Party at the mall
Monkey business in full swing
All organs playing
by Even that giant floor piano from Big of Behind Mall burning one
wee wee wee wee wee
Wee wee wee wee wee wee wee
Wee..All the way home
by Anonymous Poet
The ice man cometh
Try the all new Bleach Blizzard
by Sticky Igloo of North
Come to think of it
This website's like a window
Pay is bananas
by Attracting a crowd of Mall
I can see your point
Masturbation of Legend
Earned his bananas
by Hmmm
I think I'm jealous.
To jack off in a window
while people watch you.
And free room and board.
I could ask for nothing more.
What an awesome life.
Mall in New York State
Monkey in pet store window
Jerking himself off
by To the sounds of organ music from Restaurant next to pet shop of circa 1984
Collided with deer
walking through thick midnight fog
Touched his big antlers
by Starkitten PNW
Your help means a lot
Thanks for wiping my ass, sir
I guess we're friends now
by Anonymous Poet
Interesting site here
Writing my first haiku ever
Tell me, is this one?
by Anonymous Poet
Loosen your mind grip
We're all on the same page here
Quite literally
by Anonymous Poet
Hollow gnarled tree
Now Airbnb for elves
They have HUGE ding dongs!
by Anonymous Poet
Pork worms in the brain.
The Bible has warned you all.
Sinners now suffer.
Trichinosis host.
Waiting for the worms to cum.
An orgy in you.
Wading in pig shit.
The farmer wears just flip flops.
Worms between the toes.
The dung of five hogs
I lay at your ugly feet
Blessings Bless Blessed
by Anonymous Poet
Hold your head up high
Pig fuckers will rule the planet
I Brake for Pulled Pork
by Pork Loincloth of Undisclosed
The blue fibre samples
Are alien in nature
Where have you travelled?
by Witch
Born the Eleventh
Day of the Eleventh Month
Not you, but close soul
by Number Number of Undisclosed
That's my third eye there
And it's watching a movie
Everything You Do
by Viewer of Remote
We also shot a bottle rocket above the heads of some old people playing bridge one night in a recreation center.
Whoooshhh... POW!
Fucking hilarious. Good times, I tell ya!
by Garth Pigfucker
Ever set off fireworks in a shopping mall?
I did that when I was like 16 yo. The way to do it is use a cigarette for a timed delay (approx. 5 minutes). We used those whistling "Saturn Missile Battery" that shoots about 25 small whistling missiles that zig zag every which way. God it was funny. Security was pissed. Back in the day before they had CCTV up every human being's arse to see what you had for dinner the night before.
Yup. It was a hoot.
by Garth Pigfucker
Frogs, ponds, and night sounds.
These are not appropriate.
Discuss monkey farts.
The best place for that hole would be right in the middle of your forehead.
by Garth Pigfucker
I'd rather discuss mubes than sebum.
Mubes is when you stuff the sebum back into the hole from which it came and allow it to rot and become a cancerous cyst and then you cut it open and smear it on a stairway handrail and sit back and watch people put their hand it in and go... eewwwwww!
by Garth Pigfucker
Have we discussed sebum yet?
by Anonymous Poet
We need a new hole
With which to fuck eat excrete
Where will we put it
by Anonymous Poet
Stepped on a pitchfork
Had to bring pig in parlor
Can't miss my Hee Haw
by Junior Samples of BR549 As Is
pork yourselves, perverts
haiku is for deviants
TRUTH: the new normal
by Anonymous Poet
Darth Garth Figpucker is a good man
by Anonymous Poet
My achy breaky fart.
Rips my ass apart.
Makes my pickup stink.
My asshole's brown, not pink.
by Garth Pigfucker
Oh please! Like you don't
have relations with piggies.
Everyone does it!
At least in one way
or another... fucking pigs
or fucked by the pigs...
It's all humans do.
But I guess we are all pigs.
Long pigs at the trough.
by DARTH FIGPUCKER of Eat rut squeel sleep
It's just breathtaking
Inflatable Dinosaurs
Art Installation
by Anonymous Poet
High on Corn syrup
An army of obese folks
Battle of the Bulge
by Anne O'Rexic of Starvation Army HQ
My hot, probing tongue
Exploring your dental work
Fill my cavity
by Dick Cavetty of Amateur dentist.
Narrow Alleyway
Let's sneak off and have a kiss
Bums urinate here
by Bo Cepheus Greene of Off the beaten path
Does he really have relations with pigs?
by Anonymous Poet
Darth and his dull verse
drove me away from this site.
No regrets at all.
by stressing the profane you stink of intestinal decomposition
I think Figpucker likes shit.
Just sayin'
by Anonymous Poet
Darth: anal, anal
anal, anal, anal, then
more dull sex-talk. YAWN
by Anonymous Poet
Prostitute Bacon
Pickton Pig Farm Killer
by Miss Piggy of High off the hog
"Bears" and "My Body"
Say what you want. This little fucker is cool.
I know the YouTube.
Fart Inhaler Poetry.
Retards are awesome!
Sausage grease sex lube.
Anal swine fine dine and wine.
Drunk pigs are easy.
Suuuuey! Sweeee sweeee sweeee!
Pigs laugh at my tiny balls.
I still don't like pork.
Pig testes are gross.
No matter how you cook them.
Jimmy Dean well spiced.
Go ahead, run off!
Down to the barn, Humpnugget!
Fuck those squealing pigs
Grease up their asses
With your own breakfast drippings
Take the pork loin plunge
by Listening of Taking pictures
Pig schlong pecker meat
Pork butt pecker prong oink
Pork buttock greased doink
by Oink of Oink
Long pig short pig pork
Grunt pig oink pig pork cloven
Mud muck kaka
by Oink of Snort
Long Pig schlong pig pig
Pork pig pig pork pig
Big pig pecker.pig
by Anonymous Poet
Sacrifice Yuge Yuge
Missing my golden toilet
Golden shit tickets
by Constipated Cheeto
It's a scary world
Our farts, familiar...great comfort
I'm basking in it
by Fart Inhaler of Bliss
Just move it please,dude
Is it a roll of quarters
Package of crackers
by Anonymous Poet