Our obesity we wear
Like an American flag
Rice cakes our the foe.
by sexually frustrated
If we lose weight
Stop filling our fat faces
The terrorists win.
by sexually frustrated
We do not fight fair
But bad mouth the Iraqis
For breaking the rules.
by sexually frustrated
Easy to be brave
Having superior weapons
This is courageous?
by sexually frustrated
I get the feeling
That the ignorant rednecks
Our running this war.
by sexually frustrated
Why do our generals
All have thick redneck accents?
It's quite frightening.
by sexually frustrated
We just don't realize
That we shall reap no rewards
From this dumb campaign.
by sexually frustrated
Those Pentagon guys
Continue their chest beating
They'll lie at all costs.
by sexually frustrated
Look at our forces
Hiding behind tanks and planes
They fight like women.
by sexually frustrated
Those prisoners of war
Now have electrodes attached
To their testicles
by sexually frustrated
When our troops our dead
I'll ejaculate into
My soiled underwear.
by sexually frustrated
george wallace is god...
what bird brain shot him anyhow?
he is god, like m and m candies are
by Richard G. Larson of Springfield,IL
mango, the monkey boy is gone,
i love him, he is my lover,
i am richard larson of springfield..
by Richard "Wankstah" Larson of Springfield, IL
jibba jabba
dis is good
by Anonymous Poet
cops got em
where wankstah' and tUpAc and Jabba da Hood, and Phelix da Phat?
by Anonymous Poet
respect our viet cong captors
from that war, they tortured us,
real nice and good-like
Monkey boy,
where are you,
my soul mate
by Richard G. Larson of Springfield, Illinois
by Richard Whiznant Keith of Scungo, WA
by Richard Whiznant Keith of Scungo, WA
I am a bad person,
everyone should hate me,
Dont talk to me
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
bush is a robot
bush is the robot
bush is YOUR robot
by Anonymous Poet
Sheila Newton, evil, deceitful
Awful mom and person in general
Why is she still here?
by Anonymous Poet
From what you imply
You believe that Bush can think?
You have been mislead
by A Student of Jibber Jabber
On every channel
It's war twenty-four/seven.
God bless my porn tapes!
by Bubba Zephyr
Sheila Newton, left her kids
What a horrible person,
Maybe she will burn...
by Anonymous Poet
Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
Silly whore,
Look what you did
by Anonymous Poet
surrounded by baloney sammiches,
oh wait a minute,
thats just iraqis...hahahaha
by richard larson of stinkyfield, illinois
sadam not antichrist
sadam is too stupid to fight
by richard larson of sptinkyfield illinois
sadam is not antichrist
sadam not smart enough to be
by richard larson of stinkfield, Il
The 5th Dimension
sang "What goes up, must come down"
That goes for flak too.
by Bubba Zephyr
Soon, our fickle world
will forget the war and say
"Change the channel please"
by Bubba Zephyr of Chicago
Dub and Dick on the
Road To Baghdad like Bob and
Bing without the laughs
by onjaysun (and Saddam in that little Dorothy Lamour burqa number)
We went to war for no reason,
Economics maybe
No reason to kill innocents...
by Richard G. Larson of Springfield, Illnois
Dubya, dubya in the house,
Wearin Saddam's little blouse,
Respectin each others mothers
by Richard G. Larson of Springfield, Illinois
Actually, that's bull
Maggie thatcher was not nice
But I object to
British involvement
The yanks will kill our soldiers
Just like the last time
by Talib of Caged freedom
Greetings dear Janice
Sorry about the war flames
by William Nippress
I wish that you all
Would go easy on the hate
It harshes my buzz
by Janis of Toronto
War is indeed hell
Did no one realize this?
Are people surprised?
by Janis of Toronto
I'd rather be lead
By a very evil man
Than a hypocrite
by A Student of No yanks will be tried for war crimes because Bush ignores international law
jingoism is
another form of brainwash-
ing, think for yourselves!
by xcdoht775400 tiki dah
But then the sanctions
Screwed Iraq up quite a lot
And were illegal
by A Student of "He ignores UN resolutions, so we shall too."
Emaciated time line
Much to do so little time
Need a time machine
by William Nippress
You're winning the war
But it's not against Saddam
It is against you
by A Student of Saddam is a bad man, George is a hypocrite
Like all old friends should
We have to point out when you
Have so lost your way
by William Nippress
Look at it this way
You will need more protection
To come from the state
by A Student of You privilegs will be reduced
I put my name on
I believe in what I say
Got, guts, so put yours
by William Nippress
What makes you think I
by William Nippress
You misunderstood
I agree with what you said
Except sucking cock
by William Nippress
Barefoot In Meadow
Came To Very Sudden Stop
Stepped In Fresh Cow Flop.
by Billbard of Florida USA
Anyone that cheers
The death of US soldiers
Is quite ignorant.
Janis - is there a way you can
remove my haikus from this site?
I no longer wish to be a part
of such anti-american blarg.
by kackarott