Soma and anti
Will they ever really meet
Only in a dream
by T-boner of Land-O-Wood
people's perspectives
pondering priceless pennies
plated in plastic
by trampas of the hills
some fucking people
you just cant expect to much
way too full of shit
by anti-soma of anywhere but california
dog carpets heave sighs
computer hums boys silence
signals crayons on walls
by mount madonna mama
hooded sweatshirted
long johned wool socked brown booted
pink cheeked expectant
by mount madonna mama
oak leaf crisped by frost
a tree cleft holds a dead limb
an ocean of brown
by mount madonna mama
thrill sparked by my words
it's an old indian camp
he runs through the woods
by mount madonna mama
computer junkies
typing toward their destiny
digitized people
by soma of behind that bush
first, five syllables
then seven syllables, then
five. blah blah fucking blah.
by Anonymous Poet
i myself be one
yet i am not unity
he's somebody else
by ash
safest of safe sex
tail with epic precautions
big contraceptives
by ash
i cannot be here
mixing and making word games
this must all be fake
by soma(optional) of somewhere(optional)
Gigantic afro
So impressive to behold
Worship my fluffy head
by Jen of
making the unkown more known
further from the truth
by soma of milkyway"out"galaxy
fuck those napster fools
no longer do we have rights:
stop rapeing hard drives!!
by soma of livingincali
the "apparent" world
is what is beyond the "real"
The former is truth
by soma of freshwater
this is not the end
nor is it the beginning
its just a circle
by soma of McKinleyville
this aint poetry
far cry from rythmic patterns
more like excuses
by soma of humboldt co.
concieving this mess
thinking about not thinking
i thunk all my thoughts
by soma of over at that place by the tree
..hurricane storm, fuck
blew away my damn garden
..dead frog at the door
by ronin
....the aha moment
revealing nature's esse
..or an event's ahhh
by ronin@playinschoolteachermyman
kidare and the kijo
are haiku's essence
by ronin@backtoserioushaiku,folks.take notesheena
....nuns without habits
now that's what i call holy
....the best way to go
by ronin@heaven'sdoor
....nuns without habits
now that's what i call holy
....the best way to go
by ronin@heaven'sdoor okay, mama?
need some time to be alone? can always call...
by ronin@abitperturbed
..cud it realy b
ernst unity n ash
...r 1 n d sam?
by ronin@textingcapital
microscopic sex
Is what I am looking for
You masqueraders!
by rd renste yutin of www.egoticsei.omc/ospyhyado0002
you anemonae
It was I who loved you most
So how about that?
by Dr. Ernest Unity of
....sorry, frenchy babe
the closest i come to chicks
...are my big round eggs
by ronin@heee'sbaaack!
Ah ha ha haha
I will bite my thumb at you
silly italian
by Dr. Ernest Unity of
one more erratum
"ARE both faces of the same coin"
as if it matters
by ronin@feelingperfectmood
..."(you) comprehend not"
the silent "you" was built-in
by ronin@runningfarfarawayfromyoda
let me paraphrase
"they have lost their sense of 'wah'"
but then, whatever
by ronin@policehaikuschool
Identify me
you visionary poet
you know what I mean
by Dr. Ernest Unity of
.Oh, dear God, it's you
Anybody but you, please
..G-Good God, not you!
by ronin@thecoffeeshopwithhislatte!
Visit my kitchen
And you will burn yourself bad
by Dr. Ernest Unity of
We did so much dope
we made a left turn on mars
but we still got there
by Dr. Ernest Unity of
I was gone too long
But I know you all love me
So let's get naked
by Dr Ernest Unity of
Here I am again
To freak you right the f out
Ernest Unity!
by Dr Ernest Unity of
dead ant. dead dead ant.
dead dead dead dead dead dead dead ant.
dead dead ant. dead end.
by antwerp
when i was younger
wasn't very long ago
and remains that way
by ash
redeemed my voucher
procrastinating libran
now, what shall i buy?
by ash
You like my Chinese?
Butt hole flexing with hot flames
potstickers gone bad
by T-boner of Mickeyville,CA
the very air melts
distant rumble of thunder
rivulets of sweat
by ash
passionfruit flower
mother nature on acid
divine providence
by ash
for my job i heal
leisure time i mostly waste
killing aliens
by ash
she is inside out
floating to oblivion
i will just look on
by whatthe?
she is inside out
floating to oblivion
i will just look on
by whatthe?
brilliant november:
shake me like a tree
you bright wind, rustle my leaves
make me sway and wake
by sheena@school