shot myself in eye
avoid looking at penis
while masturbating
by evil twin of down under
Got soma on trip
Heading to Oak Land, that's south
When will he return
Don't whine little one
The Soma will return soon
Please bring potstickers!
by T-boner of Bedrock
It is quite a strech
to go from squishing the moths
to killing yourself.
by frenchy
Is it all that bad?
maybe you just need a friend?
I will volunteer...
by frenchy
Falling in the wind
a gust
of evergreen leaves.
by ronin
Hitodama de
yuku kisan ja
natsa no hara
by ronin
Tabi ni yande
Yume wa kareno o
by ronin
two Volvos collide
in Stop&Shop parking lot
no one is injured
by basho-moronicus of east
a brick for a buck
I bought them all and engraved
your number on each.
by basho-sowhat of optional
you wouldn't have a
Zippo handy wouldya? I
feel like torchin this.
by basho-de-luxe of no
I plumb the depths of life
oops I miss-spoke. Alas, the
depths of life plumb me.
by bashomatique of yes
butterfly ballots
fluttering in Florida
a new era dawns
by bashomatique of none
degrees fahrenheit
the temp of combustion
when it all burns down
by sheena
blah blah blah blah blah
self-assessed intelligence
by Anonymous Poet
blah blah blah blah blah
self-assessed intelligence
by Anonymous Poet
God really is dead.
no, i'm not an athiest
i never had "faith"
it seems evident
we've exchanged "god" for "science"
neither define me
by soma of onthewayaudi5gs
it doesn't make sense
it's not because i'm stupid
it's because i'm not
by ash
it is hard to see
the problem for most people
remains transparent
by ash
my education :
we're all dying by degrees
with or without them
by ash
T-boner's got it
an extreme case of boredom
or maybe rickets
He's no less a slave
except he can't inhale fumes
office glue will work
by soma of sdrawkcabssa
everyday i live,
i die a little bit more:
just treading water
self preservation
for the glory of Being
certainly unsure
by soma
it wasn't the moths
crunched carapaces aside-
why i suicide
is more a comment
on the universe at large
and my own troubles
by sheena
been there, done that T
wassamatta 'varsity
my alma mater!
by sheena
good point there ash
'bout fresh long johns, however
wasn't that last year?
by sheena
I like bad poems
they are more honest to me
than good commercials
by tapman
I am the sand man
Grind me a tune on your paint
I am the Ospho
by T-boner of Wassamatta U
In hail the paint fumes
Ap ply th os fo So ma
Blow buggers of paint
by T-boner of Mickeyville,CA
Get with the program will ya?
Pass me the Whiskey.
by T-boner of Land-O-Wud
new century looms
time for a change of venue
and clean underwear
by ash
....a pale rose, withered
fallen it lay on the Persian:
......heart forever lost
by ronin@thefallenone
oblivious thought
are you wacky on the junk
or cartoon turned bad
by jasper of ablankspaceintime
feeling your heartbeat
laying naked..beads of sweat
glisten my forehead
by jasper of landofstrawberryfields
That soup was left out
while we were at the cabin.
Don't let him eat it.
by CaptainBilly of Utah
Be more lenient.
I hate you hitting the kids.
I'll leave you, I swear.
by CaptainBilly of Utah
if they only knew
what I am really thinking
they would stay away
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
i just dont get it
whats the human condition?
by soma of deepinsideyoucomputy
this cannot be truth:
the "real" is just "apparent"
both are temporal
subjective to me
objectivity hidden
"i" am all there is
by soma of asfarfromyouaspossible
that shit is fucked up.
totally and completely.
I mean really fucked.
by frenchy
sheena, please relax.
those nutty moths are just pests.
don't get too extreme.
by frenchy
Direct X 8's out
So play the game of the year
D Day Normandy
by {THC}SsSoCiOpAtHsS of June 6, 1944, Omaha Beach
a school of small clouds
soft grey fish in a pale sea
winter ev'ning falls
by sheena
okay, whatever
i'm spaced and dazed, don't need weed
floating tranquilly
by sheena
glad you survived, ash
but thought you oz citizen?
confusion stays
by sheena
convenient lapse
socially awkward hiccups
are more polite here
by sheena
ronin, why d'you think
that i'm a chick-lovin' chick?
i prefer straight *hic*
by sheena
"you missed me?"
aw frenchy, how sweet
just when i was going to
kill myself tonight
by sheena
what happened, Sheena?
I doubt it was the moths.
wish you would come back.
by frenchy
her face in his neck
her cheek hot from his stubble
she pants and tears flow
by mount madonna mama
freezing feet like heat
seeking missles zero in
on warm body parts
by mount madonna mama
crisp icy moonlight
creeps slowly up the blankets
baby's eyes flutter
by mount madonna mama