Sorry everyone
Got carried away with hate
by sexually frustrated
The answer is you
Not others external faults
Time for reflection
by William Nippress
Hoping fresh passion
Finding only new insults
Blindly lashing out
by William Nippress
Odious towers
Bleat of mediocrity
Souls brokenhearted
by William Nippress
On the borderlands
Cobbled together wordsmiths
Imposing on us
by William Nippress
Five sets of twenty
Full of dire crap and insults
Get a physiatrist
by William Nippress
rubix cube you make
me want to take you and throw
you in a big fire
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
the tetris master,
she truly amazes me,
in so many ways.
by Cornea Pete
stupid roomate cant
seem to ever go away
or her boyfriend too
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
male pattern baldness,
the bane of my manager,
yet he pulls it out.
by Cornea Pete and friends
truly bad haiku
belong on another site
oh, the pain, the pain.......
by ash
isnt it sad when
someone you thought was great is
really just stupid?
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
i would like say
sorry to those who must now
read this here page, :(
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
it does matter, if
its someone I know, other-
wise, you are correct
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
fuck this shit, i'm out
got mad shorties to holla
at fo shiz my niz
by bye you stupid fucking bitch, better not see your dumb ass on here when i come back, or i'll bitch slap ignorant ass back to gra
why dont you both get
a damn life, and go fuck each
others socks off
by stupid retards
makes no difference
who's saying this shit because
you're a babbling bitch
by this ho bores me
that let us be known
by edit
you may be right but
we all have aliases
that let be known
(i dont see you stopping either, sockin punk)
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
stupid ho, we're all
anonymous up in this
mo fo fo shiz
by she forrest gump dumb
people who cant face
the person they speak to must
be cowards and gay
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
this flapper mouth bitch
can't stop perpetuating
adolescent shit
by she needs a man for shiz
why are we waiting?
waiting for this play to end.
there's good company.
by Cornea Pete
lips thinks hes quick, but
maybe he not under a
differnt dumb name
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
i bet cornea
thinks your a dumb ignorant
ho for shiz
by the dumb ho writes on
such a fun game, do
you play like this often, can
we go somewhere dark
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
i'll patronize you
all night long ho cause you just
can't seem to shut
by bitch makes a mockery of english languag
my three blue ninjas,
and two green and blue goldfish,
a wonderful day.
by Cornea Pete
and evidently
neither do you except to
patronize me now
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
sitting next to me,
sweet and beautiful maiden,
my heart beats faster.
by Cornea Pete
god your fuckin dumb
you just don't shut the hell up
you've nothing to say
by somebody tranquilize this bitch
im so proud of you
you like to pick at little
things, feel better?
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
so far ive not seen
one thing so as to deem me
stupid, besides you
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
you mean "eloquent"
stupid illiterate ho
fuckin learn spell
by you didn't graduate middle school did you ho
thanks for your eloquient
speech, we should all clap and bow
down at your great wit
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
no need to get drunk
i'm inebriated by
your stupidity
by lets all watch the dumb ho do her thing
sigh, some people have
nothing better to do than
piss off everyone
by lissle lauren that be of under your bed, little boy
lets all get wasted
omg so fun, and puke
on your momma's couch
by lissle lauren that be of damn, stupid people suck..haahaa, too bad they are everywhere
this bitch is so dumb
has to write paragraphs to
get her point across
by this defensive ho's really funny
i love how much these
people take a joke website
so seriously
i can say what I want
good english or not, bad haiku
means bad haiku, son
so ill sock all i
care to, vibrator in hand
dumbass if only you could
count youd see that vib-
rat-tor is three syl-a-bles
and not two, so *mmosh*
by lissle lauren that be of you wish you knew, dont you
get drunk or something
go find a man to fuck your
lonely brains out girl
by this is so sad
for shiz? you think your
smart, when the battery in
my vib'rators dead
by lissle lauren that be of biaotch my cunt then
what's this bitch's prob
cunt needs a vibrator to
shut her dumbass up
by god this ho needs to get a life and learn to speak english
she eats the moon with
honey lips, and licks the pas-
sion from her fingers
by lissle lauren that be of somewhere in your smile
goddamn!goddamn! God-
Damn, its true, this kinda fun
no more war shiz, putzes
by lissle lauren that be of somewhere in your smile
at nine o'clock i'll
call, be told not now, and then
wonder why im bored
by lissle lauren that be of somewhere in your smile
time for a revo-
lution, shizzo, stunna, and
lips, where did you go
by lissle lauren that be of somewhere in your smile
You kids are all same.
trtyin to fucking sound smart.
try using "GODDAMN"
by Lips McCoy