fucking Keruouac
dilettante zen pretender
your haiku sucks ass
by sexually frustrated
depressed teenage girl
uses my pubes like kleenex
to console herself.
by sexually frustrated
bulk haiku guru
shall cleanse this page until all
of you disappear
by sexually frustrated
light in the loafers
always hard to tell who's the
bull and who's the bitch.
by sexually frustrated
pity the pregant
fat with hormonal raging
no one will fuck her
by sexually frustrated
childbirth on tv
weirdly erotic how screams
can make me aroused.
by sexually frustrated
you just nod and smile
by midnight she's riding your
nuts like your Brad Pitt
by sexually frustrated
a test drive is key
saved herself for marriage but
he's awfully small
by sexually frustrated
hot for her nostrils
a day dream of snot sucking
courses through my head
by sexually frustrated
strangely colored stains
remind her of night's passion
more dirty laundry
by sexually frustrated
first time in county
clutching to a bar of soap
with all of his strength.
by sexually frustrated
plays in slow motion
he tries to savor every
J. Lo gyration
by sexually frustrated
mr forgery strikes again
all of the preceding were not mine
they definitely lack my refinement
but keep on keepin on mr. forgery
you'll hit paydirt some time
by sexually frustrated the one and only
easter's on its way
psycho eggs, cool, but
monster rabbits creep me out.
by mondongo of rio abajo
conscripted labor
abhorring every minute
where is my love now?
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
rock hill here i come
must be the luckiest girl
hizzy-shiz, im out
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
by sexually frustrated
Stay out of my mind
Leave me you know you are bad
Stay away from me
by sexually frustrated
self help groups, like Al-
Anon or CODA often
can help with your ails
by its true, check it out:)
soundless friction of
two bodies in endless dance
lost in time's romance
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
as I said, some are not worth it
it would be better if they had
never been
by Anonymous Poet
women often have
members of their gender
who have double standards
no man can comprehend
or even desire to match
and death will set him free
by Mox
not worth it? but low,
such times will surely pass. time
will prove this true
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
it's not worth it
by Anonymous Poet
mother's milk is al-
ways the best source of good in
my cereal son
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
I would like to say
that i never meant to ac-
cuse Lips for attacks
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
dances around wild
like some off course wind-up top
wee flaps in the wind
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
The moyle cut too deep
Now my prick won
by sexually frustrated
Sorry everyone
Got carried away with hate
by sexually frustrated
The answer is you
Not others external faults
Time for reflection
by William Nippress
Hoping fresh passion
Finding only new insults
Blindly lashing out
by William Nippress
Odious towers
Bleat of mediocrity
Souls brokenhearted
by William Nippress
On the borderlands
Cobbled together wordsmiths
Imposing on us
by William Nippress
Five sets of twenty
Full of dire crap and insults
Get a physiatrist
by William Nippress
rubix cube you make
me want to take you and throw
you in a big fire
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
the tetris master,
she truly amazes me,
in so many ways.
by Cornea Pete
stupid roomate cant
seem to ever go away
or her boyfriend too
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
male pattern baldness,
the bane of my manager,
yet he pulls it out.
by Cornea Pete and friends
truly bad haiku
belong on another site
oh, the pain, the pain.......
by ash
isnt it sad when
someone you thought was great is
really just stupid?
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
i would like say
sorry to those who must now
read this here page, :(
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
it does matter, if
its someone I know, other-
wise, you are correct
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
fuck this shit, i'm out
got mad shorties to holla
at fo shiz my niz
by bye you stupid fucking bitch, better not see your dumb ass on here when i come back, or i'll bitch slap ignorant ass back to gra
why dont you both get
a damn life, and go fuck each
others socks off
by stupid retards
makes no difference
who's saying this shit because
you're a babbling bitch
by this ho bores me
that let us be known
by edit
you may be right but
we all have aliases
that let be known
(i dont see you stopping either, sockin punk)
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
stupid ho, we're all
anonymous up in this
mo fo fo shiz
by she forrest gump dumb
people who cant face
the person they speak to must
be cowards and gay
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy