Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 76 Days and 77482 Haiku later...

Sheena, I want to know
if there's any other way
to make you scream quick.
Haiku # 4514, September 28, 2000 6:42 am ET
by frenchy
But do not despair,
For there's more where that came from.
At least I hope so!
Haiku # 4513, September 28, 2000 6:27 am ET
by frenchy
my eyelids are shut.
now I can finally sleep.
I ran out of glue.
Haiku # 4512, September 28, 2000 6:25 am ET
by frenchy
Sheena, my gluestick
could fix your holy sweater,
but I can't let go.
Haiku # 4511, September 28, 2000 6:22 am ET
by frenchy
Horrible haiku
What infinite joy you give
Why can I not write?
Haiku # 4510, September 28, 2000 12:09 am ET
by serranian of AR
Trailerpark white trash
Living across the highway
Why do you smell so?
Haiku # 4509, September 28, 2000 12:07 am ET
by serranian of AR
Crunchy taco shells
Brimming with meaty goodness
Such a sinful feast
Haiku # 4508, September 28, 2000 12:04 am ET
by serranian of AR
indigenous snacks
bogong moth infestation
protein supplements
Haiku # 4507, September 27, 2000 9:11 pm ET
by ash
lee ping wang lee ping
wang lee ping wang lee ping wang
lee ping wang lee ping
Haiku # 4506, September 27, 2000 8:55 pm ET
by disqualified walker
Leaping Wang is a
chinese lady race-walker
she won gold today
Haiku # 4505, September 27, 2000 7:43 pm ET
by pigdog
when I see a man
driving a woman, i take
out my point and laugh
Haiku # 4504, September 27, 2000 6:00 pm ET
by pigdog
when i see a man
driving a womanly car
i laugh and i point
Haiku # 4503, September 27, 2000 5:30 pm ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
i'll come back a bug
i'll work one summer away
then i'll die again
Haiku # 4502, September 27, 2000 5:26 pm ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
We Vogen Moths of
Australia would destroy
you toughen up girl!
Haiku # 4501, September 27, 2000 5:04 pm ET
by The Moths
the devil has tits
he shakes them in our faces
spewing hot black milk
Haiku # 4500, September 27, 2000 5:01 pm ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
Mothhhhhh, Motthhhhhh!Moth Moth
Flutter flutter flut!!!!!
Haiku # 4499, September 27, 2000 5:01 pm ET
by The Moths
one quick way i'll scream
get me near some kind of moth
Haiku # 4498, September 27, 2000 4:26 pm ET
by sheena
My Moth Phobia

moths: hell incarnate
some say i freak too easy
but moths are bad shit
Haiku # 4497, September 27, 2000 4:24 pm ET
by sheena
my sweater's been bit
evil demon moth munchers
did not kill enough
Haiku # 4496, September 27, 2000 4:22 pm ET
by sheena
the wind's cool sharp breath
needs no tic-tacs to fresh up
is best in morning
Haiku # 4495, September 27, 2000 4:20 pm ET
by sheena
frenchy for godsake
quit grabbin on your glue stick
you might come unstuck
Haiku # 4494, September 27, 2000 4:17 pm ET
by sheena
ATT: scruntster

wow i must be really sick
that's kind of kinky
Haiku # 4493, September 27, 2000 4:14 pm ET
by sheena....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
but wait a minute
frogs are all green and slimy
maybe flies aren't good.
Haiku # 4492, September 27, 2000 4:11 pm ET
by frenchy
Flies are a good source
of vitamins and minerals.
Ever see a sick frog?
Haiku # 4491, September 27, 2000 4:10 pm ET
by frenchy
the gold skinned savage
was way too smart to fall for
cheap cybersex ploys.
Haiku # 4490, September 27, 2000 4:09 pm ET
by frenchy
My pants are shrinking
They get tighter and tighter
I should drink lite beer.
Haiku # 4489, September 27, 2000 3:35 pm ET
by frenchy
give you new purpose
it certainly doesn't use
word processing
Haiku # 4488, September 27, 2000 11:48 am ET
by frenchy
Word processing class
at community college.
Is this my purpose?
Haiku # 4487, September 27, 2000 10:02 am ET
by Kimberly Dawn Sowell of Naiad, Neptune
Meaningless presence:
A man standing on the side
of a spinning ball.
Haiku # 4486, September 27, 2000 10:01 am ET
by Kimberly Dawn Sowell of Naiad, Neptune
I am bored even
of the doodles I create
inside my notebook.
Haiku # 4485, September 27, 2000 9:58 am ET
by Kimberly Dawn Sowell of Naiad, Neptune
She said she loved me,
would always be there for me,
My wife won't like that.
Haiku # 4484, September 27, 2000 9:32 am ET
by frenchy
Airplane toilets flush
Frozen chunks of blue water
Hooray! It's raining!
Haiku # 4483, September 27, 2000 9:23 am ET
by frenchy
I pulled my finger,
Just to see what would happen.
Doesn't work like Dad's does.
Haiku # 4482, September 27, 2000 9:02 am ET
by frenchy
its a good! becuase
I liked dee on-YON! schlong schlong
I do geerontee
Haiku # 4481, September 27, 2000 5:00 am ET
by Guy Montag
the sweat of Venus
descends to bathe ebony
nipples, down-under
Haiku # 4480, September 26, 2000 9:00 pm ET
by pigdog
keep the classroom cold
helping to keep you awake
counting the nipples
Haiku # 4479, September 26, 2000 4:38 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
it is an art form
ball adjusting in public
nevermind the stares
Haiku # 4478, September 26, 2000 4:34 pm ET
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
Flatulence, Butane
a deadly combination.
Blue flame from my bum.
Haiku # 4477, September 26, 2000 4:09 pm ET
by frenchy
glad I found this site.
hope I didn't offend you.
Fuck You if I did.
Haiku # 4476, September 26, 2000 4:05 pm ET
by frenchy
Depends are my friend
Best product since the remote!
I never get up.
Haiku # 4475, September 26, 2000 3:59 pm ET
by frenchy
Burning and churning,
my intestines now empty
Parasites all gone!
Haiku # 4474, September 26, 2000 3:52 pm ET
by frenchy
it's not funny, my
ASS is on FIRE, flames shooting.
Diarrhea flows!
Haiku # 4473, September 26, 2000 3:50 pm ET
by frenchy
Roaring asshole spews
chunks of sewerage into
my nice, clean Depends.
Haiku # 4472, September 26, 2000 3:48 pm ET
by frenchy
what was it that I ate?
caused me to get the slip shits?
Montezuma wins!
Haiku # 4471, September 26, 2000 3:47 pm ET
by frenchy
Paul Bearer, what a
great name for an evil dude.
Send you straight to Hell!
Haiku # 4470, September 26, 2000 3:45 pm ET
by frenchy
Cravin Moorehead is
a great name for me right now.
Down girl, get that bone!
Haiku # 4469, September 26, 2000 3:44 pm ET
by frenchy
Harry Ballsanya
Embarrasing name for sure.
Mean Mother and Dad
Haiku # 4468, September 26, 2000 3:42 pm ET
by frenchy
grabbing my glue stick
with both hands, I try to stick
both my eyelids shut
Haiku # 4467, September 26, 2000 3:40 pm ET
by frenchy
evangelinsts get
fucked a lot, all that hellfire
gets the ladies hot
Haiku # 4466, September 26, 2000 2:54 pm ET
by should have played along
Error 404
The webpage cannot be found
Check out this porn site
Haiku # 4465, September 26, 2000 11:33 am ET
by Dave of San Diego
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