happy halloween
to all my haiku friends
play a few good tricks.
by tiger of vegas
old Martha Stewart?
she gets slammed with fraud charges
yeah, "it's a good thing"
by heh heh
trick or treat haiku
seems spirits can't count at all
sugar overload
by whoops r us
spirit's gone a haunting
cut holes in white cloth and be
three sheets to the wind
by Boston gal et al
My graduation
party, an old family friend
whispered three little
words for success in
the future... "Nigerian
Commission Money"
by onjaysun (son of a beloved but disposed leader)
jack just grins and stares
on this cold October night
glowing in the dark
by howsyourweenie
frost tightens a twig
one leaf falls then another
white light through the clouds
by mount madonna mama
Amsterdam hoertje
Sits in her kamer reading
She's mind-fucking you
by titus wong
kevin bacon linked
to al-queda in six steps
onion blooms again
by scotch
autoerotic vinyl death
by AVD
model behavior
a good thing for prisoners,
not so for models
by scotch (oh well, i had fun)
the moon performs on schedule
ordained by nature
by Anonymous Poet
could it be jack frost
relentlessly coloring
orange on his sleeve
by perfect New England day
it's not the moon's fault
that nature succumbs, love blooms
and poet's dribble
by ...or is it?
worn old threads of wool
on the backs of naked sheep
my itchy sweater
~on a cold October day
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Tranquility Base
here, Gramps was right,looks like a
'64 Cheddar
by onjaysun
serenade to love?
instead it's just a space trip
dusty rock above
by A. Musing
ah, beautiful moon
solemn, wise, silent, alone
above all, blameless
by Boston gal
good one, onjaysun
cleverness in bad haiku
appreciate it
by heh heh
As for protesting,
I am against it but have
no way to show it.
by onjaysun (thx MH)
the little black dog
snores softly, its blind eye
watching dreams go by
by Gwenhyfar
A crisp cold fall day
A needed morning coffee
Fails to wake me
by Janis of Toronto
with mangled english
americans spell funny
not haha but strange
by ash
haunted traveler
spectre of quiet anguish
the lady in grey
by Anonymous Poet
Udupis, Dhosas,
Idlis, Chutney, Samosas,
Uthappam, Yum-yum!
by Dr. Claw of ???
invisible moon
cloaked within folds of darkness
orphan of heaven
by Gwenhyfar
now, cats have nine lives
(or so the story is told)
"ain't fair", says Rover
by on a lighter note r us
time rushes headlong
watching my parents grow old
helpless to stop it
by whaddya gonna do r us
under a wood bridge
beggars sleep in cold night air
entangled in wine
by grateful not to be homeless r us
his rum glass empties
evening becomes uncertain
children hesitate
by Gwenhyfar remembers
counting down the days
till bad haiku turns age six
four-teen days to go
by some internet chick
and I dont know why
but its quite a silly thing
go ahead and laugh
by some internet chick
thats not really true
Sorry I do really hate frog
'Fraid of them more like
by some internet chick
not saying bad things
about the slimmy green frogs
I also like frogs
by some internet chick
no disrespect chick,
I just respect how frogs look,
and also pussy
by Anonymous Poet
frogs are ok, don't laugh,
if your pussy was green and
wet, how would IT look?
by Anonymous Poet
butterflies floating
flowers in bloom ready to pick
how I long for spring
by some internet chick
all green and slimmy,
beadie eyes and full of warts,
the frog hops around
by some ineternet chick
something about the
seasons passing, some Goddess
rhythm keeps the time
by Mox
Eyes staring steadfast
Fixed on the road straight ahead
No time for Big Boy
by titus wong
Eyes stare steadfast
Fixed on the road straight ahead
No time for Big Boy
by titus wong
Taking far too long
To pass this tractor trailer
Stupid Toyota!
by titus wong
Raindrops torn to shreds
By wind whipping through fast lane
Driving 'gainst the rain
by titus wong
make sure that you shoot
Kenny G twice just to make
sure that he is dead
by k
Hitler, Saddam and
Kenny G in one room you
have two bullets, so?
by k
war is peace, hate is
love, sex is evil..Big Bro's
is an elephant!
by onjaysun
not just a nightmare
it's happening somewhere now
time to wake up, jane
by ash
last night same nightmare
twice occured and forced awake
visions of war, death
by Jane of Princeton of Boston
chill, internet chick
don't go and turn all moxie
grandma has a cock
by ash
ive been ignored? This
is a good one! From one who
wrote a paragraph
by k of Ks Bait Shop...Just Troll Right In!