i ignored this place
for years when it was gone to
space moxie drinks moods
by black sheep
finally good snow
packs nicely perfect play
sunshine too today
by i like it that way
no inspiration
maybe next year will do it
this one sure didn't
by ash
to itch is a bitch
philosopher's stone is pet tympany oh love!!!! ??
by above mine a sunrise..did you hear, I did, she said,and smiled
what a Festivus
It was for the rest of us
the pole unadorned
by technokoi of Venice Beach
they complain and fight
they hate, put each other down
why not just embrace?
by enough already..go to time out all of you
More than one year back
Promised to post again soon
Took more than I thought
by R. of PT
found this place online
so why am I so afraid
why can't help be ...strong
by vomit
the well is not dry
and a piece of it fell on....
the sky is not falling
by thwap.. funny sound
great: "science goes boink"
phantastic teddy tiger
kidding all the time
by Austrian
calvin and hobbes
tears of joy in my eyes
soo cute and funny
by Austrian Comic Reader of Austria
Unsolved Mystery.
Biggest in the Universe.
Not Big Bang! Women.
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
king crab apple pie
tummy full of happiness
something good of it
by mmmm
my oh my ..eye see
that's a nice watch you have there
what big hands you have
by BITCH bitch bitchy your most highbitchness to u.. LOL
with love to you all
'twas the night before christmas
blessings and great joy
by xoxoxox
a coo-coo is u
me and the mirror with God
the shadow behind
by nobody even saw the vampire
Sometimes I can't take
The Canadian TV
Please please make it end
by Anonymous Poet
i'm sure you don't hear
souls trapped in air-tight coffins
howling for release
by sf
"You devilish man!"
She said with a gleeful voice.
--off to bed we went
by Mean D. of SoCal
Idiotic fool
dissed the local mafia
-bullet in the head.
by Mean D. of SoCal
the best gift ever
is raw appreciation
no return receipt
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
someone throw a shoe
was catting around so hard
broke the night again
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
somewhere I can't be
you've got me bent babe you see
lemondrop troubles
by shhhhhhhh..
cat is furious
cyclone of claws razor teeth
I don't have a cat
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
Love Tito's Taco's
Greasy goodness runs down chin
from unabashed grin
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
i powder coat the
mortuary's charred remains
these hands don't tremble
by sf
in matters of the heart
I painted them with glitter
hang them on my tree
by all I want is a room somehwere
yeah I'm just so bored
I ate too much food today
and now I feel FAT
JUST one..to the world
but to that one person you ..may be their whole world
by whole breads and kisses from SANTA
hope life
well for you u
2 well it is happy :)
only love :)
by Anonymous Poet
peter pan will crow
angry at wendy lady
fucks tinker bell hard
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
life is dancing bad
fuck being a wallflower
smack an ass or two
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
slowly sipped on ice
sweet american honey
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
why the north pole melts:
it's not caused by greenhouse gas,
it's elf-forge waste heat
by scotch of up your chimney
science killed santa,
but science will bring him back!
leave milk and fuel rods
by scotch
sorry about that -
damn curly apostrophes!
i'll stick to ASCII
by Anonymous Poet
blaze a brand new trail,
avoid the trite...why bother?
death's the last cliche
by scotch
blaze a brand new trail,
avoid the trite...why bother?
by scotch of grrr
blaze a brand new trail,
avoid the trite
by scotchfaster
blaze a brand new trail,
avoid the trite
by scotchfaster
Six pack of beer flows
Through a funnel and rubber hose.
Downed it like a pro.
All the kids now watch
As I stumble and falter.
--I just made their night.
Again, I'm the fool.
Playing it for all to see
Maybe, they'll like me.
by Mean D. of SoCal
Present from the dog
On the steam-cleaned carpet floor.
--$200 wasted.
by Mean D. of SoCal
to maj:
thank you...my ideas
are pedestrian and I
forget real life times
sometimes I tell bad
jokes to break up work, to get
told "he must be stopped"
by black sheep of to merlot and nachos
an open book test
voyeurs confidants and freinds
pages stuck together
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
comrades behind me
I walked on into the night
Mondays not so much
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
some days are kind
marked with a wish of friendship
nothing else matters
by icing on the cake 19963
anybody there?
out there? a vast ocean and
not a connection
by lost cat on a styrofoam board in the middle of the atlantic
no motivation
excitement is yesterday
much rather to sleep
by and so ..this sucks ass
deplorable poise
overwhelming acceptance
kind of backwards..yes?
by underwear is fun to wear
If your name was Wang
And my name was also Wang
We would be two Wangs!
by Wang Dongle of Dangling