Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 69 Days and 77470 Haiku later...

I'm afraid dr. phil
would kick "alpha" male ass if
he just so had to...

take some diction, cow
Haiku # 42939, December 22, 2008 9:04 am ET
by bs
frozen tree-sicles
all is trapped beneath, embalmed...
oh so symbolic.

[or is it just ironic?]
Haiku # 42938, December 22, 2008 8:32 am ET
by Liza Lot of after the icestorm
If only I could
make teleportation a
reality.... *sigh*
Haiku # 42937, December 22, 2008 6:31 am ET
by snail
emerald green son
flavor of the fields come one
seeds will wake again
Haiku # 42936, December 22, 2008 3:32 am ET
by up up up up
you never did give
I deserve big points for that
obey he says...shit
Haiku # 42935, December 22, 2008 3:27 am ET
by love is a temple
nice message there pal
I'm ignorant..not stupid
just to clarify
Haiku # 42934, December 22, 2008 3:22 am ET
by talkin to the box
can't contain that note
life is trying to break free
gone over the edge
Haiku # 42933, December 22, 2008 3:15 am ET
by somebody forgot to wake gravity
I do enjoy will
savoring it til the last drop
how much do you charge
Haiku # 42932, December 22, 2008 2:57 am ET
by on the road again
at last! to find one
more truly peaceful than I.
my heart swells with joy.
Haiku # 42931, December 22, 2008 1:51 am ET
by Liza Lot of [and yet it is harder in practice than in theory]
Let us all find love
for our friends and enemies
even when it hurts.
Haiku # 42930, December 22, 2008 1:46 am ET
by snail
spend your time hating
thus waste your time on others.

your inspiration:
artificial, takes up space
try minding your own.

[maybe then your writing wouldn't be so bad]
Haiku # 42929, December 22, 2008 1:30 am ET
by Liza Lot of too bitter for my taste
75 years,
average sleep--8 hours:
25 years lost

[better to spend it doing something you like]
Haiku # 42928, December 22, 2008 1:19 am ET
by Liza Lot
Thank you Doctor Phil
Any more pearls of wisdom
You would like to share?
Haiku # 42927, December 22, 2008 1:04 am ET
by moo
Thank you Doctor Phil
Any more pearls of wisdom
You would like to share?
Haiku # 42926, December 22, 2008 1:04 am ET
by moo
Thank you Doctor Phil
Any more pearls of wisdom
You would like to share?
Haiku # 42925, December 22, 2008 1:04 am ET
by moo
my lucid dream tasks:
invent a brand new color,
learn to teleport

meet my spirit guide,
watch the universe be born,
learn to time travel

fly through outer space,
visit another planet,
explore deep-ocean

converse with a tree,
travel with whales through the clouds,
fly through a blackhole

[become the size of a cell, and explore everythings insides]
Haiku # 42924, December 22, 2008 1:03 am ET
by Liza Lot
easy to focus on, yet
makes life mis-rable

takes effort to look for, yet
yields inspiration
Haiku # 42923, December 22, 2008 12:58 am ET
by Liza Lot of wishing this were more poignantly written
I am a man throwing
words at this website like a
pissed heckler throwing toms

at a bad comedy sketch
Haiku # 42922, December 21, 2008 11:33 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
to tell you the truth
who the hell are the people
on line really, just

here all one hears is
words, words and words, and more words
and to get off on
Haiku # 42921, December 21, 2008 11:30 pm ET
by bs
spawn at the bottom
of a cesspool as rotten
as the inbreeding

of certain well respected
families in the higher echelons
of retardation
Haiku # 42920, December 21, 2008 11:28 pm ET
by bs
I hate people who
try to intimidate
for I form fantasies

in my mind and I
would not want to act
on those fantasies

for they are juvenile
Haiku # 42919, December 21, 2008 11:27 pm ET
by bs
columbine...alpha males
said something to two freaks then
bang bang bang bang bang...

Haiku # 42918, December 21, 2008 11:26 pm ET
by bs
the last alpha male
who spoke to me now thinks
he is a song bird
Haiku # 42917, December 21, 2008 11:25 pm ET
by bs
why do I want to
put anyone who calls their
status alpha male

into a wheelchair?
Haiku # 42916, December 21, 2008 11:23 pm ET
by bs
no, good does not win
exsistence would cease for sure
balance and equate
Haiku # 42915, December 21, 2008 8:41 pm ET
by it is simpler than people think.peace is the end
I am no bully
Just an alpha male flexing
And now we shall mate
Haiku # 42914, December 21, 2008 8:39 pm ET
by moo of our spawn shall be beautiful and strong as well
In the end, good wins.
The bullies only triumph
for a little while.
Haiku # 42913, December 21, 2008 8:29 pm ET
by snail
feelings elevate
expanded lungs clear thought lines
and then I see air
Haiku # 42912, December 21, 2008 8:21 pm ET
by inspiration
oh my malakai
where for out thou malakai
passion for hath died??
Haiku # 42911, December 21, 2008 7:54 pm ET
by mamma~ DOES ~dance..
If I were..this meat
I would be rotted and stinky
you would run and cry
Haiku # 42910, December 21, 2008 7:39 pm ET
by I do that
Don't you cock block me
With your inane gibberish
I'm workin here, ass
Haiku # 42909, December 21, 2008 7:39 pm ET
by moo of she wants to talk to me not you
You're a piece of meat
I'll taste every inch of you
You'll love my hot sauce
Haiku # 42908, December 21, 2008 7:35 pm ET
by moo
tom and jerry toons
remember the good and bad???
you got both..I know

angel on the right
swing your partner round and round
devil on the left
Haiku # 42907, December 21, 2008 7:34 pm ET
by yin and yang make gray
we are all a piece
elemental life puzzle
and..we are not gods
Haiku # 42906, December 21, 2008 7:31 pm ET
by pastor turns me on
when the words set down
on paper or digital
who wins, the ass or

the overly down and
out sensitive putz, evil
usually wins this
Haiku # 42905, December 21, 2008 7:31 pm ET
by bs
I ams what I ams
even when he eats spinach
that's all that he is
Haiku # 42904, December 21, 2008 7:28 pm ET
by popeye and the great smoking pipe
Am I a mystic,
a theologian, or one
who both feels and thinks?
Haiku # 42903, December 21, 2008 7:00 pm ET
by snail
abbott, costello
the great existential joke
who, what, I dunno?
Haiku # 42902, December 21, 2008 6:25 pm ET
by bs
did when become why
however speaking of then
it looks better now..
Haiku # 42901, December 21, 2008 5:47 pm ET
by garlic loves butter
isn't nothing true
or everything permissable
or is it the other way around
Haiku # 42900, December 21, 2008 5:44 pm ET
by hassan i who?
I wallow in it
self pity...not moving still
remaining small town same
Haiku # 42899, December 21, 2008 5:42 pm ET
by bs
what, I need to take
drugs to write something big time blast?
I'm shucked as it is...

brain open oyster to
scoop it out, suck it down and
throw away that there shell
Haiku # 42898, December 21, 2008 5:41 pm ET
by bs
moove it on over
slide it on over...moove on over galloway a mean

old cow is moving
Haiku # 42897, December 21, 2008 5:28 pm ET
by bs
I have to admit
when I lose my temper it's a nice verb snapshot

gives me a chance to
perhaps see how silly it
is for just myself
Haiku # 42896, December 21, 2008 5:26 pm ET
by bs
nice one garlic, I
think, but is one unholy
cow worth the black meat?
Haiku # 42895, December 21, 2008 5:25 pm ET
by bs
in the heat of some
momentary cliche, it
just might end in dross

it might end in bang
it might end in snore, the soil
is tilled with tares grown
Haiku # 42894, December 21, 2008 5:24 pm ET
by bs
I'm thirty five and
I feel like this now, juvenile
stunted and silly
Haiku # 42893, December 21, 2008 5:16 pm ET
by bs
black shoes with coal dust
printed ideas left behind
shoes were black before
Haiku # 42892, December 21, 2008 5:05 pm ET
by garlic
Your pain is shallow
I felt the exact same way
When I was fifteen
Haiku # 42891, December 21, 2008 4:44 pm ET
by moo
when are haiku's good
who gives a shit, it's our blood
you might as well say

that a child should die
in the womb, it's life is worthless
carrion, afterbirth

vultures ripping at
your unwanted unborn retards
think about that next time

you wanna be fucking critic
Haiku # 42890, December 21, 2008 4:20 pm ET
by bs
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