How's life as a bum?
Sorry, your kind will never
Inherit the earth
by moo of and that makes me smile
like a car wreck or
some other tabloid event
it sucks for those there
but it sells news don't that the Fox News guy
I speak of there then?
get thee this traitor
to China, herr Sean Hannity
and smite this closet Red
by bs
They should really make
Concentration camps for the
Subhumans like you
by moo of stop breathing my air, vermin
well, maybe a few more
hurricanes later either
the real event or
the drink, will sober
up the satanic pride of
the retired new york
tax cheating, godless
commissar class of the so called
american wet dream
by bs
keeping? berlin wall is
gone, reagan thank God blew
the winds of changing...
by bs
Keeping hiding behind
Your Berlin Wall of nonsense
I hope you die there
by moo
ayn rand I whipe
my ass with her godless tomes
of satanic whore
bashing about with
her capitalistic form of
stalin's dark ideals
by bs
taps fingers all too
gingerly, typing nonsense
till the crew comes in
with haiku shovels...
turn the other geek, make it
so number one, so....
by bs
Why speak of the Lord?
I giveth and I taketh
It's my will not his
by moo (the Lord never gave me shit) of Ayn Rand is the shit
well if you're gonna
be an asshole about your
goods, the lord giveth
the lord taketh all
away, life, time, things, we all
are here for a time...
by bs
sigh...and 4 and 7 and 5
more times haiku...
by bs
I have no use for
the me I am being now
more worthy are
here right now, writing
real haiku about the things
that really matter
by bs
Manual labor
Is beneath me but not you
Now fetch me a drink
by moo
It doesn't mean wealth
It is wealth but don't you fret
It ain't your problem
by moo
better yet, do it
yourself, save time and money
and self respect, hmm?
by bs
I don't like men who
think displaying boats means wealth
I have no use for you
by bs
Not in Florida
Honestly, if you need work
You can scrub yacht
by moo (I think that is befitting a man of your education)
I'm just waiting to
see what he says next, sounds a
bit interestin'
by bs
I dunno elmer
fudd, can't start the lawn mower
in the snow can you?
isn't it winter bob?
wasn't there a big storm splash
right down on us all?
by bs
Yeah, preach on, rain man
But first could you mow my lawn
And take out my trash
by moo
well, if I am a
psycho, I don't care what will
happen to someone
for psychopaths don't
feel any feeling, moral
and don't even feel
by bs
ah, and another
wall street dimwit baking the
books, with his golden
parachute, the color
of pee? another brainless
average mind eh?
by bs
Another psycho
Preaching on a streetcorner
Smile and nod, people
by moo of your future is bright
it feels good because
I don't have to bullshit so
much anymore...for
a bullshit is bull
and bulls moo and shit plops smells
on the dead cold ground
by bs97567
when all is said and
done, if he thinks he won then
I move on, what of
win-win...pussy mantra?
mormon bullcrap from bald
steves, or some truth told?
by bs
I hate wasting my
time or energy fighting
but I fight to win
isn't that the rote screw
up, two bombs want to be the
bigger bomb, then they
commence to tapping
and as others watch blow each
other up, truly a
damned waste of human
everything, but some will just
keep mocking convinced
till broken by God or
pride, laying in bed, spitting
blood from some old wound
by bs
what does one say to
the man who thinks he's a man
with playground instincts
by bs
I'm wondering if
our little neaderthal
has evolved once, or
the goofball lives in
his cave, still drawing paintings
of deer for the hunt
by bs
this is a slow and
painless new beginning or
a shot in the dark...
who knows
by bs
then again some folks
need to realize, I've a taste
for human whoppers
by bs
well there's the alpha
then there is the omega
genesis to rev...
by bs
in Amsterdam's skies
just words his words his art..flies
aloft from a can
by dynamite
You're thirty five, huh?
How's it feel to be on a
Slow, downward decline?
by moo of rubbing my alpha weiner in your omega face
what do you do for
material?? look in the
mirror all day long?
by jahahaha
Gee that's creative
Get a job or something, man
You're wasting away
by moo of the cow jokes never get old
that comes from a moo???
haha moo moo squirt and chop
where's the beef junior?
by food chains..jahaha
Some people should know
Where they stand in the food chain
BS, you're plankton
by moo of OWNED
sidewalk, homeless spits
foot contacts frozen spit, slips
good morning, black eye
by vince of lies and say i got it from a fight
honored to have met
insulted by denial
going to my head
by on papier
if you were a fruit
what would you be, hoping not
poems about trees
by bs
men, you march to the
sound of beating drums but the
heart is she ignored?
by bs
starving and pretty
she keeps faith in the system
men will take her out
by vince
maybe if I were dead
then I wouldn't have to hear
the thoughts and ideas
of alpha males, bosses
mothers, fathers, presidents goes
by bs
I wonder if the
point would be gotten with one
haiku, not three
by bs
snap fingers, snow melts
snap fingers, nothing happens, then
snap fingers, shovelled...
by bs
I'm afraid dr. phil
would kick "alpha" male ass if
he just so had to...
take some diction, cow
by bs
frozen tree-sicles
all is trapped beneath, embalmed...
oh so symbolic.
[or is it just ironic?]
by Liza Lot of after the icestorm
If only I could
make teleportation a
reality.... *sigh*
by snail
emerald green son
flavor of the fields come one
seeds will wake again
by up up up up
you never did give
I deserve big points for that
obey he says...shit
by love is a temple