Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

Won't pick me to dance,
Fill her shoes with broken glass,
Never dance again!!
Haiku # 34284, February 2, 2006 4:42 pm ET
by office jockey
my sister dancin
shes as sweet as apple pie
her titties bouncin
Haiku # 34283, February 2, 2006 4:37 pm ET
by Billy-Bob of Arkansas
Morecambe. It is cold.
There is nothing to do there.
But laugh at old folk...
Haiku # 34282, February 2, 2006 4:34 pm ET
by Mr Titties of England
Rose-pink silk unfolds
its gentle, dreamy softness.
A goat vagina.
Haiku # 34281, February 2, 2006 4:32 pm ET
by The Beast Master
"Poo Man" my name is.
I smell sweet, of sewerage.
Kiss me, I taste brown.
Haiku # 34280, February 2, 2006 4:28 pm ET
by Mrs Titties of England
restraining order
rules are made to be broken
so are sexy girls
Haiku # 34279, February 2, 2006 4:26 pm ET
by office jockey
There's nothing quite like,
the satisfaction one gains,
from kicking a child.
Haiku # 34278, February 2, 2006 4:25 pm ET
by MrTitties of England
The buttocks of love,
squatting in defecation,
blast my dead heart out.
Haiku # 34277, February 2, 2006 4:24 pm ET
by Mr Happy of enjoy
Eating sausages.
They are good in my tummy.
I am the sausage man.
Haiku # 34276, February 2, 2006 4:19 pm ET
by MrsTitties of England
mum can swear like dad.
dad can swear like grandad can.
grandad just swears: "FUCK!"
Haiku # 34275, February 2, 2006 4:17 pm ET
by MrsTitties of England
Malice grits its pain,
gapes, convulses and spews out
a putrefied demon.
Haiku # 34274, February 2, 2006 4:12 pm ET
by Mr Happy
redundancy pay
"take up a hobby", they said
bought me a rifle!
Haiku # 34273, February 2, 2006 4:09 pm ET
by office jockey
This sharpened moment
prises open a dark thought,
my soul a fulcrum.
Beaten to a pulp,
my haiku lies in the ditch
with its throat torn out.
As my mind decays,
Bad Haiku picks the skull clean
to pure polished bone.
Haiku # 34272, February 2, 2006 4:06 pm ET
by Mr Happy
tired eyes, itchy beard.
maybe i should shave it off.
to stop all the crumbs.
Haiku # 34271, February 2, 2006 3:57 pm ET
by MrTitties of England
Recycle mouth-wash.
One bottle will last for years
if you are careful.
Haiku # 34270, February 2, 2006 2:29 pm ET
by smelly joe
coffee machine slut.
sexy, dirty, caffeine buzz,
gets me through the day.
Haiku # 34269, February 2, 2006 11:36 am ET
by office jockey
managing my time
I "manage" to live by not
accounting for life
Haiku # 34268, February 2, 2006 10:27 am ET
by office jockey
The taste of warm milk
reminds me of my mother.
I need a cuddle.
Haiku # 34267, February 2, 2006 10:04 am ET
by normal
I like getting sick,
because I do so enjoy
getting well again.
Haiku # 34266, February 1, 2006 6:56 pm ET
by Mr Happy
Pumping way too hard,
she vomits all down my back.
Channelled by butt crack.
Haiku # 34265, February 1, 2006 6:26 pm ET
by Lost Boy
Facing life
Haiku # 34264, February 1, 2006 6:17 pm ET
by Mr Happy
The bathroom mirror
shows me the place where I will die.
Haiku # 34263, February 1, 2006 6:15 pm ET
by Mr Happy
A little white face
whimpering in the darkness.
I love my mother.
Haiku # 34262, February 1, 2006 5:42 pm ET
by normal
Looking back fondly
Through all the precious archives
Grandma has a cock
Haiku # 34261, February 1, 2006 3:52 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
This is where it
Haiku # 34260, February 1, 2006 11:16 am ET
by The Beast Master
Maws feedin the hens
My sister smiles over at me
an I go all shy
Haiku # 34259, February 1, 2006 11:05 am ET
by Billy-Bob of Arkansas
I just learned something.
you put your thumb in your ass
and it feels real nice
Haiku # 34258, February 1, 2006 11:02 am ET
by Billy-Bob of Arkansas
As i said... 34177
a walk through the dump.
Will I ever learn_? to spell
Haiku # 34257, February 1, 2006 10:50 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
As i said... 34177
a walk theough the dump.
Will I wvwe learn_?
Haiku # 34256, February 1, 2006 10:50 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Like a razor through
the throat of a dead baby,
My dick splits her meat.
Haiku # 34255, February 1, 2006 10:35 am ET
by Lost Boy
oh my dear supine
love me tender, love me true
till the end of time
Haiku # 34254, February 1, 2006 7:43 am ET
by elvis in dah house
Amazing, the smells
Pushing a pea with my nose
Keeps me close to ground
Haiku # 34253, February 1, 2006 7:03 am ET
by Someone
So convoluted
Logorrhoea what is it?
Verbal diarrhea
Haiku # 34252, February 1, 2006 6:59 am ET
by Unenviable curiosity
born last century
growing old disgracefully
pumping out haiku
Haiku # 34251, February 1, 2006 1:05 am ET
by ash (condensed)
trust us we're poets
logorrhoea rules the site
take our words for it
Haiku # 34250, February 1, 2006 1:03 am ET
by ash
The Fly DVD...
What's better than big man-fly?
Well, Geena Davis.
Haiku # 34249, February 1, 2006 12:59 am ET
by Frank Grimes
Playing as Jack sucks
Kong is where it's at, sucka
Apes = better
Haiku # 34248, February 1, 2006 12:57 am ET
by Frank Grimes
The Prince of Persia
Using his dagger of time...
Gotta save the girl
Haiku # 34247, February 1, 2006 12:53 am ET
by Frank Grimes
scratched, screeched, scrounged, squelched, straights
Long and beautiful
Haiku # 34246, February 1, 2006 12:50 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
I'll take spots for $400
Used for marking their range
What is urine? Yes!
Haiku # 34245, February 1, 2006 12:33 am ET
by Leopardy
Tingling fire hurts bad
Puckered hole, capsiacin
Damn habanero
Haiku # 34244, February 1, 2006 12:12 am ET
by Chilihead of toilet
i'm real good humid
especially when condensed
the thought makes me drip
Haiku # 34243, February 1, 2006 12:04 am ET
by ash
Depression, sex, rap
Sarcasm, anger
Haiku # 34242, January 31, 2006 11:58 pm ET
by Bad Haiku, condensed
Camel lights' sweet smoke
light another, take a drink
It's been a bad night.
Haiku # 34241, January 31, 2006 11:37 pm ET
by Amaranth
Burning in my gut
But not the kind friends may think
Bottled emotions
Haiku # 34240, January 31, 2006 11:03 pm ET
by Frank Grimes
Frustration abounds
Same ol' thing with nothing new
Life stuck on repeat
Haiku # 34239, January 31, 2006 11:01 pm ET
by Frank Grimes
Hatred in my bones
How do you release anger
Without murdering?
Haiku # 34238, January 31, 2006 10:59 pm ET
by Frank Grimes
"Saigon, shit!" "Surf or fight!"
"Tiger, ahhhhh!," arrows, weird men
"Lance!" "The horror!" Fire
Haiku # 34237, January 31, 2006 9:02 pm ET
by Apocalypse Now, condensed
Sarah Conner? [BAM]
"He will not stop!" "All be bachh"
"Reese!" "Die you fucker!"
Haiku # 34236, January 31, 2006 9:00 pm ET
by Terminator I, condensed
F*^%! F%^&*!, F%#%$. F^$%#, F#$%$&.
Say hewwo to my leetta frenn
Haiku # 34235, January 31, 2006 7:53 pm ET
by Scarface, condensed
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