when you say "wolves" do
you mean Hitler Stalin Pol
Pot and Khmer Rouge
by Natural Selection & Evil are different
if Suffering's life's
natural outcome offer
compassion not greed
by life is hard enough
WE taxpayers bleed
anally from corporate
bonus dildo pricks
by paybacks gonna be a bitch
greedy pigs who scheme
to get rich outnumber non-
greedy rich by far
by pork bellies are way up
sorry, can't talk now
busy updating status
on my facebook page
by vince
patience---which is worse?
a tree full of ivy?
or a very bad haiku?
by magpiespirit of magpiespirit@gmail.com
A man who carries
his eggs, all in one basket
rarely becomes phat.
by Phat is Better
If we don't protect
our elderly from the wolves
then don't blame the wolves.
by Natural Selection
A con man relies
on the greed of foolish folks
who ignore warnings.
by If it sounds too good to be true...
Hatred of the rich
exposes your jealousy.
Grow up, quit whining.
by Not All Rich Are Bad
Madoff ripped you off.
All your eggs in one basket.
Too good to be true!
by Diversify Next Time
Woe is just a thing
that makes us appreciate
the blissful good times
by Balance-Moderation-Humility
time to end this "Woe
is We" riff and go out for
a breath of fresh air
by rail against the machine
if GREED can be found
in strands of our DNA
then we're truly f**ked
by f**cked for a buck
when will we wake up
and realize that the game's
rigged we're the patsies!!
by oppulence at our expense
should we show mercy
to merciless amoral
Wall St. greed mongers?
by take your bonuses and run scum!!
In Hell Madoff will
be ass-f**ked by dildo-strapped
matrons he'd f**ked [robbed]
by they use no lube in Hell
schemers with wealth dreamers makes
for the Perfect Storm
HMS Ponzi
capsized by 100 foot waves
all passengers LOST
by Capt. Madoff did not go down with ship
Madoff met Ponzi
as a young man and knew it
was a perfect match
by schemer finds scheme
Bernie threw friend in
the pool's deep end stole his clothes
ran away laughing
by Bernie Madoff the formative years
I can't stop writing.
I am the slave of Haiku.
Jesus, please help me.
by OCD
I ain't got nuthin'
I am not too creative.
But I am nekid.
by Gomer
Hanging is right out.
And beheading is no fun.
Let me die sleeping.
by Morbid Obsessions
Burned alive is bad.
Not much better than drowning.
Both ways frighten me.
by Bitting Fingernails
Drowning is no fun.
It is to be avoided.
Or you will be dead.
by Land Lubber
Dog saw man drowning.
Into the water it went.
Came out with a stick.
by Dumb Dog
Cat saw man drowning.
Into the kitchen it went.
Meow meow meow meow meow.
by Fancy Feast
Man saw dog drowning.
Into the water he went.
Dog lived, he did not.
by Dog Lover
HELL'S beauty pageants
now landmine victims
by did I mention MISS KLINGON
disabled Cambodians
vied for the title
by I am not that sick to make this up
without heartache there's
no chance to get drunk on the
divine nectar...AMORE!
by gimme a swig from that bottle
feel your pain Dave from
Columbia Gorge to here
in Hudson Valley
by coast to coast heartache
Dave of Portland knows
heartache, pain and suffering.
Poor guy needs a friend.
by King Solomon
Tears fall from my eyes.
Wounded sounds escape from me.
Afterward, silence.
by Dave of Portland, OR
catalyst or obstacle?
both are logical.
by liza
grateful to be non-
judgmental unlike most self-
righteous idiots
by Anonymous Poet
in some cultures what
I do is accepted as
normal behavior
by dancing with goats
he shoveled as fast
as he could but still could not
stem the tide's rising
by a tale told by an idiot
thirty-six of last
forty-two haikus are mine
get a life perhaps?
by way too much time on my hands
stirrings of life in
Haikulandia after
nary a haiku
by Haiku drought has ended
a grey scale morning
snowy branches, black cats & birds
living nostalgia
by liza
Dust Bowl's barren fields
taste and breathe the gritty void
of life...move on West
by Okie movin on
haiku or senryu
in either case it's the same
goal LESS being MORE
by bad haiku is senryu
SEPARATION forces that
unite or divide
by Anonymous Poet
ponzi schemes scams and
fraudulent deceptions of
the darkest umbrage
by commands from the lower self
he amassed more wealth
than he could spend in lifetimes
it wasn't enough
by driven to madness
greed driven wealth masked
the poverty consciousness
that lay within him
by sickness of the soul
the separation
between God and Gold is far
greater than an "L"
by Anonymous Poet
cry of "God Glory Gold" was
mainly about GOLD
by living in a material world
finally employed
someone said i'm beautiful
twas a good day.
by liza