Welcome to my house
smack that bitch up, dig
The whore of amor
by Cornelia
Oh Now I see it
If I write this long enough
The line will cut words
by Steg of NY
Vivid imagery
Reconstruction is complete
One fine
by Janis
Psychic connection
Anaesthetics in balloons
Fine relaxation
by Janis
caught your breath, janis
volatile anaesthetics
by ash
Oh leave me to my
Multi subobject mapping
Tis all I have left
by Janis
visual insult
jellied orb beyond repair
come on down glass eye
by mount madonna mama
blink or bullet
there's no hole in the eyelid
must be the bullet
by mount madonna mama
cap him in the eye
if he's kneeling he might live
sinus yes brain no
by mount madonna mama
A word to the wise
Don't fuck with my computer
I know where you live
by Anonymous Poet
It occurred to me
This site has relaunched again
Thumbs up to Janis
by Monster
Forgive my absence
While I nurse my wounded pride
And drown my sorrows
by Monster
Mind your manners eh
I'll pop a cap in your ass
Execution style
by Monster
Let's form a faction
Called the Nation of Boozers
And hit the sauce hard
by Monster
Share the fun you say
What's fun about fizzy drinks
Without alcohol
by Monster
Looks like it's working
Bad Haiku is back, baby
Let's make poetry.
by Aaron
The worst software company
In the whole world
by Janis
On the server now
Nothing seems very broken
Not yet, anyway
by Janis
Let's see if we can
get this working tonight, eh
I want to go home.
by A tester friend
I scream it aloud:
What the fuck is that error
by Janis
Smooth telnet session
Command line variables
Beyond my control
by Janis
Laugh all you want to
Let go of the valve pussy
Feel the air breathing
by Janis
The forked database
Would crash unstable programs
Microsoft asleep
by Janis of Santa Monica
asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
by asdf of asdf
a nice cup of tea
a bex and a good lie down
put on the billy
by ash
lost in cyberspace
bad haiku is outta site
come back soon, y'hear
by ash
by test of test, TE
by test
In the mist we see
The everlasting opaque
To flee is futile
by Drake
ash if you live
why would you spend your time here
now i pity you
by Drake
ash if you live
why would you spend your time here
now i pity you
by Drake
living with the past
i couldn't share her present
excelling elsewhere
by ash
ash what did you do?
has your "antipodean arse"
Bushwhacked bad haiku?
by Anonymous Poet
living with the past
i can't accept her present
beyond excellence
by ash
living with the past
i couldn't read her present
beyond excellence
by ash
In the Midst of Night
Darkness Rules, Plaguing deamons
Unsure fate at dawn
by david taylor
i guess it was right
that these are bad
very bad haikus
by drake
vibrating pagers
placed deep into my pockets
number on speed dial
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
vibrating pagers
placed deep into my pockets
number on speed dial
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
texas taxes as
janis trips above the beach
fly high icarus
by submit2haiku
immense thunderclap
car alarms scream in panic
daylight disappears
by ash
Too blue for the moon
The castle-white wall reflects
All in blue. Me?
by Totsu
Texas Vacation
Experiment with ones mind
On the sunny beach
by janis
Soma oh Soma
You have such an aroma
Potstickers are good
About the women
So, if you get drunk enough
They leave you alone
by T-boner of Mickeyland,CA
soma bonfire-phile
may you summon a master
you jerk off wildly
by ash