Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
27 Years, 345 Days and 77325 Haiku later...

ill just get mine at
the goodwill thanks...l rons
invasion earth was a

lot more fun a story
Haiku # 57346, September 13, 2017 6:41 pm ET
by vhs
Anyone wanna buy
A complete set of Scientology
Books for $3000?
Haiku # 57345, September 13, 2017 4:32 pm ET
by Gullible American
"By the way, I quit"

I would like to make a rebuttal:

Burger! Burger! Burger!

You know you like it
Haiku # 57344, September 13, 2017 4:29 pm ET
by dvd
DF is cranky
Must be mad about something
How to cheer him up?
Haiku # 57343, September 13, 2017 8:54 am ET
by Concerned American
prayer posted, let me
know how its going with those
things like 'i hate blank'

and hating oatmeal
oatmeal just wants to be loved
raisin and cinnamon
Haiku # 57342, September 13, 2017 3:12 am ET
by vhs
fear leads to anger
anger leads to hate, once you
turn down the dark path

you're guaranteed a
career on talk radio
by the way, i quit
Haiku # 57341, September 13, 2017 2:58 am ET
by vhs
Climate change can't happen
Climate doesn't change
And I had nothing to do with it
Fuck you for suggesting otherwise
Haiku # 57340, September 12, 2017 11:12 pm ET
by Unconcerned Murican of Murica, with Sean Hannity
Hurricanes are unpredictable
You are not
I'm intimidated by you
In the sense that I am intimidated
By a bowl of oatmeal - plain
Lukewarm amalgam mush
Haiku # 57339, September 12, 2017 11:08 pm ET
by Unconcerned Murican of Murica, with guns, etc
the more i kinda
read the more crosseyed i get
big print words someday
Haiku # 57338, September 12, 2017 11:05 pm ET
by vhs
i remember that
day yesterday all too well
i had never seen
The plot to some out
there political thriller
play out irl

dad was scared. i had
to go to work, life went on
changed, we remember


my father terrified
Haiku # 57337, September 12, 2017 1:43 pm ET
by vhs
no kidding, so move to
moldova, close to russia
but no hurricanes
Haiku # 57336, September 12, 2017 9:30 am ET
by vhs
Hurricanes are mean
Shooting at them makes them mad
They will kick your butt
Haiku # 57335, September 12, 2017 9:12 am ET
by Concerned American
i have no idea
of the nihilism here
but quite frankly I

want to say DADA

Haiku # 57334, September 11, 2017 8:47 pm ET
by vhs
16 years ago today
DF sat down to watch the news
He masturbated for so long
And so vigorously
He developed scabs on his penis
Haiku # 57333, September 11, 2017 1:30 pm ET
by Anonymous Poodle of Ground Zero
five turds in a line
then seven turds then five more
you got a haipoop...
Haiku # 57332, September 10, 2017 9:56 pm ET
by vhs
engrish prease, most grace
put in pot sideways, flush no
whole cuck in growd poo
Haiku # 57331, September 10, 2017 9:54 pm ET
by vhs of poop scoop
why so serious...
why not...just can't think of any
thing at this time
Haiku # 57330, September 10, 2017 9:52 pm ET
by vhs
Hermit crabs invade.
What could they possibly want?
Taking over malls.
Haiku # 57329, September 10, 2017 9:08 pm ET
by df
i stink just to break
up the monopoly game
hope i did not poo
Haiku # 57328, September 10, 2017 9:06 pm ET
by df ;-)
Having traveled the world a small bit, I find the most interesting differences in cultures can be seen in the bathrooms and how they clean themselves off after defecating.

The West prefers TP which is highly wasteful and takes a bit of energy to process at the refinery plant or tends to shorten the life of septic tanks, not to mention the trees chopped down to produce TP.

In Asia they sometimes squat over a hole in the ground, or a porcelain hole flush with the ground. Sometimes they have bowl they squat over, no seat. Sometimes a bowl with a seat but no tank (flush it w/ a bucket). Sometimes they have a tank that 90% of the time does not work. Made in China.

In poorer countries they often just poor water down their backsides to clean off which can be quite messy and makes for an unpleasant experience if you're wearing long pants into a public restroom.

However some of these toilets have a spay nozzle at the side of the toilet like you might use to spay off dishes at your sink. Those direct the water stream so it doesn't get all over the floor, gets you good and cleaned off, and does not use paper. Consider trying this. Think of the money saved and the benefit to the environment. And you get your asshole nice and clean after taco night, with or without nitrous oxide.

Your welcome.
Haiku # 57327, September 10, 2017 9:00 pm ET
by df
i think just to break
up the monotony here
here is a haiku
Haiku # 57326, September 10, 2017 8:45 pm ET
by vhs
i might end up with
bringing up Chaos Magick
but subjects always change

there's always alex jones
there's always
there's always the Illuminatus

Trilogy and of course

Hail Eris

It is a masterpiece
Haiku # 57325, September 10, 2017 8:42 pm ET
by vhs of allonzee
I believe, good sir,
you mean nitrous, not nitro.

up one's poopy hole
would kill them before the grand
explosion of meat.

Nitrous fueled flatus...
Now that might launch me into
orbit, my good man!

Of course rednecks call nitrous nitro because they likely never took a chemistry class and what they don't use for drag racing they will put into a balloon and huff at a Metallica concert.

If you don't get it, you never will.
My wife always wonders why the whipped cream runs out of gas before the cream gets used. ;-)

I had a friend that made some serious bank selling nitrous balloons at Dead shows. Oh, I love it when the freaks have seizures, often called fishing because they flop around like a fish. It's great!
Haiku # 57324, September 10, 2017 8:40 pm ET
by Darth Figpucker
remember that Abbie
Hoffmann said Yippie then blew
his brains out, i don't

know if i regard that
as a tragedy or not, i think I
do but he was an amateur

Whatever i do is a masterpiece
Haiku # 57323, September 10, 2017 7:08 pm ET
by vhs
it all ends up being just
a pissing contest between
a psychopath who

can't stand his wife
and a hypocritcal believer
who canT QUIT and

is tired of the contest
yada siss boom bah

a masterpiece
Haiku # 57322, September 10, 2017 6:39 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
maybe i should shove nitro
up your ass, make you eat tex
mex light propane

and see what happens

a masterpiece
Haiku # 57321, September 10, 2017 6:34 pm ET
by taco smell of burritos
i think i might do
serious poetry cause
everything i do

is a masterpiece
Haiku # 57320, September 10, 2017 6:32 pm ET
by vhs of up your ass
Somehow I picture
The Unibomber riding
a unicycle.

A juggling clown
tossing pipe bombs from his bike
into crowds of geeks.

Naked and painted
in purple and orange grease paint
while high on acid.
Haiku # 57319, September 10, 2017 12:05 pm ET
by df
The unibomber's
a big stinky pussy fart.
But then so are you.

I personally think bioweapons are the only hope of doing any real population control.
Kind of like 12 Monkey's and all that shit.
People who use bombs to kill are just masturbating their lives away. Sadly, I'm no biologist. You have nothing to worry about from me. But it's fun to dream.
Haiku # 57318, September 10, 2017 11:59 am ET
by df
see all that storming ?
feel the blue planet warming ?
there's rhyme and reason
Haiku # 57317, September 10, 2017 8:03 am ET
by ash
Industrialization blah blah blah
Mail bombs yada yada yada
Playing my clarinet
Haiku # 57316, September 9, 2017 11:39 pm ET
by Squidward Kaczynski of Bikini Bottom Penitentiary
If the Unabomber and
Darth Figpucker were cellmates
Would they get along very well?
Never-ending circlejerk
Haiku # 57315, September 9, 2017 11:34 pm ET
by Anonymous Paleontologist
This is not my world the world to come
Is my world
I'm not of this earth
Haiku # 57314, September 9, 2017 10:17 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Each squid ward needs his
Spongebob...and each
Satan his Jesus

Vogon... :)
Haiku # 57313, September 9, 2017 9:27 pm ET
by Vhs
VHS "crazy"?!?!
LOL seriously!
I NEVER said that!

You're the opposite.
Boring beyond all belief.
But that's good for you.

Yes, I'm a psycho.
I tend to hate most people.
And laugh when they're hurt.

But I'm no monster.
Because I love my monsters.
Do you understand?

The reason I hate
is for what I see people
do to each other...

And to my planet.
Yes, it all belongs to me.
You wouldn't get that.

The world's MY oyster.
I would let the oyster live.
It is beautiful.

Others would cook it.
Or make rancid oyster sauce.
All for quick profit.

Hannibal Lecter
really appeals to me;
he eats rude people.

In all seriousness, I would love to see the world population decline by about 99.99% or something manageable. Then I'd be happy. Otherwise I am quite certain that we and this world are not for long. Of course I and mine would be the 0.01% remaining. Politicians and lawyers would go first. Industrialists next. And then poets.
Haiku # 57312, September 9, 2017 9:04 pm ET
by Darth Figpucker of MY planet -- it belong to me. Please leave now.
i wonder if i have
no honor or honour are
they both the same

thing and what is honor
or is it honour, semantics
word games what is

original in poetry
was Donald Trump the best
poet we've had on

the campaign trail
Haiku # 57311, September 9, 2017 8:07 pm ET
by vhs
words become utter
complete meaningless and turn
to action, Henry

Miller becomes forgotten
people become their own muses
Seinfeld reruns
Haiku # 57310, September 9, 2017 8:04 pm ET
by vhs
there comes a point where
one gives up on trying to be
understood and is

just themselves, i don't
like being angry but i think some
people are such egos

or so controlling
or i see it in myself
just let it all hang

out even if it costs
me my freedom, my life or
it makes people drop

the bullshit and say
despite any bad shit that
happened at that

moment, my blood
my honor, my life, my death
was worth the cost

in His name of course
and not like in this prideful
angry unChristian version

of who i am now
but i am flawed but it is
who i am right now
Haiku # 57309, September 9, 2017 7:58 pm ET
by vhs
when CLERKS was slammed by
a generation of pharisees that
just didn't get it you

know what it was about????
if your girlfriend gives you
lasagna she is the BEST

and always WILL BE
the best for you, and you owe
her love and a good bottle

of sherry in return
Haiku # 57308, September 9, 2017 7:45 pm ET
by vhs
i mean is that you
know really that great poetry
whiny little pout

fests, it's too "ANTIFA"
smashing windows because you
don't feel "safe" because

Milo Yilanopolous wrote
a book that really wasn't that
good anyways hmm?
Haiku # 57307, September 9, 2017 7:41 pm ET
by vhs
and learn i AM TRYING
to joke at times, it is "ironic"
do i need to turn

into Marshall Mathers
and do a fuck you rap album
and make you feel like

the shit coming out
of my ass you are willing
to flush yourself down

the toilet and do so
willingly just to get yourself
to stop being the crust

on my fucking ass????
Haiku # 57306, September 9, 2017 7:38 pm ET
by vhs
given i have known you
for years "DF" I have come to
the conclusion and

i say this to my
friend you are something of a
psychopath, i am

not sure whether to
admire you or resist you but
if you ever tell

me I'm crazy again
you can keep it to yourself
Haiku # 57305, September 9, 2017 7:33 pm ET
by vhs
i already know
for my heart spasms or the
vessels about

they do, i have changed
my life, reluctantly for
i could die too soon
Haiku # 57304, September 9, 2017 7:21 pm ET
by vhs
Enlighten the world
of the dangers of processed
foods and additives.

These things cause more death
and health problems than smoking
and illegal drugs.

fats are difficult for us
to metabolize.

Hardened arteries,
heart problems, obesity,
and cancer result.
Haiku # 57303, September 9, 2017 6:53 pm ET
by Batman's Serious Poetry of Arkham Asylum reading poetry to The Joker. I wonder why he is mentally unbalanced. I don't know. I really have no idea.
i sit in my chair
looking at the words and think
huh huh...uh, words...huh huh
Haiku # 57302, September 9, 2017 6:02 pm ET
by Butthead
Malachi 3:10
Haiku # 57301, September 9, 2017 5:23 pm ET
by dvd
why not so serious
to a degree and then some
somewhere between

serious and not so serious
seriously we dont have to be
too serious but serious

well Bert and his oatmeal
Haiku # 57300, September 9, 2017 4:47 pm ET
by vhs
John 3:16 and all that cal.. my droogs...
Haiku # 57299, September 9, 2017 11:47 am ET
by Vhs
"Serious poet" ?!?!
Seriously that got my
alarm bells ringing.

Somehow I doubt that
poems will ever solve world
hunger or stop war.

We're here to have fun.
"bad haiku dot com" so then
Haiku # 57298, September 9, 2017 11:17 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
You are are
A vogon, bad poetry that causes
Torment and torpor

That's OK I like it
I like vogon poetry, we need more
Keep up the bad work
Haiku # 57297, September 9, 2017 10:46 am ET
by Vhs
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