.
Make Bad Haiku Great Again
by Extra Syllables of Illegal Hat Kiosk and Toadstool Penis Novelties
Blasphemous "poet"
When you grip your butt quill pen
Do you feel quivers?
by Poet of Poetryville
God your haiku sucks.
Over and over same thing.
You must be a bot.
by Anonymous Poet
Knit one, purl two,
Cupping your big balls of yarn
Watching ewe fuck sheep
by Wooly Bully of Ramalamadingdong
Rum ball algebra
Extracurricular bop
Perfect attendance
by Juicy Joyce of Awards Ceremony
2 plus 2 is four
And a fart is a fraction
You do the math, hon
by Schoolmarm (Juicy) of Cafeteria
Hella Big 10 Inch
Sixty Nine is mighty fine
Crunching the numbers
by Juicy Joyce of Motel 6
Numbers are numbing.
Cheap, effective heroin.
Can we share needles?
by df
Now I am worried.
Jaba The Hutt is watching.
But I've dumped no spice.
Oh, that's his sister.
Now I am really worried.
Metal bikini?
by df
Wizened whore vacay
Whoring around Australia
With her whore daughter
by Hmmm
Lizards get busy
Humping in the noon day sun
Wet stain left on rock
by Nature boy of Pond
Cockburpcock o'clock
Cock of the walk. Long beanstalk.
And hard as a rock
by Dreaming
The Romans declined
but it was very gradual.
They did not know it.
by Anonymous Poet
I have become a
You figure it out.
Okay, I'll tell you.
fucks dead baby animals
dressed like a woman.
by Cockburp Cock
Identity Politics . . .
it becomes so dull.
by Predictable boring perspectives of the Left
Behemoth Cuntfarts
Filling this space while you
by Dark Porkdiddler
Grinch farts are bright green
Grinch farts smell like rotten eggs
Grinch feces is green
by Grinch of Grinch Rest Room
Yule Log Video
Donald Trump nude by the fire
Inch long mushroom cap
by He of He