You put all your eggs
into the one small basket
Shame on you too, son.
by Con Man wrong, conned man stupid
most normal people
don't accept mega bonuses
when company tanks
by where are core values
most normal people
don't rationalize screwing
others royally
by normal people with ethics
Wise man understands
Crying children need strong hand
Teach them to work hard
by Lazy Mind and Body Becomes Unbalanced
most normal people
don't lie on a grand scale to
maximize profit
by greed is greed is greed
most normal people
don't rape people of their life
savings sans remorse
by ponzi scheming
Most normal folks say
crashing aircraft on purpose
evidence of kook
by Calm Down, Grow Up
and you wonder why
people fly planes into tall
buildings they're nuts right?!
by man flies plane into IRS offices
Ignorance and hate
covers your lack of effort
Blame it on the rich
by Children Scream No Fair
you are totally
pathetic to defend the
by you are part of the problem
scum bags who stack the
deck don't like the decks taken
out of their hands, right?
by defend the injustice at all costs
right greed knows no class
lines breaking and entering
gets you five years but
fuck the middle class
taxpayer and Wall St. hot
shits get big bonus
by there aint no justice
You are not a slave
Opportunity exists
You have excuses
by Excuses Are Pathetic
massa treats us house
slaves real good we happy he gives
the good table scraps
by shut up and be happy
Wealth is not evil.
Humans are both good and bad.
Jealousy runs deep.
by Waaa it aint fair
My dad CEO
He gives many folks good jobs
He came from nothing
by Stop Whining, Get Busy of USA #1
Blind refutation
is not valid argument.
Just contradiction.
by Is so Natural Selection
"whining" from one who's
financially set is a
cry 'gainst injustice
by this is not Natural Selection
Golden Calf of yore
Bronze bull outside Wall St. you
tell me what has changed
by worshipping wealth over God
when you say "wolves" do
you mean Hitler Stalin Pol
Pot and Khmer Rouge
by Natural Selection & Evil are different
if Suffering's life's
natural outcome offer
compassion not greed
by life is hard enough
WE taxpayers bleed
anally from corporate
bonus dildo pricks
by paybacks gonna be a bitch
greedy pigs who scheme
to get rich outnumber non-
greedy rich by far
by pork bellies are way up
sorry, can't talk now
busy updating status
on my facebook page
by vince
patience---which is worse?
a tree full of ivy?
or a very bad haiku?
by magpiespirit of
A man who carries
his eggs, all in one basket
rarely becomes phat.
by Phat is Better
If we don't protect
our elderly from the wolves
then don't blame the wolves.
by Natural Selection
A con man relies
on the greed of foolish folks
who ignore warnings.
by If it sounds too good to be true...
Hatred of the rich
exposes your jealousy.
Grow up, quit whining.
by Not All Rich Are Bad
Madoff ripped you off.
All your eggs in one basket.
Too good to be true!
by Diversify Next Time
Woe is just a thing
that makes us appreciate
the blissful good times
by Balance-Moderation-Humility
time to end this "Woe
is We" riff and go out for
a breath of fresh air
by rail against the machine
if GREED can be found
in strands of our DNA
then we're truly f**ked
by f**cked for a buck
when will we wake up
and realize that the game's
rigged we're the patsies!!
by oppulence at our expense
should we show mercy
to merciless amoral
Wall St. greed mongers?
by take your bonuses and run scum!!
In Hell Madoff will
be ass-f**ked by dildo-strapped
matrons he'd f**ked [robbed]
by they use no lube in Hell
schemers with wealth dreamers makes
for the Perfect Storm
HMS Ponzi
capsized by 100 foot waves
all passengers LOST
by Capt. Madoff did not go down with ship
Madoff met Ponzi
as a young man and knew it
was a perfect match
by schemer finds scheme
Bernie threw friend in
the pool's deep end stole his clothes
ran away laughing
by Bernie Madoff the formative years
I can't stop writing.
I am the slave of Haiku.
Jesus, please help me.
by OCD
I ain't got nuthin'
I am not too creative.
But I am nekid.
by Gomer
Hanging is right out.
And beheading is no fun.
Let me die sleeping.
by Morbid Obsessions
Burned alive is bad.
Not much better than drowning.
Both ways frighten me.
by Bitting Fingernails
Drowning is no fun.
It is to be avoided.
Or you will be dead.
by Land Lubber
Dog saw man drowning.
Into the water it went.
Came out with a stick.
by Dumb Dog
Cat saw man drowning.
Into the kitchen it went.
Meow meow meow meow meow.
by Fancy Feast
Man saw dog drowning.
Into the water he went.
Dog lived, he did not.
by Dog Lover
HELL'S beauty pageants
now landmine victims
by did I mention MISS KLINGON
disabled Cambodians
vied for the title
by I am not that sick to make this up
without heartache there's
no chance to get drunk on the
divine nectar...AMORE!
by gimme a swig from that bottle